2014 IASA Boot Camp+

New Orleans, LA

March 20-21, 2014

2014 IASA Boot Camp+

Mastering the Art of Marketing & Selling to Insurance Companies

Sales and marketing professionals across industries are continuously looking for new ideas and approaches, the proverbial silver bullet that will deliver not only qualified leads, but bottom line results. Unfortunately, a generic approach will produce generic results. Industry-specific knowledge is required in order to play either role effectively in this space. This seminar will provide information about basic insurance processes, company types and terminology, as well as insights into buying habits, customer communities, and innovative ways you can market, present and position your company’s products and services to be received in the best light by the insurance industry. Hear from industry executives about what keeps them up at night and learn how you can better position your offerings to the different personas you need to address. Participants will walk away with insight and tools that will prove useful to professionals involved in the sales and marketing of insurance financial and technology products and services that can be applied the very next day.


March 20, 2014

7:30am - 8:00am

Registration & Opening Remarks


Mark Roth, Vice President of Business Development – IASA

8:00am - 9:00am

Fundamentals of P&C Insurance: What You Need to Know


Chris Belle, Sr. VP of Services – ITS


Vendor professionals serving the P&C insurance industry are dealing with a customer community that is technically savvy and looking for automation solutions that support their business model. It is critical for vendor personnel to understand the business they serve. This session will provide an overview of the fundamentals, terminology, and basic concepts that drive the insurance industry, including a high-level overview of insurance company types and different insurance products. This session will also discuss how marketing and sales function in the insurance industry and will provide an introduction into the workings of underwriting, reinsurance, claims, insurance accounting and more.

9:00am - 1:00pm

The Insurance Game


Cary Phillips, President - CP1 Consulting, LLC

Alan Mauch, CPCU – Human Dynamics


A fun and relevant learning experience for anyone in the insurance industry, the IASA Insurance Game brings “Monopoly” to insurance. By engaging players in common insurance processes and situations, the IASA Insurance Game, featuring “profit and cash scenarios,” can teach those new to the industry about common terms, types of companies, critical processes and more, while also serving as a refresher for those changing jobs or responsibilities within a company.

1:00pm – 2:00pm



Insurance Product Development Defined


Mark Nawrath, Director, Account Management – Perr&Knight


As a solution provider to the insurance industry, a deep understanding of insurance process is crucial. Being able to speak with an insurer in their terms and relate to what they are trying to do can be a differentiator for your company over the competition. The objective of this session is to introduce the audience to the fundamentals of insurance product development and the regulatory and compliance challenges that insurance carriers face. Attaining a higher level understanding of this process will illustrate the complexity involved and will give you valuable insights into the inner workings of the companies you are marketing and selling to.


Building a Customer Community


Beth Bartlick, Director, Marketing – Insurity

Mike Fraietta, Social Business Strategist – Social Edge


What is an online customer community? It’s an interactive website where customers collaborate on topics of mutual interest. It can be a customer service community or one that is designed as a safe place for members to connect with experts, share knowledge and solve problems in a collaborative way. Online customer communities are often gated, private and not often in the limelight, but nevertheless they can be powerful to the companies that host them. These communities can allow the host to gain insights; build stronger customer relationships; generate new product ideas and so much more. Communities are part of a much larger “movement” towards social business. They help create more transparent and real-time ways to work and share insights with customers as well as internal teams. This session will take a look at social business and online communities drawing from real word examples. We’ll discuss what it takes to plan for and launch a community as well as how to keep members engaged.

3:45pm – 4:00pm


4:00pm – 5:00pm

Marketing Selling to Insurers: What Keeps Them Up at Night?


