Unit 3 Exam

1.The term Islam means
A."Allah is great."
B."Devotion to the rule of life."
D."Allah desires for you what is easy, not what is hard."
E."The one god."

2.The Shia believed that
A.The Umayyad dynasty were the only legitimate rulers
B.The caliphate should follow the line of Ali
C.That Allah was the main, but not necessarily the only, god
D.Leadership in the Islamic world could fall to any true believer
E.A different and more pure version of the Quran exists

3.The victorious Arabic armies of the Umayyad dynasty
A.Forced the conquered peoples to convert to Islam
B.Allowed the conquered peoples to practice their own religions
C.Opened up positions of authority to non-Muslims
D.Restricted the jizya to practicing Muslims
E.Forced everyone to convert from Sunni to Shia

4.The Abbasid dynasty differed from the Umayyad dynasty in that
A.It was not a conquering dynasty
B.It was much less cosmopolitan than its predecessor was
C.It conquered a much larger territory than its predecessor did
D.It stressed the Shia sect of Islam
E.It stressed the Shia sect of Islam and it was much less cosmopolitan than its predecessor was

5.The capital of the Abbasid Empire was

6.During the last two hundred years of the Abbasid Empire, it fell under the control of the
A.Byzantine Empire
B.Ottoman Turkish Empire
D.Saljuq Turks
E.Holy Roman Empire

7.How did the conquest of Mesopotamia and Persia influence the role of women in the Islamic world?
A.Female infanticide was declared illegal
B.Islamic society became much less patriarchal
C.Polygamy was outlawed
D.Islamic society became more patriarchal
E.A fertility goddess rose to challenge Allah

8.The main Indian influence on Islamic thought was in the field of

9.The Islamic thinker who studied Aristotle and whose thought, in turn, influenced the rise of European scholasticism was
A.Omar Khayyam

10.During the Tang dynasty, the imperial civil service examinations
A.Declined dramatically in importance
B.Were expanded, allowing posts to be filled with officials of genuine intellectual ability
C.Were halted and not restarted until the Ming dynasty
D.Were restricted to the wealthier families
E.Were monopolized by the foreign Manchus and used for their advantage

11.During the Tang dynasty,
A.Powerful neighbors kept the Chinese from expanding
B.Most of far western China fell to barbarian tribes
C.Japan was brought under complete Chinese control
D.Chinese armies pushed into Korea, Manchuria, Tibet, and northern Vietnam
E.Japanese forces captured northern China

12.In 1279, the Song dynasty finally fell to the

13.Foot binding is probably the best example of
A.The technological brilliance of the Song dynasty
B.The influence of Buddhist customs as the religion became popular in China
C.The increasingly patriarchal nature of Chinese society
D.The influence of Japanese traditions on the Chinese
E.The increasing freedom of Chinese women during the Song dynasty

14.The most influential Chinese, naval, technological innovation was the
A.Use of rudders
B.Magnetic compass
C.Triangular sail
D.Shipboard cannon
E.Invention of steel hulls

15.In an effort to win support in China by tying in to Chinese traditions, Buddhist missionaries translated the Indian term dharma as

16.The Silla dynasty in Korea copied China in many ways, but never
A.Adopted Confucian thought
B.Converted to Buddhism
C.Formed a tributary relationship with China
D.Established a Confucian examination system
E.Established a bureaucracy based on merit

17.In regard to their relationship with China, the Viet people
A.Revolted against the Tang and won their independence
B.Were not influenced by Chinese thought
C.Gladly accepted the tributary status in order to gain access to Chinese markets
D.Copied Confucianism but never converted to Buddhism
E.Ruled China for over two centuries

18.The native religion of Japan is

19.Which of the following refers to a mounted warrior?

20.What was the title of the military governor who ruled in place of the Japanese emperor?

21.In 802, what gift did Charlemagne receive from the Abbasid caliph, Harun al-Rashid?
A.A thousand pounds of gold
B.A golden chandelier
C.A terra-cotta army
D.An elephant named Abu al-Abbas
E.A chess set displaying the two leaders as the kings

22.Which of the following pairings between Germanic tribes and the area they invaded is incorrect?
A.Ostrogoths and Italy
B.Visigoths and Italy
C.Lombards and Italy
D.Burgundians and southern Gaul
E.Franks and northern Gaul

23.The fifth-century Frankish leader whose conversion to Christianity led to a centuries-long relationship with the popes in Rome was
C.Charles Martel
E.Charles the Fat

24.Charlemagne maintained diplomatic relations with
A.Justinian and the Byzantine Empire
B.Tang Taizong and the Tang Empire
C.Song Taizu and the Song Empire
D.Harun al-Rashid and the Abbasid Empire
E.Ashoka and the Mauryan Empire

25.Historians once used the term feudalism to refer to
A.A strong, centralized political order
B.The Byzantine religious world
C.The Islamic bureaucratic system that dominated for over five-hundred years
D.The class of highly trained Confucian officials
E.The political and social order of Medieval Europe

