2016 Stamford Athlete/Artist Interest Form

Athlete/Artist Name: ______

Date of Birth ______

Participant’s age by July 31, 2016______

(Must be ages 13-16 for Team Sports, 12-16 for Individual Sports, and 12-17 for ArtsFest)

Home Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______

Athlete/Artist Home Phone: ______Cell Phone:______

Athlete/Artist Email: ______

Mother’s Name: ______

Mother’s Work #: ______Mother’s Cell: ______

Mother’s Email: ______

Father’s Name: ______

Father’s Work #: ______Father’sCell:______

Father’s Email: ______

JCC Member: (please circle)YesNo

See back of page to select sports and arts of interest

Sports and Art Specialty of Interest

Please indicate your selections by placing a “1” next to your first choice, a “2” next to your second choice and a “3” next to your third choice. A child cannot participant in both a sport and art specialty.

Team Sports (must be ages 13-16 by 7/31/16)

14U Baseball _____

16U Baseball _____

14U Boys Basketball _____

16U Boys Basketball _____

16U Girls Basketball _____

14U Boys Soccer _____

16U Boys Soccer _____

16U Girls Soccer _____

16U Boys Lacrosse _____

16U Girls Lacrosse _____

16U Boys In-line Hockey _____

16U Girls Volleyball_____

Individual Sports (must be ages 12-16

by 7/31/16)

12-16 Boys/Girls Swimming _____

12-16 Boys/Girls Tennis _____

12-16 Boys/Girls Table Tennis _____

12-16 Boys/Girls Dance _____

12-16 Boys/Girls Golf _____

ArtsFest (boys and girls must be ages 12-17 by 7/31/16)

Acting/Improv _____

Dance _____

Musical Theater _____

Rock Band _____

Culinary _____

Star Reporter _____

Visual Arts _____

Vocal Performance/Glee _____

To be considered for participation in the 2016 JCC Maccabi Games, each athlete must attend try-outs (per sport) if necessary. Participating in tryouts does not guarantee selection for a sport. Coaches in consultation with the JCC staff will determine rosters. Families will be notified of selection upon completion of tryouts. Selection will only be communicated by JCC staff; parents and athletes agree not to contact coaches directly to determine their status. Athletes who wish to be considered for multiple sports must meet the tryout requirements for each sport.

How does an artist register?
All interested artists can apply online. Applicants will be asked to provide some basic personal information, answer a few questions based on their chosen specialty, and may be asked to submit a video sample of their work. Application instructions can be found by visiting

NEW FOR 2016

Since Stamford is a host community for the 2016 JCC Maccabi Games & ArtsFest, each teen participant’s family must host at least 2 other athletes or artists from a visiting delegation during the week of August 7-12, 2016. This is a requirement in order for your child to participate in the JCC Maccabi Games & ArtsFest in 2016. Questions about this requirement should be directed to Rachel Rothman, JCC Maccabi Games & ArtsFest Director at or 203-487-0949

How many visiting athletes or artists would you be willing to host in your home? _____

I have read and understood the above.

Parent Signature ______Date______

For more information, contact Mo Concepcion at (203) 487-0973 or .

Please drop off, mail or fax this form to

Mo Concepcion

1035 Newfield Avenue

Stamford, CT 06905Fax: 203-329-7546