By procurement commission

August17, 2015

Protocol No. 1

NBS NP 2.RNC2015/44


„Purchase of firefighting system on external suspension”

(ID No.NBS NP 2.RNC 2015/44

CPV code –42990000-2)

We invite you to participate in the procurement of “Purchase of firefighting system on external suspension”(Public Procurement Law Article No.8.2).

  2. Customerand Manager of the procurement for “Purchase of firefighting system on external suspension” ID No.NBS NP 2.RNC 2015/44: 2nd Regional Logistics Centre of Logistic Command of National Armed Forces of the Republic of Latvia, hereinafter – 2nd RLC, registration No. 90009227961, legal address: “NAF Aviation base”, parish Rembate, Kegums county, LV-5016, Latvia, Ph: +371 65055318, Fax:+371 65055315.
  3. Financing source – state budget (100%).
  4. Information about procurement is obtainable from: Jana Grizāne (procurement organizational issues), e-mail: .
  5. Information about procurement is obtainable from: Salvis Salgrāvis-Zakovskis(technical issues), e-mail: .
  6. Bidder is the supplier of the goods which has submitted an offer.
  2. The subject of procurement is purchasing of firefighting system on external suspensionin accordance with the technical specifications (Annex 1) and the requirements of these regulations.
  3. Bidders for the good submit offer in full compliance with this terms and technical specification.
  4. Bidder can submit only one offer.
  5. Bidder shall submit the offer original and one certified copy.
  6. Place of delivery:“NAF Air Base” parishRembate, county Ķegums LV-5016, Latvia.
  7. Offer submission deadline is August 28, 2015,2nd Regional Logistics Centre, “NAF Aviation base”, parishRembate, county Kegums, LV-5016,Bidder’s offer, submitted after this date will not be opened and will be sent back to bidder.
  2. Composition of the offer:
  3. all papers shall be written in Latvian or English.
  4. papers in other languages shall be accompanied by notarial signed translation to one of above mentioned language;
  5. offer papers shall be submitted in sealed envelope:
  6. pages shall be numbered;
  7. all offer papers shall be bound together into package by tough thread. Threads shall be firmly attached and sealed at the back cover sheet. Seal shall be stumped by bidder and signed by authorized representative of the bidder, number of bounded pages written wordy. Paper bounding shall prevent sheet replacement without seal breaking;
  8. offer papers shall be clearly readable, without corrections and erasing marks;
  9. package content shall be placed in front of the offer;
  10. bidder information and detailed offer description shall be filled in accordance with annex No2.
  11. Offer paper package shall be submitted personally in sealed envelope to 2nd Regional LogisticsCentre, “NAF Aviation base”,parishRembate, county Ķeguma, LV-5016, LATVIAor sent by mail providing its reception till deadline. 3.2.1. Envelope shall be labeled:bidder’s name, legal address, phone No.,
  12. Subject of procurement: „Purchase of firefighting system on external suspension” and ID No. NBS NP 2.RNC 2015/44, do not open untilAugust 28, 2015.
  13. Offer signed by the Bidder’s representative with a representative or duly authorized person.

As a proof of meeting the qualification requirements, bidder shall include the following papers in package:

4.1. Copy of the registration certificate issued to bidder.

4.2.Upon submitting a procurement, the bidder shall append a certification where it shall bi indicated that the following conditions do not exist in relation thereto:

4.2.1.insolvency proceedings thereof have been announced (except the case where a bailout or similar set of measures is applied within insolvency proceedings oriented towards prevention of possible bankruptcy and restoration of solvency of the debtor), economic activity thereof has been suspended or discontinued, proceedings regarding bankruptcy thereof have been initiated or it will be liquidated by the anticipated final term of implementation of the contract;

4.2.2. it has tax debts in Latvia and a country where it is registered or permanently residing (if it is not registered in Latvia or permanently residing in Latvia), including debts of State social insurance contributions, in total exceeding EUR 150 in each country.


Detailed offer description considering Technical specification (Annex No1).


Pricing shall be given in EUR. Prices shall include all service-related prices and applicable but without VAT taxies. VAT shall be shown separately. VAT rate for foreign EU bidders is 0%. Prices shall be shown in accordance with Annex No.2. Price offer shall be valid at least three month since submission date.

