Curriculum Vitae

1. Raimonds Kasparinskis

Date of birth: 12.05.1982.

E-mail address:

2. Career


2007 -2012 / University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, PhD studies / - obtained the diploma of the doctor of sciences in geography,
field – environmental sciences, sub-field – nature protection
2005-2007 / University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, Master’s studies / - obtained the diploma of the master in environmental sciences
2001-2005 / University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, Bachelor’s studies / - obtained the diploma of the bachelor in environmental sciences


24.05.-28.05.2004. / Certificate of attendance – Global Soil Information Facilities. Organized by ISRIC – World Soil Information, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Certificate for summer school teaching and leading workshops - Lingua Franca for European Soils (ERASMUS Intensive Programme ERA/2012/IP/W/0013) (Zbiczno, Toruń, Poland).
Certificate for summer school teaching - Lingua Franca for European Soils (ERASMUS Intensive Programme ERA/2012/IP/W/0013) (Egera, Debrecena, Hungary).
Certificate of attendance on workshop - Introduction to Geostatistical Estimation and Simulation. Organized by Faculty of Bioscience, University of Ghent and Department of Environmental Earth System Science, Standford University.
Certificate on attendance on workshop - Quantitative Research Methods in Human Dimensions of Environmental Change within Eastern Europe. Organized by University of Memphis, held at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Valmiera, Latvia.
Certificate on participation in doctoral school – Resources of the Earth and Its Sustainable Use”. University of Latvia.
Certificate on The Basics of Pedagogical Education of the Universities Lecturers / Universities Didactics" (No. 011861). University of Latvia.
Certificate on The administration of the European Union Structural Funds (No. 004567). University of Latvia.
Certificate on International Training – Seminar on Design, Products and Operational Use of the NWP Model-Chain of the DWD. Deutscher Wetterdienst.
Certificate on Eumetsat Supervised Satellite Meteorology course. Latvian Hydrometeorological Agency.

Work experience, occupation at present:

01.06.2012.- / University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences / - researcher
02.06.2014.- / University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences / - assistant professor

Administrative duties, participation in councils and commissions:

20.09.2012.– / Latvian Council of Science / - expert in physical geography and in environmental science
01.02.2008.– / University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences / - dean assistant in development affairs
12.02.2007.–31.01.2008. / University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences / - executive director

3. Academic work

Study courses:

  1. Field course in Environmental Science (bachelor study programme in environmental science, 2nd study course).
  2. Field course in Physical Geography (bachelor study programme in geography, 2nd study course).
  3. Climate and Surface Water of Latvia (bachelor study programmes in geography and environmental science, 3rd study course).
  4. Soils and Wildlife of Latvia (bachelor study programmes in geography and environmental science, 3rd study course).

Directions of the research:

1.  Influence of environmental factors on soil diversity, spatial distribution and changes in soil properties (morphology, physical and chemical).

2.  The research of soil forming processes.

3.  Influence of synoptic processes on occurrence and changes of extremal meteorological phenomena in Latvia, assessment of its influencing factors.

4.  Weather influencing factors.

Supervision of 1 Doctoral Thesis (Development of podzolization process in former agricultural lands in Latvia)

Supervision of 3 Master Thesis

Supervision of 12 Bachelor Thesis

4. Research work

Scientific qualification (monographs):

Kasparinskis R. 2012. Diversity of Forest Soils and Its Influencing Factors in Latvia. Doctoral Dissertation. Riga, University of Latvia. p. 154. ISBN 978-9984-45-510-5.

