Reporting to / Editorial Board members report to the Editor in Chief, StratOG Core Training, for their specialty (obstetrics or gynaecology).
Duration and Dates of Appointment / Editorial Board members are appointed for an initial term of 3 years.
New members will take up their positions in June 2018.
Purpose and Description of Role
The Editorial Board for StratOG Core Training is responsible for the content and quality assurance of the 98 Core Training eTutorials.
The trainees on the StratOG Core Training Editorial Board have two main roles:
1.  Assist a consultant Editorial Board Member in obstetrics or gynaecology in their role overseeing the update and review of the Core Training eTutorials.
2.  Advisory role in the development of StratOG.
Main Responsibilities
Core Training eTutorials
·  The trainee members of the StratOG Core Training will be asked to support a consultant on the Editorial Board specialising in either obstetrics or gynaecology. Applicants should indicate their preference for obstetrics or gynaecology at the time of application
o  Consultant Editorial Board members are responsible for overseeing the updates/peer reviews/production of SBA and EMQ questions for a 10–12 Core Training eTutorials
o  The exact duties of the trainee will be mutually agreed with the relevant Editor in Chief (Obstetrics or Gynaecology) and eLearning team depending on the trainee’s experience and areas of interest. For example, the trainee could write content for eTutorials, develop/commission SBAs or undertake/commission regular reviews of the eTutorials
·  Editorial Board trainee members should familiarise themselves with the content of their eTutorials
·  Editorial Board trainee members may be required to be a point of contact for user queries on the clinical content/feedback (sent via the eLearning team) on the eTutorials for which they are responsible
Future project development
·  Editorial Board trainee members may be required to work with the Education Resources Adviser and internal College team to ensure that the Core Training tutorials support the new core curriculum in 2018/2019, and help to make any required changes and commission new resources
·  Editorial Board trainee members may be asked to help RCOG editorial staff to identify and recruit new authors or working groups for future StratOG projects
·  Editorial Board trainee members will be encouraged to make suggestions about how the Core Training eTutorials and other StratOG resources could be enhanced and developed
·  Editorial Board trainee members can make suggestions for new eLearning initiatives.
·  Editorial Board trainee members will help to raise the awareness of StratOG in the obstetrics and gynaecology community.
Conflict of interest
·  Editorial Board trainee members will supply the RCOG with a conflict of interest statement, which will be published on the StratOG website.
Key Working Relationships
The role involves working closely with:
·  The Editor in Chief (Obstetrics or Gynaecology) and other members of the Editorial Board for StratOG Core Training
·  The authors and peer reviewers of the Core Training eTutorials
·  The eLearning team and Head(s) of Education Resources
Time Commitment
This is variable, depending on stage of the review and update of the Core Training eTutorials. It is likely to average four hours per month. It is up to the candidate to discuss and agree the time commitment with their NHS employer.
To support Editorial Board members in carrying out their role effectively and to ensure a consistent approach to the quality-assurance of the Core Training eTutorials, the meetings listed below are convened each year, which Editorial Board members are required to attend:
One per year / Full Editorial Board meeting
· Held at the RCOG
· Chaired by the Education Resource Adviser
· Usually held in June; next meeting is June 2018
Two per year / Obstetrics and Gynaecology subgroup catch-up
· Teleconference
· Chaired by relevant Editor in Chief
· Usually convened in March and November
Other meetings may be convened electronically or by teleconference, as necessary.
Travel expenses are paid to UK-based Editorial Board members for attendance at the full Editorial Board meeting.
Evaluation of the Role and Succession Planning
This role reflects the present requirements of the post. As duties and responsibilities change and develop the role description will be reviewed and be subject to amendment in consultation with the post holder.
The role description will be re-evaluated at the end of the term.


Qualifications / Training
·  Holder of a National Training Number (NTN)
·  Passed the Part 1 MRCOG
·  Member of the RCOG Trainees’ Register

Previous Experience

• Understanding of the purpose and operating principles of StratOG
• Knowledge of the structure and content of the Core Curriculum
• Knowledge of the Part 2 MRCOG, especially the types of exam questions and their format
• Understanding of publishing procedures and copyright.
• Experience of writing exam questions
• Knowledge of eLearning and online publishing.

Key Skills / Attributes

·  Evidence of annual appraisal
·  Evidence of understanding of the RCOG’s Core Curriculum and MRCOG examination.

Appendix One

CPD Information

The RCOG CPD Guide can be found here:


Committee Chair/Member

CPD credits are not claimable for the role of Chair or Committee member. However, if within your Committee role you gain knowledge which enhances patient care or leadership and technical skills, credits could be claimed under reflective learning.

One credit may be claimed per reflective learning form to a maximum of 25 credits in each 5-year cycle.

Committee members examining, setting exam questions, editing journals, publishing papers or giving formal presentations can claim CPD credits and should refer to the CPD guide for further information (https://www.rcog.org.uk/en/cpd-revalidation/).