Don McFarland, – CastleBay Consulting


Larissa Tosch, VP of Information Technology and CIO – Glatfelter Insurance

Beth Mercier, VP, Personal Lines - The Travelers and IASA President

Jim Keal, AVP of Operations – Argent Insurance, a division of West Bend Mutual

Darby O’Neill, VP & CIO - Princeton Insurance


The consultative selling process can be laden with different people with different roles and needs involved in the project, and all must be specifically addressed in order to ultimately win the business. In this session, insurance company decision-makers share perspectives on contact preferences, buying trends, and effective ways to approach selling to modern insurance organizations. Looking for insight into the different buying personas with an insurance company? Want to know what is on their mind, keeping them up at night? This session, designed as an open forum Q&A, gives you direct access to decision-makers and provides first-hand insight into the minds of your perfect prospect. It will deliver valuable information you can use in planning your relationship management and selling strategy specific to insurance company buyers. Find out if you are addressing their real concerns. What obstacles are standing in the way of a successful sale? Attend this session and find out what keeps these people up at night and how you can position your offerings to help them sleep better.


Reception & Networking

Friday, March 21, 2014

7:30am - 8:00am

Coffee & Networking

8:00am - 9:00am

Social Media and Your Salesforce


Darin Reffitt, Vice President, Marketing –BNY Mellon


As social media has altered the competitive landscape, many organizations have adopted strategies to communicate with clients and prospects across platforms. However, a majority of those social media efforts are developed in the marketing department with tight controls preventing use by anyone outside of marketing or public relations. This session will present a number of high-level best practices for better engaging the sales team with insurance clients and prospects via social media, pitfalls to avoid when driving social media adoption through your B2B company, and key trending social media sites that your company should be analyzing for potential adoption. Takeaways will include a source document guiding attendees to additional information on each idea.


Impact of Change Management on IT Solution Success


Karen Furtado, Partner – Strategy Meets Action


Leslie Holden-Mikesell, Vice President, Professional Services – ISCS

Leslie Lewis, VP of Operations – Patriot National Insurance Group


True transformation typically involves a fair amount of change. Without clear acceptance of such change, it won’t matter how much money you spend or how many man hours you sink into any technology initiative…it simply won’t work. Effective change management is frequently an afterthought in the technology buying process—but without it, organizations often fail to meet transformational business objectives. The most effective strategies for change management in insurance transformation IT projects will save you money by avoiding cost overruns, organizational conflict and low technology adoption rates. Attend this session to learn more about the typical challenges to technology adoption, as well as the key steps, considerations and resources required for successful execution of change within your insurance IT organization

Content Creation and Curation for Insurance


Jennifer Overhulse, Principal Owner – St. Nick Media Services


In our digitally-connected, socially-motivated, 24x7x365 business environment content is truly king. Professionals who once had no responsibility for content creation are now frequently placed in positions where this skill is in demand. Developing an “editorial calendar” that reinforces themes important to your company is critically important and will allow best utilization of internal subject matter experts who may not be author material. With a plan in place, and creation underway, the challenge becomes spinning the message appropriately for each audience you need to reach. How will insurers react or receive your message? Agents? Analysts? Other industry stakeholders? By refocusing and repurposing content across social networks, insurance trade publications and independent outlets, you can successfully create and curate content even if you don’t have a journalism degree or ten years of public relations experience.

11:00am – 12:00pm

Interactive Discussion: Marketing Point – Sales Counterpoint


Bill Hartnett, President – Hartnett Advisors


Often contentious, and occasionally collaborative, the dynamics of the relationship between marketing and sales in any given company situation can make or break a company’s entire year. Sales goals are higher than ever, and they depend largely on the efforts of the marketing department as they go about generating qualified leads. And that’s where the cookie crumbles… Who defines “qualified lead? How are results measured? Who decides on the metrics that are most important? Is the marketing department only spending money while the sales team is making it? Is the sales team taking credit for the work of the marketing team in bringing potential customers to the table? During this interactive session, attendees will have the chance to mix it up with the presenter and other attendees via real-time polling function as a candid discussion about goals, objectives and open lines of communication unfolds. Understanding the perspective of both sides is a critical part of putting together a successful marketing plan and achieving your company’s sales goals. Keep in mind, in this instance it’s not competition that wins the day, it’s collaboration.


Closing Remarks

Beth Mercier, VP, Personal Lines - The Travelers and IASA President