Text books:

Publications in text books:

Nikodemus O., Kārkliņš A., Kļaviņš M., Melecis V. 2008. Soil sustainable use and protection. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. Riga. p. 256. (Kasparinskis R. is author of the 3rd and 4th annex of cartographical materials - Soil texture of topsoils in Latvia (pp. 238.); Soil texture of parent material and bedrocks in Latvia (pp. 239.). (In Latvian)

Participation in research projects:

  1. 01.09.2013.-. European Social Fund project “Interdisciplinary Team of Young Scientists for Assessment and Restoration of Soil Quality and Usage Potential in Latvia” (Nr.: 2013/0020/1DP/ (scientific director).
  2. 2013.-. Latvian Science Council Grant No. 514/2012 “Formation of marginal areas in Latvia. Causes and consequences.” (executer).
  3. 2012.-. Cost Action ES 1104. “Arid Lands Restoration and Combat of Desertification: Setting Up Drylands and Desert Restoration Hub” (executer).
  4. 2010.-2012. The research project “Forestry adaptation to climate change” of the Forest Development Fund of the Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Latvia and Forest Research Institute “Silava” (executer).
  5. 2009.-2012. Latvian Science Council Grant No. 09.1568 “Influence of geographical and geological processes on nature conditions and society in Latvia” (executer).
  6. 2009. Latvian Science Council Grant No. 09.1118 „Landscape ecological assessment of the agricultural lands afforestation” (executer).

7.  2007. UNDP/GEF Project “Building Sustainable Capacity and Ownership to Implement UNCCD objectives in Latvia” (executer).

8.  2006.-2010. International project “Inventory of forest soils and assessment of forest biological diversity „BioSoil”” of the Focus Forest research programme of the International Co-operative Programme (ICP) and forest monitoring, the Forest Development Fund of the Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Latvia and Forest Research Institute “Silava” (executer).

Research publications (articles, books, reports, conference presentations):

Research articles:

  1. Grantina-Ievina L., Kasparinskis R., Tabors G., Nikolajeva V. 2013. Features of saprophytic soil microorganism communities in conifer stands with or without Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato infection: a special emphasis on Penicillium spp. Environmental and Experimental Biology. 11: 23-38.
  2. Ruskule A., Nikodemus O., Kasparinskis R., Bell S., Urtane I. 2013. The perception of abandoned farmland by local people and experts: landscape value and perspectives on future land use. Landscape and Urban Planning. 115: 49-61.
  3. Ikauniece S., Brūmelis G., Kasparinskis R., Nikodemus O., Straupe I., Zariņš J. 2013. Effect of soil and canopy factors on vegetation of Quercus robur woodland in the boreo-nemoral zone: A plant-trait based approach. Forest Ecology and Management. 295: 43-50.
  4. Nikodemus O., Kasparinskis R., Kukuls I. 2013. Influence of Afforestation on Soil Genesis, Morphology and Properties in Glacial Till Deposits. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 59(3): 449-465.
  5. Kasparinskis R., Nikodemus O. 2012. Influence of environmental factors on the spatial distribution and diversity of forest soil in Latvia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences. 61(1): 48-64.
  6. Ruskule A., Nikodemus O., Kasparinska Z., Kasparinskis R., Brūmelis G. 2012. Patterns of afforestation on abandoned agriculture land in Latvia. Agroforestry systems. 85(2): 215-231.
  7. Grantina L., Bondare G., Janberga A., Tabors G., Kasparinskis R., Nikolajeva V., Muiznieks I. 2012. Monitoring seasonal changes in microbial populations of spruce forest soil of the Northern Temperate Zone. Estonian Journal of Ecology. 61(3): 190-214.
  8. Burlakovs J., Kasparinskis R., Klavins M. 2012. Leaching of Contamination from Stabilization/Solidification Remediated Soils of Different Texture. Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University “Environmental and Climate Technologies”, 9: 12-16.
  9. Grantina L., Seile E., Kenigsvalde K., Kasparinskis R., Tabors G., Nikolajeva V., Jungerius P., Muiznieks I. 2011. The influence of the land use on abundance and diversity of soil fungi: comparison of conventional and molecular methods of analysis. Environmental and Experimental Biology. 9: 9-21.
  10. Nikodemus O., Kasparinskis R., Tabors G. 2008. Soil Mapping in Latvia According to the International FAO WRB 2006 Soil Classification. Problems and Solutions. Vagos. Lithuanian University of Agriculture. 80(33): 68-74.

