The above described premises are sold and conveyed by the above named grantor and purchased and accepted by the above grantee as evidenced by the payment of said consideration and acceptance of the Deed as lot and may not be sub-divided in less than single lots, and upon, under subject to the following express covenants and conditions and restrictions, which shall run with the land:

  1. The premises hereby conveyed shall be used for residential purposes only. No building shall

shall be erected, altered, places or permitted to remain on the premises hereby conveyed other than one detached single-family dwelling, not to exceed two and one-half stories in height, and a private garage for not more than three cars.

  1. No dwelling shall be erected or placed on any building site having an average width of less

than 75 feet. No building shall be located on any lot nearer than 40 feet to the front lot line, or nearer than 15 feet to any side street line, or nearer than 15 feet to an interior lot line.

  1. Easements for installation and maintenance of utilities and drainage facilities are reserved

over the front and rear 5 feet of each lot.

  1. No structure of a temporary character, trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other out

building shall be used on any lot at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently.

  1. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose.
  2. No lots shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish. Trash, garbage or other waste shall be kept in sanitary containers. No open fires shall be started without a written permit from the Seller.
  3. No individual water supply or sewage disposal system shall be permitted on any lot or building site unless such system is located, constructed and equipped in accordance with the requirements, standards and recommendations of the State or local public health authorities.
  4. No building or structure shall be erected upon the premises hereby conveyed without first obtaining the approval, in writing of the Seller, as to location, elevation, plan and design. Plans, drawn to scale, must be submitted in DUPLICATE for approval. They should show dimensions of lot; lot and section number; location of buildings with respect to lot lines; location of well and septic tank on lot and their locations with respect to wells and septic tanks on adjoining lots, if any. State Board of Health requirements and suggestions are to be followed in these matters. The Seller shall approve or disapprove the said location; elevation plan and design within 15 days after the same have been submitted.
  5. All lots through which a pipe line right of way now passes, or may pass, or whose boundaries are, or may be, within forty feet of the boundaries of such right of way are sold and conveyed under and subject to all easements and rights of way for pipe line or pipe lines as granted by prior owners in Chain of Title.
  6. No purchaser shall clear his lot of brush, trees or anything of an inflammable nature except after having first obtained the approval of the Seller in writing, such approval to specify the time and manner in which such clearing shall be made. No fires are to be started on any lot without a written permit therefor. No fires are to be started in the streets at any time. All lots are to be sold “as is”, and all expense for clearance and removal of debris, including stumpage, from the premises shall be for the account and risk of the Purchaser.
  7. An association of all property owners is to be formed by the Grantor and designated by such name as may be deemed appropriate and when they formed, the buyer covenants and agrees that he, his executors, heirs or assigns, shall be bound by the by-laws, rules and regulations as may be duly formulated and adopted by such association and that they shall be subject to the payment of annual dues and assessments of the same.
  8. The buyer agrees not to sell, rent, lease or to permit the premises hereby conveyed, to be sold, rented or leased excepting to persons first approved for membership in the aforementioned association; nor shall any signs for advertising purposes to be erected or maintained on the premises or on or in any buildings on the premises.
  9. The portion of the lands of the Seller laid down on the map as streets are not dedicated to public use and title thereto shall remain in the Seller subject to the right to convey to the association aforementioned with reservation, subject to the right of the Buyer and those claiming under them to use the same for ingress and egress to and from the public roads by the most direct course over the streets shown on said Map, and if and when dedicated for public use shall be made subject to the right of the Seller to maintain or grant the right to maintain water mains, sewer pipes, street drains, gas mains, fixtures for street lighting, telephones and electric poles, within the lines of such roadways. Should any municipal body accept the portion of the lands of the Seller laid down on the map as streets, five feet of the front of said land reserved for easements shall be added to and included in that portion of lands laid out for streets.
  1. The restrictions herein provided shall apply only to the premises herein conveyed and Pocono Springs Estates, Inc., reserve the right to modify or change said restrictions as to its remaining lands or such lands as it may hereafter acquire.
  2. That any time in the future the Seller, its successors or assigns, shall have the right to purchase said premises if the Purchasers desire to sell. If, at any time, the Purchasers, their heirs and assigns, executors, or administrators, receive a bona fide offer for the premises and the Purchasers, their heirs, executors, or administrators, decide to accept such offer, they shall first give notice to the Seller and Seller shall have the right within (30) days from the receipt of such written notice of purchasing said premises at the price offered by such other party. should the Seller not exercise such option, the new Purchaser shall be required to sign and be bound by a like agreement.
  3. All lake and stream front lots are subject to an easement of way over a ten (10) foot strip of land or path abutting on and parallel to the waters edge for the use in common of the Grantor and their successors, heirs and assigns, which path the Grantee agrees to maintain in good passable condition at all time.