  2. The procurement Commission evaluates bidder’s qualification.
  3. Bidder will be eliminated and its offer will not be evaluated further if the procurement commission discovers that:Qualification papers not submitted in accordance with requirements described in chapter 4. And/or its content doesn’t meet the requirements described in Chapter 4. Or/and bidder has submitted false information of its qualification or hasn’t submitted required information at all, including addition clarifying information asked by procurement commission within established deadline.
  2. Bidder’s offer is eliminated and not evaluated any further if the Commission discover that:
  3. Technical offer’s papers have not submitted, or its content doesn’t meet the requirements described in Chapter 5.
  4. Offer doesn’t meet the Technical specification’s requirements (annex No 1).
  2. The winnerCommission findsthe bidderif itfully complies with theoffer submitted by theprocurement termsandtechnicalspecification and bidder offering the lowest price.
  3. Decision on results of bidder, the Commission notifies the bidder in writing within three days after decision was made.
  4. The contract between the Customer and the bidder to be concluded in accordance with LR Public procurementlaw.
  2. The Commission acts in accordance with LR Public procurement law, these Terms, and 2nd Regional Logistics Centre Commander’s order: August 12, 2015 No.141.
  3. The Commission’s rights:
  4. to request submitted bidder’s information clarification and detailed explanations in written;
  5. to check sincerity of bidder’s information;
  6. to invite external experts with a deliberate functions;
  7. to decline unreasonably cheap offer;
  8. to ask bidder to extend validity term of the offer;
  9. to carry out other activities in accordance with LR Public procurement law, other relevant laws and regulations, and these Instructions;
  10. to ask the applicant to supply samples or viewing the complete technical description of the goods.
  11. The Commission’s obligations:
  12. to evaluate offer submitted before established deadline;
  13. to make decisions on results of procurement;
  14. to carry out other activities in accordance with LR Public procurement law, other relevant laws and regulations, and these Instructions.
  2. Bidder’s rights:
  3. to request timely the Commission for additional information about the Terms;
  4. to request the Commission for electronic copy of the Instructions via E-mail;
  5. to extend validity term of the offer;
  6. to carry out other activities in accordance with LR Public procurement law, other relevant laws and regulations, and these Instructions.
  7. Bidder’s obligations:
  8. upon reception of the Instructions to submit an accurate information about recipient (name, registration No), legal address, E-mail, phone, and fax No;
  9. to respond timely to the Commission’s requests in written with answers and clarifications about an offer;
  10. bidder upon submission of an offer takes responsibility to comply with terms and conditions stipulated in the Instructions as basis for execution of the procurement;
  11. to carry out other activities in accordance with LR Public procurement law, other relevant laws and regulations, and these Instructions.
  2. The Commission and bidder exchange information in written, via fax and E-mail, verbally expressed information is not relevant to the procurement procedure.
  3. All the expenses related to preparation and submission of the offer is covered by Bidder.

These Instructions are drawn up and accepted in English on 12 (twelve) pages. The Terms include the body on 4 (four) pages and 2 (two) annexes on 8 (eight) pages:

Annex No 1 –Technical specifications on 6 pages;

Annex No 2 –Information about the Bidder on 2 pages.


Annex No.1

To procurement terms,

ID No.:NBS NP 2.RNC 2015/44


Ārējās piekares ugunsgrēku dzēšanas sistēma
Firefighting system on external suspension
Application / Nodrošināt ugunsgrēku dzēšanu ar helikopteru Mi-17.
Provide firefightingwith helicopter Mi-17.
Pamatprasības: /
  1. Ārējās piekares ugunsgrēku dzēšanas sistēma Bamby Bucket BB5566HD vai ekvivalents.
  2. Ietilpība ne mazāk kā 2500 litri (660 USG).
  3. Sistēmas un aprīkojuma kopējais bruto svars ne vairāk kā 2638 kg (5805 lbs).
  4. Tukša „maisa” svars ne vairāk kā 138 kg ( 305 lbs).
  5. Tvertnes „maisa” un balstiekārtas kopējais garums ne vairāk par 7,69 m (24,15 fts).
  6. Balstiekārtas tauva iekļauta komplektācijā.
  7. Kravas cilpa pievienota balstiekārtas tauvai.

