
Family and Consumer Science–Teen Living

Ms. Sides, Room #14

Phone: 910-455-4888


Welcome to Teen Living


This course examines life management skills in the areas of personal and family living, wellness, nutrition and foods, financial management, living environments, appropriate child development practices, fashion and clothing, and job readiness. Emphasis is placed on students applying these skills during their teen years. Through simulated experiences, they learn to fulfill their responsibilities associated with the work of the family and community. English language arts, mathematics, and science are reinforced.

Lab Fee: $5.00, required – bring cash or a check payable to “SWHS.”

This fee is necessary to purchase supplies.Please pay your fee by the end of the first week of class.

Supplies needed for this course:

one 3-ring binder, 2” (used is okay – it does not need to be new)

12page dividers

12 pencils, 2 pens(to use for the entire semester)

50 sheets of filler paper for the binder

Package of colored pencils and/or thin tip markers, 12-count (optional)

Earbuds (for laptops/netbooks)

1:1 Laptop fully charged (ALL 9th 10thgraders)


Classwork and information handed out in class should be organized in your binder in numeric order to aid in studying for tests. Each hand out is numbered according to the Essential Standard used in testing. Refer to the pacing guide and Power Points on the SWHS website/School Staff/Cathy Sides.

Bring your laptop, binder, pencils and pen to class every day!

If you are a 9thor 10thgrader,bring your laptop to class every day FULLY CHARGED. You will not be able to charge your laptop in my classroom. If your laptop is not fully charged or you forget to bring it to class, you will be using a much slower netbook from a computer car or will have to do assignments “paper/pencil.”

We will be using Edmodo for lessons often. Students should give parents the class access code.

Classroom Procedures:

1. Enter the classroom quietly.

2. Sit in your assigned seat, read the instructions on the whiteboard and begin your Bell Ringer.

3. Raise your hand if you have a question – do not call out.

4. When I am talking, you should be listening - ALWAYS.

5. Requests to use the bathroom should only be for emergencies, not to socialize.

6. The policy of SWHS is that students should not use cell phones during class for any other reason other than a teacher directed activity. Cell phones should be placed in your pocket or backpack, not on your desk or lap. No texting, no cameras unless teacher directed. Charging your cell phone is not allowed –it will be confiscated by me and kept until the end of class.

7. Do not touch the property of other students.

8. Stay on task the entire period.

9. At the end of class I will dismiss you. Stay seated until you are dismissed.

Classroom Rules:

Come to class on time and prepared. Always bring pencils and a pen.

Be respectful of your teacher, yourself and one another.

Power point presentations that will help students review the objectives are available on the SWHS website/School Staff/Cathy Sides.

Grading Policy:

A= 90 – 100

B = 80 – 89

C =70 – 79

D =60 – 69

Each of the three grading periods in this semester long course are comprised of grades on quizzes, classwork, tests, projects and homework.

Classwork, projects, and homework not turned in will receive 0 points.

Missed classwork, homework, quizzes, and tests must be made up at least 3 days before the end of each grading period.

There are 100 questions on theTeen Living final exam(referred to as the Vocats test).

The final exam is averaged in as ¼ of each student’s final grade.

(The average of the 3 grading periods plus the final exam grade equals the final course grade.)

Dear Parent/Guardian:

After reading the Teen Living syllabus, please complete all of the information below, sign it, and have your son/daughter return this page to me tomorrow.KEEP PAGES 1 -3 TO REFER TO THROUGHOUT THE SEMESTER.

Student’s Printed Name______

Student’s Signature______

I have read the syllabus for Teen Living:

Parent’s/Guardian’s Printed Name ______

Parent’s/Guardian Signature______

Parent’s/Guardian’s email address ______

Parent’s/Guardian’s phone number______