26. According to the Byzantine historian Procopius, who was responsible for introducing silk production to the Mediterranean? A.A Chinese merchant
B.A western expedition of explorers and merchants
C.A Roman ambassador
D.Two Christian monks
E.A delegation of Chinese Buddhist monks

27. From the fall of Rome to the twelfth century, ______was the political and economic powerhouse of the Mediterranean region. A.France
C.the Byzantine Empire

28. Caesaropapism was A.The effort by the pope to assert control over the western Roman Empire.
B.The effort by the pope to assert control over the eastern Roman Empire.
C.The effort by Caesar to assert control over the Catholic church.
D.The effort by the eastern Roman emperor to regain control of Rome.
E.The effort by Constantine to reign as emperor and actively control ecclesiastical affairs.

29. The attitude of Byzantine rulers towards their subjects and court was A.simple and dignified, discarding much of the pomp of the Roman empire.
B.highly formal, with an emphasis on protocol and lavish dress.
C.businesslike, with efficiency and communication being more important than etiquette.
E.overwhelmingly informal.

30. Who was the most important of the early Byzantine rulers? A.Justinian

31. In Byzantium, the ______provided land to peasants in exchange for military service. A.corvee labor system
B.theme system
C.military draft

32. Byzantine empire regulations limited individuals to participate in only one phase of ______, to prevent the creation of a monopoly. A.the glassware industry
B.the linen industry
C.gem-cutting and jewelry manufacture
D.the silk industry
E.gold and silver work

33. The most important city in the Byzantine Empire and probably in the Mediterranean during the early Middle Ages was A.Constantinople

34. In 1054, the patriarch of the Byzantine church and the Catholic pope A.met to reconcile the two faiths.
B.mutually excommunicated each other, creating a schism that continues today.
C.promoted a peace agreement between the Byzantine emperor and the Bulgar king
D.fielded armies to battle each other.
E.lent mutual support to the First Crusade

35. The most important catalyst for increased Byzantine influence in Russia was A.the visits of Russian merchants to Constantinople
B.the conversion of Prince Vladimir to Orthodox Christianity.
C.the development of the Cyrillic alphabet
D.the arrival of missionary saints Cyril and Methodius in Russia
E.military and economic aid to Russian leaders from Byzantium.

34. The Umayyad dynasty favored A.non-Muslims
B.Persian Muslims
C.Berber Muslims
D.Arab Muslims
E.non-Arab Muslims

35. The Chola kingdom and the kingdom of Vijayanagar A.were states of southeast Asia
B.imposed centralized, imperial rule in southern India
C.were two of the larger states to form in southern India
D.were important Muslim states
E.None of these answers is correct

36. According to the account of CosmasIndicopleustes, southern India and Ceylon during the sixth century were A.the world’s most urbanized lands.
B.great markets for imports and exports.
C.famous for their dhows, junks, and emporia.
D.places where Christians were persecuted.
E.All these answers are correct

37. The kingdom of Axum A.was one of the most powerful kingdoms in northern India.
B.was one of the earliest Islamic kingdoms.
C.prospered from the trade coming through its port city of Adulis.
D.was unable to resist Arab invasions.
E.all these answers are correct

38. Which of the following is true with regard to the development of the caste system during the postclassical era? A.It helped to integrate immigrants into Indian society
B.Guilds of merchants and manufacturers became powerful castes of India.
C.It extended to southern India.
D.It was promoted by powerful.
E.All of these answers are correct.

39. Invasions of India by Turkish Muslims hastened the decline of Buddhism because A.Buddhists were convinced that Buddha was not helpful for personal salvation.
B.Muslim rulers banned Buddhism.
C.invaders looted and destroyed Buddhist stupas and shrines.
D.the Hindus persecuted all other religions after the invasions.
E.None of these answers is correct

40. Shankara and Ramanuja were 34. The Umayyad dynasty favored A.two Hindu philosophers with very different ideas about personal salvation.
B.two Brahmin philosophers who promoted the caste system in India
C.equally important to the development of devotional cults in popular Hinduism.
D.philosophers who worshipped Vishnu and Shiva respectively.
E.All of these answers are correct.

41. Islam in India had a strong appeal to members of lower castes because A.conversion to Islam made them equal with other caste members.
B.Islam promised the spiritual equality of all believers.
C.Allah was more competent than Shiva and Vishnu in terms of salvation.
D.Islam was less dependent on the written word than were other religions.
E.All these answers are correct.

42. Which of the following was NOT adopted by ruling elites of southeast Asia? A.the Indian caste system
B.the model of Indian states
C.Hinduism and Buddhism

43. Funan was A.the first southeast Asian state known to have adopted many Indian practices.
B.the only Islamic state in southeast Asia.
C.the only state that did not show Indian influence in southeast Asia.
D.the only state to control an all-sea trade route between China and India.
E.the last Hindu state in southeast Asia.