Basic requirement: /
  1. Firefighting system on external suspension BB5566HD or equivalent.
  2. Capacity not less than 2500 liters (660 USG).
  3. Gross Weight of system and equipment not more than 2638 kg (5805 lb).
  4. Empty Weight of tank not more than 138 kg (305 lb).
  5. Tank and suspension overall length not more than 7.69 m (24.15 fts).
  6. Suspension Line included in assembly.
  7. Cargo Loop connected to Suspension line.

Tehniskās prasības: /
  1. Piekaramajai tvertnei jāsastāv no:
  2. Vadības galvas ar elektromehānisku palaišanas sistēmu;
  3. Standarta komplektācijas ūdens izliešanas vārsta.
  4. Vismaz 16 apvalka latām, kas izgatavotas no 100% poliestera vai ekvivalenta materiāla.
  5. Vismaz 24M-tipa siksnas, kas izgatavotas no 100% poliestera vai ekvivalenta materiāla.
  6. Tvertnes tilpuma regulējoša siksna no ārpuses ar 4 pozīciju regulēšanas iespēju:
  7. 100% no tilpuma
  8. 90% no tilpuma
  9. 80% no tilpuma
  10. 70% no tilpuma
  11. Uzstādītas vismaz 16 apakšējās siksnas, kas izgatavotas no 100% poliestera vai ekvivalenta materiāla.
  12. Ātrās izvēršanas sistēmas.
  13. Ugunsgrēku dzēšanas „zeķes”.
  1. Vadības pultij:
  2. Jāspēj vadīt ūdens noliešanu attālināti (no helikoptera kravas kabīnes).
  3. Jābūt savienotai ar ūdens noliešanas galvu.
  4. Jābūt savienojamai ar helikoptera Mi-17 27V līdzstrāvas tīkla kontaktligzdas pieslēgumu.
  5. Jābūt ūdens un triecienu izturīgai (hermētiskai)
  6. Jābūt cilindriskas formas
  7. Pults ģeometriskajiem izmēriem jāatbilst:
  8. Augstums:
  9. Maksimums – 130 mm
  10. Minimums – 110 mm
  11. Diametrs:
  12. Maksimums – 40 mm
  13. Minimums – 20 mm
  14. Jābūt aprīkotai ar spiedpogu.
  15. Spiedpogai jābūt ūdens izturīgai (hermētiskai).
  16. Spiedpogas minimālajam diametra izmēram jābūt 10 mm
  17. Spiedpogas maksimālais izmērs nedrīkst pārsniegt vadības pults diametru
  18. Spiedpogai jāatrodas vadības pults augšpusē
  19. Spied pogas nospiešanas gadījumā pultij jānodrošina nekavējoša elektriskā signāla pievadīšana vadības galvai ūdens izliešanai no piekaramās tvertnes
  20. Vadības pults apakšpusē jābūt pieslēgtam elektriskajam vadam
  1. Elektriskajam vadam:
  2. Jābūt ūdensizturīgam (hermētiskai)
  3. Jābūt noturīgam pret mehāniskiem bojājumiem
  4. Jābūt ar iestrādātu ātrās atvienošanas pieslēgumu, kas nodrošina ātru un ērtu vada atvienošanu pie balstiekārtas tauvas augšējās cilpas
  5. Ārkārtas situācijās, veicot ārējās piekares ugunsgrēku dzēšanas sistēmas nomešanu, ātrās atvienošanas pieslēgums nodrošina vada atvienošanos bez cilvēka/operatora iesaistīšanās
  6. Ātrās atvienošanas pieslēgumam jābūt atkārtoti lietojamam
  7. Vada garumam jābūt:
  8. No vadības pults līdz helikoptera Mi-17 27V līdzstrāvas tīkla kontaktligzdas pieslēgumam – 7.5m +/-0.5m
  9. No helikoptera Mi-17 27V līdzstrāvas tīkla kontaktligzdas pieslēguma līdz ātrās atvienošanas pieslēgumam pie balstiekārtas tauvas augšējās cilpas – 4m +/-0.5m
  1. Elektriskās ķēdes komponentiem jābūt slēgtiem virknē secīgi – Vadības pults; līdzstrāvas tīkla kontaktligzdas pieslēgums; ātrās atvienošanas pieslēgums; vadības galva
  1. Balstiekārtas tauvai ar apvalku:
  2. Apvalkam jābūt izgatavotam no 100% poliestera vai ekvivalenta materiāla un tam ir jābūt ar liplentes (velkro) aizdari visā tā garumā.
  3. Apvalkam jānodrošina tauvas un vada aizsardzība no mehāniskiem bojājumiem.
  4. Balstiekārtas tauvai jābūt izgatavotai no sintētiskas šķiedras.
  5. Balstiekārtas tauvai jāspēj izturēt ne mazāk kā 3 t liela atsvara veidotā dinamiskā slodze.
  6. Balstiekārtas tauvas garums – 20 m +/- 1%.
  7. Balstiekārtas tauvas apvalka garumam jābūt vienādam ar balstiekārtas tauvas garumu un fiksētam tauvas galos
  8. Balstiekārtas tauvai jābūt 60 cm +/- 5 cm garam gumijas apvalkam, kas pasargā balstiekārtas tauvu no mehāniskiem bojājumiem
  9. Gumijas aizsargam jābūt ne tālāk kā 20 cm no balstiekārtas tauvas augšējā gala
  10. Balstiekārtas tauvas apvalkā jābūt ievietotam palaišanas sistēmas vadības pults vadam.
  11. Balstiekārtas tauvas augšējā galā jābūt iestrādātai kravas cilpai.
  12. Kravas cilpai jābūt savietojamai ar helikoptera Mi-17 ārējās piekares sistēmu.
  1. Ugunsgrēku dzēšanas sistēma gatava lietošanai (sakomplektēta).

