May 24, 2017


Mayor Dustin DeatonSherri Westbrook, City Recorder

Dwayne BrownPolice Chief Eric Pratt

Becky Lopshire

Jed Maxwell

Skyler Duckworth, excused

Earl Taylor


Representative for BLM Fire Policy

Melinda Costa; Fundraising for Sevier County Community Theatre

Mayor Dustin Deaton called the regular city council meeting to order at7:04pm at the Salina City Hall,welcomed everyone present andled the pledge of allegiance. Pastor Matt Murphreeoffered the opening prayer.

Approval of Council Meeting MinutesJanuary 25, 2017, was motioned for approval by Earl Taylor.Jed Maxwellseconded. Motion carried 4 to 0.

Approval of Council Meeting MinutesApril 26, 2017, was approved by general consensus.

Approval of Council Meeting Minutes May 10, 2017,was motioned for approval by Dwayne Brown. Jed Maxwellseconded. Motion carried 3 to 0. Becky Lopshire abstained.

Approval of Bills Submitted for Paymentwas motioned by Earl Taylor. Jed Maxwellseconded. Motion carried 4to 0.


Representative for BLM Fire Policy, Ron Torgerson and Justin Shortfrom the State Lands & Forestry were present at the meeting. Torgerson explained that Matt Christensen, Fire Warden, asked them to come to present the Fire Policy. Matt Murphree was also present representing Salina Fire Dept. Torgerson explained that in 2012 it was a very bad fire year. There were a lot of fires that caused a lot of damage and were also very expensive. The Governor requested that there be some sort of policy or whatever is needed to get a handle on the cost of the fires and to also reduce the impact of fires. A Catastrophic Wildfire Plan was prepared. A Bill in the legislature was then drafted for this policy. It is voluntary for any city or town to join or to opt out of the policy. The policy is basically an insurance policy for any big fires that may threaten the city/town. Torgerson went over the requirements to join the policy and how it would work. Jed Maxwell motioned to opt in to theUtah Division of Forestry Fire and State Lands for the amount of $3,382.00 per year. Becky Lopshire seconded. Motion carried 4 to 0.

Melinda Costa; Fundraising for Sevier County Community Theatre, not present


Mayor Dustin Deaton, Bucket for Blackhawk, Mayor Deaton explained that the bucket for the Massey Ferguson tractor is broken. Mayor Deaton instructed Scott Christensen to have Mason Machinery get a new bucket and then look at getting the old one fixed at a later date to use for a backup.

Mayor Dustin Deaton,Closing Main Street for Balloon Festival, Mayor Deaton explained that the activities for the Balloon Festival are going to take place from the traffic light (State Street) to 300 East. There will also be vendors on 100 East for approximately a half block both north and south of Main Street. Jed Maxwellmotioned to close Main Street for the Balloon Festival on Friday and Saturday. Earl Taylor seconded. Motion carried 4 to 0.

Mayor Dustin Deaton,Chip Sealing, Mayor Deaton reported that he has asked Brad Allen to look around town and give some recommendations on what streets need chip sealing. 300 East and the cul-de-sac by the park are two areas that need to be done. 400 North from 400 West to the end of the street to the west is another area. Brad Allen suggested the road to Kay William’s house and the road to Pat Robins’ house. Those roads were double chipped a few years ago and need to be chipped again. He suggested that they be done next year if they can’t be done this year. Mayor Deaton will contact Staker Parson for a bid.

Police Chief

Eric Pratt: Parking enforcement update, Officer MacArt was present for Chief Pratt. MacArt explained that since April 28th there have been 24 parking violation cases. They have been looking for semi-trucks on the wrong roads and miss-parked vehicles on Main and State Streets. It is a state law that you cannot park in the opposite direction of the traffic flow. They feel confident that the semi-truck parking on city streets issue has been solved. There was only a few and they are not doing it any more. They have also been addressing the trailers that have been parked on city streets.

Planning and Zoning:

Maint. Supervisor

Brad Allen:Responsibilityof PI and Culinaryconnections -Allen explained that there are some times that a homeowner will have a pressurized irrigation leak on their side and it is their responsibility to fix it. Sometimes these leaks require that a main line is shut down in order to stop the water. If the homeowner does not fix the leak right away, there are several other citizens without water waiting for the homeowner to fix his leak. He asked the council if the maintenance should fix the leak at that point and charge the homeowner. Mayor Deaton stated that he did not feel that the maintenance department had the time to be fixing these leaks. The homeowner needs to hire someone to get it fixed. He also asked if there was something that could be done about people scheduling a water turn on for an inspection or something and then turning the water on themselves before the maintenance crew gets there. He suggested maybe letting them know up front when they call for the appointment time that if they turn the water on themselves, there will be a fine.

Maint. Supervisor

Brad Allen:Old water meter disposal, Allen explained that he spoke with Jordan Brown and he said that he could take one of the old meters and get a price on what they wouldpay for them and then let the city know. Mayor Deaton stated to take all the old meters and get rid of them. He is not concerned about getting the best price.

Earl Taylor,Street damage on 400 North, Taylor reported that there is a piece of asphalt cut out of the road on 400 North and it is a hazard. Brad Allen stated that they are going to have that filled in with asphalt soon. Taylor asked if they could put something in that until it is asphalted to help avoid any one damaging their vehicles. They will put a scoop of gravel or road base in the hole.

Becky Lopshire,

Dwayne Brown,Vehicle Policy, Dwayne Brown explained that he has brought this subject up before and that he has seen within the last six months of his job where it has covered an employee who was doing his job and doing everything right and he has also seen it where it has caught an employee when he didn’t do his job. He feels that the cityneeds to track mileage and have a vehicle policy. Every city owned vehicle should have a log. Council and mayor discussed the pros and cons of having a policy.

Skyler Duckworth,excused

Jed Maxwell, No Burn Season June 1 – September 15.Matt Murphree explained that the Fire Department would like the city to over communicate the closed burned season. They would like to increase awareness that there will be no burn permits issued during the summer and there will be citations issued for burning. This is a no tolerance issue.

Jed Maxwellmotioned to adjourn the city council meetingat8:30p.m. The motion was seconded by Dwayne Brown. Motion carried 4to 0.

Salina City Council Meeting Page 1May 24, 2017

