Elementary Education
Task CC4C – Critical Thinking Unit
SSE 3113 – Teaching Social Studies in Elementary
Standards Infused and Assessed
Accomplished Practices:1.1Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level of rigor.
1.2Sequences lessons and concepts to ensure coherence and required prior knowledge.
1.3Designs instruction for students to achieve mastery.
1.4Selects appropriate formative assessments to monitor learning.
3.6 Employ higher-order questioning techniques.
3.7 Apply varied instructional strategies and resources, including appropriate technology, to provide comprehensible instruction, and to teach for student understanding.
The teacher candidate develops a unitbased on facilitating critical and creative thinking skills. Lessons and concepts must show evidence of sequence to ensure coherence and attainment of required knowledge. The lesson plans include objectives, higher-order questioning techniques,varied instructional strategies, and instruction must align with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level of rigor. The unit will consistof lesson plans (5 days in Chipola Lesson Plan Format), appropriate informal and formal assessments to monitor learning, social studies tradebooks, evidence of appropriate technologies, graphic organizers, visual materials, primary sources, and other activities students could complete during this duration of this unit. All instruction designed within this unit will be for the purpose of providing comprehensible instruction and achieving mastery.
Teaching critical and creative thinking skills is a fundamental aspect of teaching. In this task, you will demonstrate your ability to plan lessons focused on critical or creative thinking or problem solving. Two key aspects of teaching critical thinking are the use of questioning techniques in class and the assessment of thinking skills. You will demonstrate the questioning techniques by writing at least three higher order thinking questions to use during your lesson each day. Assessment of thinking skills will be demonstrated in the lesson evaluation portion of the lesson plan for each day.
Use either an elementary social studies Teacher’s Edition or construct the lesson plans on your own using a topic of interest related to Social Studies. No matter what, you must cite where you found the information!!!!! You must also cite where you found all resources, graphic organizers, primary sources, visual sources, etc.! Cite everything!
To construct this unit:
- Determine the topic on which you want to form a unit.
- Select instructional resources (listed below). You must select one of each of the following resources for use somewhere in the 5-day unit. (Each resource is not required per lesson --- each is just required once per the whole unit.)
Social studies trade book used to supplement a lesson; you should include the book title, author, illustrator, and a summary of the book. In addition, you should explain why this book is appropriate for supplementing the lesson you are teaching.
Educational Technology Resource: (e.g. software, streaming video, websites, WebQuests, virtual field trips, podcasts, etc.) Describe the technology resource and explain how it will supplement instruction during this unit.
Graphic Organizer: (e.g., KWL chart, Venn Diagram, flowchart, time line, etc.) Provide a copy of this graphic organizer and explain how this instructional device will enable students to better comprehend the material.
Visual Resource: (e.g.maps, photos, etc.) Discuss the visual resource and explain how it will enhance comprehension for students.
Primary Source(e.g., photo from the time period, artifact from the time period, diary, newspaper clipping from the time, etc.)Describe the primary source you selected and explain how it will enable students to better comprehend the material. A copy of this source should be used and included.
- Create five days of lesson plans for this unit. You should follow the standard Chipola Lesson Plan Format to write your lesson plans.
What to Submit?
Section 1: Teaching Resources List:
- Social Studies tradebook – descriptive summary of the book with title, author, and illustrator noted; must discuss how this book relates to the topic you are teaching and how the book would be used to supplement instruction
- Educational Technology Resource – must include the website address and a descriptive summary of how this technology resource relates to the topic you are teaching and how it would be used to supplement instruction
- Graphic Organizer – must include a copy of the graphic organizer and a descriptive summary of how this graphic organizer relates to the topic you are teaching and how it would be used to supplement instruction
- Visual Resource – must include a copy of the visual resource you are usingand a descriptive summary of how this visual resource relates to the topic you are teaching and how it would be used to supplement instruction
- Primary Source- must include a copy of the primary source you are usingand a descriptive summary of how this primary source relates to the topic you are teaching and how it would be used to supplement instruction
Section 2: Lesson plans (minimum of 5 days), using the Chipola format.See rubric for specific scoring information.
SSE 3113 – Teaching Social Studies in Elementary School Task CC4C: Critical Thinking Unit
Name: ______/ Submission #: ____Accomplished Practices:
1.1Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level of rigor.
