Student Behaviour Rubric (Attitude, Work Habits, Effort, Social Responsibility)
The Work Habits on the Report Card (N, S, G, E) correspond to the following comments and chart of behaviours
Not meeting expectations(N = Needs Improvement)
Your child’s behaviour concerning attitudes, work habits, effort, and social responsibility does not meet expectations. / Meeting expectations
(S = Satisfactory)
Your child’s behaviour concerning attitudes, work habits, effort, and social responsibility meets expectations. / Fully meeting expectations
(G = Good)
Your child’s behaviour concerning attitudes, work habits, effort, and social responsibility fully meets expectations. / Exceeds expectations
(E = Excellent)
Your child’s behaviour concerning attitudes, work habits, effort, and social responsibility exceeds expectations.
- not ready to work, learn, or participate
- usually ready to work, learn, or participate
- ready to work, learn, or participate
- always ready to work, learn or participate
- assignments missing or not complete
- most assignments turned in and complete
- all assignments turned in and fully complete
- all assignments turned in and always prepared
- often late or absent
- seldom late or absent
- on time for class and generally prepared to learn
- always on time and fully prepared to learn
- frequently requires one-on-one corrective attention
- sometimes requires corrective attention
- self-directed learner
- self-directed learner who takes appropriate initiative
- does not work well with other students/ teachers
- sometimes works well with other students and teachers
- usually works well with other students and teachers
- always works well with others
- disregards class expectations and ROCKS ; displays inappropriate behaviour or comments
- sometimes shows commitment to class expectations and ROCKS; acknowledges the feelings and efforts of others
- usually considerate of class expectations and ROCKS; supports and encourages others
- always considerate of class expectations and ROCKS; supports, encourages and promotes others