THE FOREGOING restrictions, conditions and covenants shall apply to the grantee, his, her or their heirs and assigns.

Pocono Springs Civic Association, Inc.

Rules and Regulations

And now, to wit, 20th day of January 2007, the following rules and regulations are hereby enacted and adopted by the Board of Directors of Pocono Springs Civic Association, Inc., pursuant to the powers provided to it by “COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS” and “BY-LAWS” of the development known as Pocono Springs.


  1. Amenities – any and all of the common property, including, but not limited to roads, recreation facilities, green areas, including the lake and dam, administration and office facilities, owned and/or maintained by Pocono Springs Civic Association, Inc. This term may be used interchangeably with the term “Common Area”.
  1. Association – Pocono Springs Civic Association, Inc. A non profit corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the corporation laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and charged with the duty and authority of promulgating, enacting and enforcing certain rules and regulations, by-laws, covenants, conditions and restrictions in the development known as Pocono Springs.
  1. Board – the Board of Directors of Pocono Springs Civic Association, Inc.
  1. Development – the development known as Pocono Springs located in SterlingTownship, LehighTownship and DreherTownship, Wayne County, Pennsylvania.
  1. Hearing Board – a board designated by the Board of Directors of Pocono Springs Civic Association, Inc. to hear appeals of violations brought under these rules and regulations as outlined herein.
  1. Property Owner – any individual owning property within the development known as Pocono Springs, as defined by the by-laws.
  1. Security – anyone designated and authorized by the Board of Directors to man the front and rear gates of the Association, and to routinely patrol the common areas, gates and roadways of the development and to act as indicated by the Board of Directors.

H.Gate Cards & Stickers are a privilege for members in good standing only and are to be used only for the vehicles to which they are assigned.

Pocono Springs Civic Association, Inc.

Rules and Regulations

Table of Contents

  • Definitions ------Page 1
  • Alcoholic Beverages ------Page 3
  • Animals ------Page 3
  • Boats ------Page 3, 4
  • Burning ------Page 4
  • Amenity Usage ------Page 4, 5
  • Disorderly Conduct ------Page 5
  • Firearms ------Page 5
  • Fireworks ------Page 5
  • Garbage ------Page 6
  • Gate Cards & Stickers ------Page 6
  • Hunting & Fishing ------Page 6, 7
  • Littering ------Page 7
  • Lot and / or House Maintenance & Identification ------Page 7
  • Renting ------Page 7, 8, 9
  • Structures ------Page 9, 10
  • Trees ------Page 10
  • Trespassing ------Page 10
  • Vandalism ------Page 10
  • Traffic Laws ------Page 11
  • Motor Vehicles ------Page 11
  • ATV’s, Go Karts, Dirt Bikes, Snowmobiles etc. ------Page 11, 12
  • Parking ------Page 12, 13
  • Enforcement ------Page 13, 14

Consumption of alcoholic beverages in the Development is regulated pursuant to the provisions enacted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Additionally, it is a violation of these rules and regulations for any person under the age of twenty-one

(21) to consume alcoholic beverages within or about any common areas and / or facilities owned by the Association.

Public intoxication within Pocono Springs will be subject to a fine.

For fines for a violation of this section see the attached fine schedule.


Maintenance of animals shall be as provided for under the applicable covenant, conditions and restrictions of the Development. Pets shall be inoculated and licensed as per Pennsylvania Law, and copies of such documentation shall be provided to the Association upon demand. No more than three (3) cats or dogs combined shall be owned by any property owners regardless of the number of properties owned.

No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose.

The owner is responsible for the behavior of his / her pet (s) at all times. Pets when off the owner’s property must be on a leash not longer than six (6) feet at all times and the pet must be under the control of the owner at all times. No pet owner shall allow his / her pet (s) to engage in noise or conduct that may create a nuisance within the development. Pets are not permitted to roam unattended anywhere on Pocono Springs property.