1.2Sequences lessons and concepts to ensure coherence and required prior knowledge.
1.3Designs instruction for students to achieve mastery.
1.4Selects appropriate formative assessments to monitor learning.
3.6 Employ higher-order questioning techniques.
3.7 Apply varied instructional strategies and resources, including appropriate technology, to provide comprehensible instruction, and to teach for student understanding.
Decision for F.E.A.P. on this Task (check one):___ Demonstrated……..…..….…7or more E’s
___ Partially Demonstrated..…..4 or more D’s
___ Not Demonstrated………….1 or more U
- Must resubmit on or before the following date: ______
- Although the original grade is final and no points are added for resubmissions,
PER DAY grade reduction.
- For all resubmissions – the original assignment must be included with the resubmission.
Rating Scale Key: E = Effective; D = Developing; U = Unacceptable
UNIT COMPONENT / FEAP INDICATOR / CRITERIA FOR “EFFECTIVE” RATING / Rating for each day(of the lesson plans)
1 or 2 D, no U………..... E
3 or more D…………....D
1 U (rest E or D)……… D
2 or more U……………...U / RATING VALUES
E – 8-10 points
D – 4-7 points
U – 0-3 points
Section 1:
TEACHING RESOURCES / 3.7 / One of each of the following is listed, summarized, and described: social studies tradebook, educational technology resource, graphic organizer, visual material, and primary source; copies of each resource or website address of online
sources are provided. / __ E __ D __ U
Section 2:
Lesson Plans
LESSON OBJECTIVES / 1.1 / Each day’s lesson plan must have:
- Objectives that are specific and measurable
- Objectives that align with the noted State Standards
- Objectives that match daily activities
Day 2…….E D U
Day 3…….E D U
Day 4…….E D U
Day 5…….E D U / __ E __ D __ U
SUNSHINE STATE STANDARDS / 1.1 / Each day has standards that are aligned to the lesson objectives. A standard does not need to be listed unless you are going to focus on it and assess it.Remember, deeper, not broader. / Day 1…….E D U
Day 2…….E D U
Day 3…….E D U
Day 4…….E D U
Day 5…….E D U / __ E __ D __ U
CRITICAL THINKING / 3.6 / Each day has at least three higher order thinking questions you would ask during the lesson. Bloom’s Taxonomy must be reflected in the questions. YOU ARE EXPECTED TO USE BLOOMS QUESTIONING PROMPTS GUIDE TO BEGIN EACH QUESTION. / Day 1…….E D U
Day 2…….E D U
Day 3…….E D U
Day 4…….E D U
Day 5…….E D U / __ E __ D __ U
LESSON INTRODUCTION / 1.2 / Each day’s lesson plan must have an introduction that:
- catches the students’ attention
- includes an audio or visual component
- scaffolds and sequences from previously learned knowledge on prior day
Day 2…….E D U
Day 3…….E D U
Day 4…….E D U
Day 5…….E D U / __ E __ D __ U
STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURES / 1.3 / Each day’s lesson plan must have procedures that: logical flow to lesson
b.has a detailed instructions that show exactly how the lesson will sequence
c.has content presented that will help students master the day’s objective
Day 2…….E D U
Day 3…….E D U
Day 4…….E D U
Day 5…….E D U / __ E __ D __ U
LESSON CONCLUSION / 1.2 / Each day’s lesson plan must have a conclusion that:
- summarizes the content taught
- allows for students to ask questions not already answered
Day 2…….E D U
Day 3…….E D U
Day 4…….E D U
Day 5…….E D U / __ E __ D __ U
DAILY LESSON ASSESSMENT / 1.4 / Each day must have a formal OR informal assessment that:
- clearly aligns to that day’s objectives
- offers students an opportunity to demonstrate learning
- is differentiated if that meets the needs of the students (each daily assessment must be differentiated)
Day 2…….E D U
Day 3…….E D U
Day 4…….E D U
Day 5…….E D U / __ E __ D __ U
DEDUCTIONS / Two points per language mechanics error will be applied to your grade.
Language mechanics include spelling, grammar, and syntax.
A 10-point deduction will be applied for directions not being followed. / ______Points
SSE 3113
Last edited Fall 2013