Issues of articles:

1.  Ikauniece, S., Brūmelis, G., Kasparinskis, R., Nikodemus, O., Amatniece, V. 2012. Augsnes faktora nozīme kokaudzes sastāva veidošanā ozolu (Ouercus robur L.) mežaudzēs. [Effect of soil factors on tree species composition in oak (Ouercus robur L.) forests]. Mežzinātne. 26(59): 41-60.

2.  Kasparinskis R., Nikodemus O., Kukuls I., Tabors G., Freimane A. 2011.
Changes on soil properties and processes due to afforestation of
agricultural lands. In: Book of proceedings „100 years Bulgarian Soil science,
International Conference” Part I. pp. 241-245.

  1. Kasparinskis R., Kukuļs I., Nikodemus O., Rolavs N., Tabors G. 2011. Long Term Impact of Afforestation on Soil Morphology and Properties. Mežzinātne. 24(57): 17-40. (In Latvian).
  2. Kukuļs I., Kasparinskis R., Ansone L. 2010. Impact of Agricultural Land Afforestation on Soil Humus. Acta Universitatis Latviensis. Earth and Environmental Sciences. 767: 93-103. (In Latvian).
  3. Grantina L., Seile E., Malinovskis U., Tabors G., Kasparinskis R., Nikolajeva V., Muiznieks I. 2009. Particular characteristics of soil microbial communities in forest stands infected with Heterobasidion parviporum and Armillaria spp. In: MICROORGANISMS IN INDUSTRY AND ENVIRONMENT From Scientific and Industrial Research to Consumer Products. Proceedings of BioMicroWorld2009 – III International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology. World Scientific Publishing Company Pte Ltd. pp. 86-91.

Reports in international conferences:

1.  Kasparinskis R., Nikodemus O., Rolavs N., Ruskule A. Changes in Soil properties due to Afforestation of Former Agricultural Lands in the Boreo-nemoral zone. 20th World Congress of Soil Science. 08.06.-13.06.2014., Jeju, Korea.

2.  Kasparinskis R., Nikodemus O., Rolavs N. Uncertainties and Solutions Related to Use of WRB (2007) in the Boreo-nemoral zone, Case of Latvia. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 27.04.-02.05.2014., Vienna, Austria.

3.  Kasparinskis R., Rolavs N., Nikodemus O. 2013. The Development of Podzolization Process after the Afforestation of Agricultural Lands. International Scientific Conference “Soils in Space and Time”. 29.09.-05.10.2013. Ulm, Germany.

4.  Amatniece V., Nikodemus O., Kasparinskis R., Kukuļs I. 2013. Influencing factors and Oak forest stands [Latvijas ozolu audžu īpašības un to ietekmējošie faktori]. The 55th International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University. April 10.-12.. Daugavpils, Latvia.

5.  Burlakovs J., Kasparinskis R., Klavins M. 2012. Leaching of Contamination from Stabilization / Solidification Remediated Soils of Different Texture. The 53rd International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University, Section „Environmental and Climate Technologies”. October 11-12. Riga, Latvia.

6.  Kukuls I., Kasparinskis R., Nikodemus O. 2012. Organic Matter in the Soils of Forest Lands of Different Ages Formed on Ice Lake Sandy Deposits in Latvia. International Conference „Humus forms and biologically active compounds as indicators of pedodiversity”. August 27-28. Tartu, Estonia.

7.  Kasparinskis R., Nikodemus O., Kukuls I., Rolavs N. 2012. Development of Soil Evolution After Afforestation of Agricultural Lands in Glacigenic Till Soils of Boreal-Nemoral Area. 4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012. July 2-6. Bari, Italy. p. 893.

8.  Kukuls I., Nikodemus O., Kasparinskis R., Ansone L. 2012. Organic Matter Content and Humification Rate in The Soils of Forest Lands of Different Ages in Latvia. 4th International Congress EUROSOIL 2012. July 2-6. Bari, Italy. p. 1757.

