CG Discussion Questions


SP Alvin Tan

12 Feb 2017

Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:11-36

Summary statement: We are priests of the living God


It is a time just before Israel anoints her first king - a time when people did what was right in their sight. In this passage, we see a tale of both faithfulness and faithlessness. First, we read of the faithfulness of Hannah who, in spite of the long years of waiting for a child, dedicates her firstborn Samuel to serve God, who grew up to minister faithfully under Eli the priest. We also see the faithlessness of Eli’s sons in their duties as priests and their stubbornness to listen to their father's rebuke. God subsequently pronounces judgment on the whole house of Eli and promises to raise up a priest faithful to Him.

Scripture Reading & Discovery:

Read 1 Samuel 2:11-36. As you read, observe how the actions of Eli’s sons are described, and then contrast them against the descriptions of Samuel. Notice what God says about the actions of the sons of Eli.

Insights into studying the Word together / Discussion Questions:

1.  How were the sons of Eli described? (v12)

2.  How did the sons of Eli treat the sacrifice offered by the Israelites? (vv13-16) What does this reveal about their attitude towards God? (v17)

3.  How did Eli discipline his sons? What does he warn them against? (vv22-25)

4.  What wrongdoing did God charge Eli with? (v29) What judgment did God pronounce on Eli and his descendants? (vv30-36)

5.  What do you notice about the way Samuel is described each time after the sons of Eli is mentioned?


1.  The scripture writers used very strong words to describe the sons of Eli - “Worthless”. This description is used to describe priests who had failed utterly in their duty in mediating between God and the Israelites, taking the holiness of God for granted. Have we taken his grace and mercy for granted, forgetting that our God is a Holy God and treating his kindness towards us with contempt? Take same time to pray and reflect about our hearts’ attitudes towards God’s own sacrifice for us in Jesus.

2.  1 Peter 2:5 declares believers as God’s holy priests! Each of us are being built up as God's temple, bringing ourselves as holy servants to the Lord. This means that everything that we have - our blessing, spiritual gifts, skills, talents - all these must be surrendered to God. Let us not short change God by using the gifts only to serve ourselves, but instead surrender them all to God, for He desires all of us. Share with each other how you can be God’s priest in your own unique situation - how you can pray and intercede for others and share about God’s salvation.

Prayer Requests: (Write down prayer requests, with prayer support for those who shared about their applications or struggles above)