Technical requirement: /
  1. Hanging container components include:
  2. Control head with electro mechanic system.
  3. Water dump valve of standard assembly installed.
  4. Not less than 16 Shell battens, made of 100% polyester or equivalent material.
  5. Not less than 24 M-Straps, made of 100% polyester or equivalent material.
  6. Volume adjusting strap located outside of container with 4 positions:
  7. 100% of volume
  8. 90% of volume
  9. 80% of volume
  10. 70% of volume
  11. At least 16 Bottom wear strips, made of 100% polyester or equivalent material.
  12. Instant Deployment System (IDS).
  13. Firesock.
  1. Remote control:
  2. Provides the water draining remotely (form helicopter cargo cabin)
  3. Must be connected to control head of water dump.
  4. Must be compatible with helicopter’s Mi-17 onboard 27V DC power trough socket.
  5. Must be waterproof and shockproof (hermetic)
  6. Must be cylindrical shape
  7. Remote control’s geometrical sizes must be:
  8. Hight:
  9. Maximum – 130 mm
  10. Minimum – 110 mm
  11. Diameter:
  12. Maximum – 40 mm
  13. Minimum – 20 mm
  14. Must be equipped with push-button.
  15. Push-button must be waterproof (hermetic)
  16. Push-button’s minimal diameter must be 10 mm
  17. Push-button’s maximal diameter not more than remote control’s diameter
  18. Push-button must be on top of remote control
  19. Remote control must ensure immediate electrical signal to control head in case of pushing push-button
  20. Electrical wire must be placed on bottom of remote control
  1. Elactrical wire:
  2. Must be waterproof (hermetic)
  3. Must be resistant to mechanical damage
  4. Quick disconnect connection must be made in wire near suspension line’s upper loopand must ensure quick and easy wire disconnect
  5. Quick disconnect connection must ensure wire disconnection without human/operator actions in case of releasing firefighting system on external suspension in emergencies situations
  6. Quick disconnect connection must be reusable
  7. Wire length must be:
  8. From remote control to Mi-17 onboard 27V DC power socket – 7.5m +/-0.5m
  9. From Mi-17 onboard 27V DC power socket to quick disconnect connection at the suspension line’s upper loop
  1. Electrical circuit components must be connected sequentially – remote controle; Mi-17 onboard 27V DC power socke ; quick disconnect connection; control head
  1. Suspension line with shell:
  2. Shell has to be made of 100% polyester or equivalent material and with hook and loop tape (Velcro) fastener along all its length.
  3. Shell must ensure protection for suspension line and wire protection from mechanical damage.
  4. Suspension line must be made of synthetic material.
  5. Suspension line has to withstand dynamic load created of at least 3 tons of great weight.
  6. Suspension line length: 20m+/-1%.
  7. Shell length must be equal to suspension line and attached to suspension line endings
  8. Suspension line must have 60cm+/-5cm long rubber shell protection from mechanical damage
  9. Rubber protection must be placed no further 20cm form top ending
  10. Wire of remote control must be placed inside of suspension lines shell.
  11. Cargo loop must be connected to upper end of suspension line.
  12. Cargo loop must be compatible with helicopter Mi-17 external cargo suspension system.
  1. The fire extinguishing system is ready for use (the complete).