44. Which of the following in NOT true of Islam in southeast Asia? A.It did not arrive there until after the thirteenth century.
B.It was practiced by foreign merchants in port cities for centuries.
C.Ruling elites and traders were the first locals to become interested in the faith.
D.It often blended with other, more traditional religions.
E.It was promoted by Sufi mystics.

45. The capital of the Angkor state A.was a microcosmic reflection of the Hindu world order.
B.had Buddhist elements added to its architecture.
C.fell to ruins after Thai peoples invaded.
D.was rediscovered in the jungle by Europeans in the mid-nineteenth century.
E.All these answers are correct.

46. The Quran A.was written by Muhammad.
B.were priests who watched over the Ka’ba.
C.was Muhammad’s journey to Yathrib.
D.were Islamic schola-bureaucrats.
E.is the holy book of Islam

47. Agriculture of the Indian subcontinent relied on A.monsoon rains.
B.irrigation systems.
D.dams and canals.
E.All these answers are correct.

48. The head of the Orthodox church was A.the Byzantine emperor.
B.the Holy Roman emperor.

49. In the early Middle Ages, the economic activity of western Europe was A.extremely developed compared to the Byzantine Empire.
B.commercial and urban.
C.based on long-distance trade.
D.limited to the Mediterranean area and predominantly agricultural.
E.All these answers are correct.

50. The relationship between lord and retainer was A.stable.
E.None these answers are correct.

51. St. Scholastica A.established a convent and began to accept nuns for the first time in the history of Christianity.
B.devised an entirely new set of regulations as guidance for the religious life of women in convents.
C.strongly believed that women should be allowed to become priests and monks.
D.adapted the Benedictine rule as guidance for nuns.
E.None of these answers are correct.

52. Which of the following social services was NOT provided by monasteries? A.inns, refuges
B.banks, shops, factories
D.medical care

53. The Khmer temple shown above provides evidence of the diffusion of ______and ______to SE Asia.

A)Hinduism; Confucianism

B)Hinduism; Islam

C)Hinduism; Buddhism

D)Buddhism; Islam

54. Whose coronation, depicted in the manuscript illustration to the right, best symbolized the alliance between the Roman Catholic Church and the Franks?


B)Otto I

C)Gregory the Great


55. “Each of his [the caliph’s] brothers and members of his family has an abode in his palace, but they are all fettered in chains of iron, and guards are placed over each of their houses so that they may not rise up against the caliph . . . Each one of them resides in his palace in great splendor, and they own villages and towns, and their stewards bring them the tribute thereof, and they eat and drink and rejoice all the days of their life.”

From the passage above, we can infer that one of the greatest sources of political instability resulted from

A)a lack of a clear-cut system of succession

B)the caliph’s brothers accumulating more wealth than the caliph himself

C)the members of the caliph’s family distracting his attention from affairs of state

D)the members of the caliph’s family bickering and fighting amongst each other for the attention and favoritism of the caliph

56. “[Clovis] saw it [his army being in danger of destruction] and raised his eyes to heaven, and with remorse in his heart he burst in to tears and cried: ‘Jesus Christ, whom Cotilda asserts to be the son of the living God . . . I beseech the glory of thy aid, with the vow that if thou wilt grant me victory over these enemies . . .I will believe in thee and be baptized in thy name. For I have invoked my own gods, but, as I see, they have withdrawn from aiding me; and therefore I believe that they possess no power, since they do not help those who obey them.’ And when he said this, the Alamanni [the Germans] turned there backs, and began to disperse in flight.”

Gregory of Tours

History of the Franks, mid-to-late seventh century

Based on the quote above, one could infer that Clovis’ conversion to Christianity was primarily a

A)spiritual transformation

B)military surrender

C)political act

D)financial mistake

57. “Each Steward shall make an annual statement of all our income: an account of our lands cultivated by the oxen which our ploughmen drive and of our lands which the tenants of farms ought to plough; an account of the pigs, of the rents . . .Of the food products other than meat, two-thirds shall be sent each year for our own use…and they shall tell us how much is left by a statement, as we have said above; and they shall not neglect this as in the past; because from those two-thirds, we wish to know how much remains

. . .Each steward shall have in his district good workmen…”

The above quote exemplifies tenants of which economic system?


B)Laissez Faire



58. The Grand Canal, shown in the map above, achieved all of the following EXCEPT

A)connecting the millet-growing area of China with the rice-growing region.

B)connecting the Yangzi and Huang He river valley regions.

C)connecting Ningbo and Hangzhou.

D)connectingChang’an and Luoyang.

59. The map above illustrates

A)the Mediterranean region on the eve of the Crusades.

B)Byzantium’s maximum expansion during the reign of Justinian.

C)Islamic territories around 1100 C.E.

D)Ottoman expansion on the eve of the fall of Constantinople.

60. The map to the above shows the

A)migrations that led to the establishment of the Carolingian empire.

B)invasions that caused the collapse of the Carolingian empire.

C)spread of Catholicism in medieval Europe and beyond.

D)origins and routes of the first Europeans.