9.  Ikauniece S., Brūmelis G., Nikodemus O., Kasparinskis R., Zariņš J. 2012. Effects of soil, canopy and habitat fragmentation factors on vegetation in Quercus robur woods in the boreo-nemoral zone. Second International Conference on Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems and Landscapes. August 28-31. University College Cork, Ireland. p. 45.

10.  Kasparinskis R. 2012. The use of geological information for soil mapping. Global soil partnership “Towards global soil information: activities within the geo task global soil data”. March 20-23. FAO. Rome, Italy.

11.  Kasparinskis R., Nikodemus O., Kukuļs I., Tabors G., Freimane A. 2011. Changes of soil properties and processes due to afforestation of agricultural lands. International Conference „100 years Bulgarian Soil Science”. May 16-18. Sofia, Bulgaria. pp. 241-245.

12.  Kukuls I., Kasparinskis R., Nikodemus O., Ansone L. 2011. The accumulation of the organic matter and the change of humification process following afforestation of abandoned farmland. In: Program and Abstracts Book “Soil Science in a Changing World”. September 18-22. Wageningen, The Netherlands. p. 273.

13.  Kasparinskis R., Nikodemus O. 2010. Environmental factors influence on forest soil spatial distribution and diversity in Latvia. In: Book of Abstracts of geoENV 2010 // 8th International conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications. September 13-15. Ghent University, Belgium. pp. 188-191.

14.  Ruskule A., Nikodemus O., Kasparinska Z., Kasparinskis R. 2010. Impacts of natural reforestration of abandoned agricultural land on structure of rural landscape in Latvia. In: PECSRL the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape, 24th Session – Living in Landscapes: Knowledge, Practice, Imagination. August 23-27. University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences. p. 119.

  1. Ruskule A., Nikodemus O., Kasparinska Z., Kasparinskis R. 2010. Paterns of afforestation process in abandoned agriculture land in Latvia. In: Forest landscape and globalchange: New frontiers in Management, Conservation and restoration. Book of abstracts of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference. September 21-27. Braganca, Portugal. p. 78.
  2. Kasparinskis R., Nikodemus O., Zelchs V. 2008. Influence of geological factors on soil forming and morphology in coastal Lowland, Latvia. In: Proceedings of 33rd International Geological Congress. August 6-14. Oslo, Norway.
  3. Kasparinskis R., Nikodemus O., Zelchs V. 2008. Role of Geological Factors on Soil Forming and Morphology in Western Latvia Coastal Plains. In: Book of Abstracts „EuroSoil 2008”. Blum W.E.H., Gerzabek M. H., Vodrazka M. (Eds.). Europe Soil Congress. August 25-29. Vienna, Austria. p. 116.
  4. Nikodemus O., Kasparinskis R., Tabors G. 2008. Soil Mapping in Latvia According to the International FAO WRB 2006 Soil Classification. Problems and Solutions. In: The international scientific conference to commemorate 50 years jubilee of Lithuanian Soils Science Society at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences „Soil in sustainable environment”. September 24-26. Lithuanian University of Agriculture.

5. Conferences: organization-

1.  28.01.2014. The 72nd Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Session of Earth and Environmental Sciences, sub-session „Socio-economic and landscape ecological aspects of land use change and its intensity” (Chair).

2.  29.01.2013. The 71th Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Session of Earth and Environmental Sciences, sub-session „Soil, Soil Use and Protection” (Chair).

3.  01.02.2012. The 70th Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Session of Earth and Environmental Sciences, sub-session „Soil, Soil Use and Degradation” (Chair).

4.  01.02.2011. The 69th Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Session of Earth and Environmental Sciences, sub-session „Soil, Soil Use and Degradation” (Chair).

5.  03.02.2010. The 68th Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Session of Earth and Environmental Sciences, sub-session „The Young Within Environmental Science” (Chair).