Papildprasības: /
  1. Pakalpojuma sniedzējam, kas veic ārējās piekares ugunsgrēku dzēšanas sistēmas pielāgošanu darbam ar helikopteru MI-17, jābūt sertificētam helikopteru tehniskajā apkopē atbilstoši EASA PART-145 vai JAR-145 prasībām.
  1. Ārējās piekares ugunsgrēku dzēšanas sistēmai jābūt nelietotai un ražotai ne agrāk kā 2 gadus pirms piegādes.
  1. Piegādātājam jānodrošina ārējās piekares ugunsgrēku dzēšanas sistēmas piegāde uz „NBS Aviācijas bāzi”, Rembates pag., Ķeguma nov., LV-5016.
  1. Lietošanas instrukcija un tehniskā dokumentācija latviešu vai angļu valodā iekļautas komplektā.

Aditional requirement: /
  1. The service provider who is performing customization of firefighting system on external suspension for helicopter MI-17 must be certified to helicopter maintenance according to EASA PART-145 or JAR-145
  1. Firefighting system on external suspension must be unused and manufactured not earlier than 2 years before delivery
  1. Supplier ensure delivery of firefighting system on external suspension to “NBS Aviācijas Bāze”, Rembates pag., Ķeguma nov., LV-5016.
  1. Direction of use and technical documentation in Latvian or English language included in assembly.

Garantijas prasības / Garantijas periods ne mazāk kā 12 mēneši no pieņemšanas/nodošanas akta parakstīšanas brīža.
Garantijas laikā nepieciešamo ārējās piekares ugunsgrēku dzēšanas sistēmas apkopi veic piegādātājs atbilstoši ražotāja/izgatavotāja tehniskās apkopes prasībām.
Warranty terms / Warranty not less than 12 months from the date of signing delivery/acceptance act
During warranty supplier ensure firefighting system’s on external suspension maintenance according manufacturer maintenance requirements


To procurement terms,

ID No.:NBS NP 2.RNC 2015/44

Procurement:„Purchase offirefighting system on external suspension”

ID No.NBS NP 2.RNC 2015/44

To:2nd Regional Logistics Centre of Logistics Command of National Armed Forces of the Republic of Latvia, “NAF Aviation base”,

Parish Rembates, county Kegums, LV-5016, Latvia

  1. In accordance with Procurement Terms, we, the undersigned, hereby beg to acknowledge our acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Prices inquiry. We offer to delivery of purchase of firefighting system on external suspension in accordance with the Procurement terms and the technical specification for the total price of: ______EUR without VAT.

Purchase firefighting system on external suspension
Basic requirements
Technical requirements
Additional requirements
Delivery location
Delivery period
Quality requirements
Firefighting system on external suspensionof one (1) piece the price EUR without VAT
  1. Bidder’s name, reg. No, legal address, factual address: ______
  2. We hereby confirm that all attached papers complete our offer.
  3. We hereby confirm that our offer is valid till ______.
  4. Payment and delivery terms and conditions: ______
  5. Warranty: terms and conditions: ______
  6. Our information:

Bidder’s name:

Registered (date):

With No

Legal address:

Office address:

Point of contacts:

(Title, Name, Surname, Position)




VAT payer reg. No:





I hereby take full responsibility for submitted papers package completeness, its content, binding and sealing, and conformity to the Terms requirements. Submitted information is authentic.

Offer’s package is composed of ______(______) pages.


Name, Surname:


The offer is drawn up and signed in ______, 2015.

month date

Place for a stamp