Pets, with the exception of Seeing Eye dogs or those pets used in the assistance ofhandicapped individuals are not permitted on the grounds of the recreational island.

Not withstanding anything herein, the Association may impose a fine of the violation of this section regardless of whether or not the individual has been cited and / or fined by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Should an owner’s pet become involved in an attack against any person within thePocono Springs Development, all legal steps with the cooperation of state officials will be taken to have the pet permanently removed from Pocono Springs.

For fines for a violation of this section see the attached fine schedule.

  1. BOATS:

No boats powered by an internal combustion engine are permitted to be placed, docked or operated upon the lake. All sailing craft, rowboats and canoes must be registered with the Association prior to use under the registration system then in effect.

Operation of any registered watercraft shall be under and subject to the specific rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, issued in conjunction with the registration.

For safety and security purposes, all boats must be removed from the island, CanoeHarbor and from the 10-foot area around the lake on or before November 1st, of each and every year. If said boats are not removed as provided herein, the Association and / or the Board reserves the right to remove same and to impose any and all reasonable charges upon the owner for removal and storage. The fees are currently $75.00 and are subject to change. Any charges shall be immediately billed to the boat owner and the same shall be remitted to the Association within thirty (30) days there of. If same is not remitted within this time period, the amount due shall be added to the property owner (s) account and collected as delinquent dues and / or assessments and penalties. If the boat is not claimed by April 1st, the Association reserves the right to auction off said boat to the highest bidder and retain the proceeds in satisfaction of any accumulated fines and / or fees.


Prior to any burning, a permit must be obtained from the office. This does not include Bar-B-Ques and grills used exclusively for cooking purposes.

The Association may deny burning permits due to weather conditions. All permits shall be subject to local municipal ordinances.

Burning must be attended and the fire contained in an applicable fireproof container or in a contained area. Sufficient amounts of fire extinguishing materials must be on hand to extinguish the fire should it become necessary.

Burning is restricted to routine residential maintenance, such as leaves, branches, untreated remnants etc. Neither household garbage nor toxic materials, such as, but not limited to, tires, pressure treated lumber, paints, solvents, etc. shall be disposed of in this manner.

For fines for a violation of this section see the attached fine schedule.


The P.S.C.A. recreation sites and facilities, i.e. the pool, clubhouse, recreational island, lake and other facilities, may be used by the members of the Association in good standing, their renters and / or guests.

Use of all recreational sites, including the lake is restricted to property owners in good standing and their guest and tenants as defined by the Association By-Laws.

An Association badge of current issue must be worn at all times while using any of the recreation sites of the Association. Badges shall be obtained and signed for, in person by the Property Owner or with written authorization by their representative. The Association shall issue six (6) badges to homeowners and four (4) badges to lot owners.

Any children age thirteen (13) and under must be accompanied by an adult to the pool.

Guest badges can be rented for $3 a day per badge. All guest badges must be returned within 24 hours unless rented for a longer period of time. The maximum number of badges that can be rented is six (6). They are to be returned to the office or front gate security if the office is closed.

For fines for a violation of this section see the attached fine schedule.


No one shall with intent to cause inconvenience, annoyance or alarm or recklessly creating a risk thereof, make unreasonable noise, use obscene language or make an obscene gesture or create a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act, which serves no legitimate purpose.

No person shall be verbally, physically or mentally abusive to any Pocono Springs Civic Association Inc. employee or employees contracted by the Association while they are performing their duties. Also no person shall in any way interfere with those duties. No one shall engage in fighting, or in violent or tumultuous behavior against any other person. This shall constitute an assault and appropriate legal action will be taken.

Upon the request of a Pocono Springs Security or Management employee, people shall be required to identify themselves and / or supply identification to such persons. Persons shall also cooperate in a non-abusive manner with all Pocono Springs employees and agents in performance of their duties. Failure to comply may result in fines.

For fines for a violation of this section see the attached fine schedule.


No person shall discharge any firearm, including without limitation, rifle, pistol, shotgun, flintlock, black powder, conventional bow and arrow or cross bow or any device capable of propelling a projectile of any kind with the exception of a B.B. gun used solely and completely within the confines of one’s own property within Pocono Springs.

No person shall carry concealed or otherwise (except as provided for by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Law), any of the aforementioned firearms in such a condition that they are loaded and ready for discharge within the confines of Pocono Springs.