2 0 16 - 2 0 1 7 ACTIVITY VERIFICATION FORM, Page 1

Important Notes

1. LEADERSHIPdoesnot necessarily mean holding traditional titles such as president, chair,orcaptain, although if you hold these positions, we would like to know.For the purpose of theAVF, leadership means “making a significant contribution; having an impact.”Leadership doesnot include membership alone in an organization.

2.Allhourson-oroff-campusduringtheacademicyearandduringfall,winter,orspringbreaksmaycounttowardyour requirements as longas they are:

• Not associated with academic credit;

• Unpaid, and

•Accompanied by proper documentation (properly signed endorsement form).

3.Acompleted AVF/endorsementisrequired foreach leadership activity you would like to count toward yourMFCNSrequirements.

4. Endorsement forms MUSTbe signed by a faculty, staff, administrator, or other professional associated with the activity.An endorsement form that is completed by a student as an organization representative MUST also be co-signed by a professionalstaffmember as listed above.

5.Leadership hours to be included must happen between August 18, 2016 and May 15, 2017. You should submit all completed AVFs/Endorsements as a complete package to the Cornell Commitment Officeno later than May 15, 2017 at 4:30pm.It is your responsibility to make sure your documentation iscomplete, clear,and submitted on time. Your MFCNS re-application process is complete once you have submitted your on-line re-application and submitted all your endorsed AVFs.

Student Name


Description ofleadership involvement; contribution to organization

Titles held (president, chairperson, etc.)

Dates of activity: Start DateEnd Date

(not before August 18, 2016)(not after May 15, 2017)

Total Hours Contributed in 2016-2017

I verify thatIhavereadandunderstandtheinformation providedaboveandthattheinformationIhavepresented isaccurate to the best ofmy knowledge.

Student’s Signature Date

PLEASENOTE:Thisformmust be completed and returned as part of your re-application materials to MFCNS

by May 15, 2017, at 4:30 PM.

The Cornell Commitment Office

103 Day Hall, Ithaca NewYork14853

Meinig Family Cornell National Scholars

Leadership Endorsement Form, page 2 of AVF

TotheOrganizationAdvisor:ThisstudentisacurrentmemberofMFCNS,auniqueprogramdesignedtoencourageacademic excellenceandactiveleadershiponcampusandinthecommunityatlarge.Applicantsarerequiredtoverifytheirparticipation inleadershipactivities.Itistheapplicant’sresponsibilitytoensurethatallendorsementsareofanacceptablenatureand submittedbyMay15,2017;however, weaskthatyoukindlyprovideyourtimelyassistancetotheminthisendeavor.Your commentsonthisstudent’sleadershipinvolvementareextremelyhelpfulandareverymuchappreciated! Pleasecontact The Cornell Commitment Officeat 255-8595 with any questions you may have.

PLEASECOMPLETETHISFORMANDRETURNTOTHESTUDENT.Ifyouwishtomaintainconfidentiality,pleaseenclosethis form in anenvelopeandsign across thesealor sendtheform directly to theCornellCommitment Officeat103DayHall, Cornell University. Please type or print.


Student Name

Advisor NameTitle

Organization Email


1. Is the student’s description of their leadership involvement on the reverse side accurate?

Yes No If not, please explain (attach separate sheet if necessary).

2. NumberofhoursthestudentspentinactiveleadershiptothisorganizationsinceAugust18,2016:

3. Is this activity being compensated by wages or academic credit? YesNo.

4.MembershipinMFCNSisawarded tostudentswhoare committed tohelpingthemselvesandothersthroughactive leadership. In light of this, we would greatly appreciate your candid appraisal of the student’s performance in the following categories:

Reliability/Responsibility / Low / High
Quality of contribution / Low / High
Motivation / Low / High
Attendance / Low / High
Leadership / Low / High
Followership / Low / High

5.What were the student’s best demonstrated abilities; how did the student’s special talents improve or complement the organization?

Please include additional comments on a separate sheet if necessary.

Bysigningbelow,I verifythattheinformationprovidedhereiniscorrectand thehours listedaboveindicatethetimethestudent

spent making significantcontributions to this organization and its mission.

Signature* Date

*Are you a Cornell undergraduate?Yes** No **Ifyes,co-signatureoffaculty, staff,administrator, or otherprofessionalassociatedwiththeactivity isrequired.

Co-Signature Date

To the Applicant:

This form must be completed and returned as part of your re-applicationtothe address below by May 15, 2017, at 4:30 PM

The Cornell Commitment Office 103 Day Hall 607.255.8595 fax: 607.255.0284