EET220 - COURSE SYLLABUS - Spring 2006


EET 220 - Programmable Logic Controllers (2:1:2) - Binary numbers, relay and ladder logic, introduction to Allen Bradley SLC 500 PLC series. PLC programming and interfacing. Students will complete a design project at conclusion of course.

Instructor: Kenneth Dudeck, Associate Professor of

Engineering, PennStateHazleton Campus.

Office: 104 Laurel Phone: 450-3085 Email:

Text Book:

There is no required Text Book to purchase, however students are expected to visit the “Learning Pit” site below and download the “Logix Pro” software available there. This package contains its own documentation package. Students are REQUIRED to register this software so that they have the full unlocked version.

On Line Manuals:

"Getting Started Guide for APS User Guide"


"Advanced Programming Software Manual"


These manuals are available at URL locations shown. Students need the Adobe Acobat Reader to view or print these pages.


Petruzella, Programmable Logic Controllers, McGrawl Hill, 2002.


This site has sample quizzes

Jones C.T., Programmable Logic Controllers, Patrick Tuner, 1996.

Filer, Leinonen, Programmable Controllers & Designing Sequential

Logic, SandersCollege Publishing, 1992.

Courses Requirements:

Participation 7% (25 pts)

Assignments (5) 25% (100pts)

Quizzes (4) 25% (100pts)

Midterm 25% (100pts)

Final Project 18% (75pts)

Course Outcomes:

  • Students will be able to use PLC digital input terminals to accurately monitor and record the state of switches, pushbuttons, relays, and other digital indicators typical of PLC applications.
  • Students will be able to use PLC analog input terminals to accurately monitor and record the state of variable voltage and/or current inputs.
  • Students will be able to use special purpose PLC input terminals to accurately monitor and record the state of devices such as thermocouples, RTDs, etc.
  • Students will be able to use PLC digital output modules to correctly operate relays, lights, display modules, alarms, and other on-off actuators typical of PLC applications.
  • Students will be able to use PLC analog output modules to correctly operate meters, actuators, motors, control circuits, and other voltage-or current-controlled devices typical of PLC applications.
  • Students will be able to produce working drawings of PLC based control systems using appropriate CAD software.
  • Students will be able to use modern PLC programming tools to develop functional and effective computer interfaces for initialization, control, and monitoring of PLC operations.
  • Students will be able to prepare high quality reports describing PLC control problem solutions and implementations.
  • Students will be able to work together effectively in teams to carry out PLC projects.
  • Students will be able to use appropriate technology and apply principles of engineering design to come up with solutions that meet the functional requirements of the design projects.
  • Students will be able to complete lab reports, assignments, and project reports in a timely manner.

Academic Integrity at PennState : A Statement by the Council of Academic Deans

Academic integrity mandates the pursuit of teaching, learning, research, and

creative activity in an open, honest, and responsible manner. An academiccommunity that values integrity promotes the highest levels of personal honesty,respect for the rights, property, and dignity of others, and fosters anenvironment in which students and scholars can enjoy the fruits of their efforts. Academic integrity includes a commitment neither to engage in acts offalsification, misrepresentation, or deception, nor to tolerate such acts by othermembers of the community.

Academic integrity is a fundamental value at PennState. It must be at the heartof all our endeavors and must guide our actions every day as students and asmembers of the faculty, administration, and staff. Because we expect new andcontinuing members of the University community to meet the high standards thatare the foundation of a PennState education, this message must be clear andreinforced frequently.

The primary responsibility for supporting and promoting academic integrity lieswith the faculty and administration, but students must be active participants. Aclimate of integrity is created and sustained through ongoing conversationsabout honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility and the embodiment ofthese values in the life of the University. Students and faculty should contributeactively to fostering a climate of academic integrity in all their scholarlyactivities, through discussions in first-year seminars and in other courses, andthrough involvement in college Academic Integrity Committees.

The Universitycommunity should be continually mindful of the need to preserve academicintegrity even as technology changes methods of information access and use.Colleges will provide all faculty members and teaching assistants informationabout appropriate ways to promote academic integrity and handle dishonesty cases. Faculty members and graduate assistants must make clear theirexpectations about academic integrity in every course they teach.As members of the Council of Academic Deans, we strongly support efforts toenhance academic integrity at PennState. We will provide individual andcollective leadership to strengthen further the University’s commitment to thehighest standards of academic integrity.

August 29, 2000

EET 220 Tentative Course Outline

Week / Topic / Assignment / Lab
1 / Binary Numbers / (link Ch.3 )
2 / Logic Review / Assign 1 (link Ch 4)
3 / Switching / Quiz 1 (link Ch 6) / Lab #1
4 / Intro. to PLCs / Assign 2 (link Ch 1)
5 / Programming Software / Quiz 2 / Lab #2
6 / Basic instructions / Assign 3 (link Ch 5)
7 / Timers and Counters / Quiz 3 (link Ch 7) / Lab #3
8 / More PLC instructions / Assign 4 (link Ch 8)
9 / *Midterm*
10 / Applications & Data Instr. / Assign 5 (link Ch10)
11 / Applications & Math Instr. / (link Ch 11)
12 / Applications & Sequencers / Quiz 4
13 / Final Project
14 / Final Project
15 / Final Project