Mary Lou Van Atta

7300 20th Street #43

Vero Beach, FL 32966


PH: 740-973-4080


Van Atta / Saw God Today 2

“Morning Joy”

Each morning I waken with excited anticipation, for I am about to once more receive a wonderful surprise gift. It is dark outside as I hurry to the kitchen to prepare my cup of tea, and with the warm cup in my hands, I look with joy from the window. I say small prayers of thanks to the wonderful provider of my gift as I listen in the darkness to the quiet around me – a raindrop, a tree limb brushing the house, the breath of my beloved puppy curled next to me. I am filled with peace and love as I wait expectantly – and then – softly – the gift is opening before me – just a peek thru the morning mist.

Slowly the darkness is turned to light and I am shown Gods love and caring promise. Such a gift: Tree limbs silhouetted against the sky, sometimes bare, sometimes flowering, sometimes full of leaves to shade the patio from summer heat. The music of the new day touches my ears as the wings of ducks fly in exuberance across the pond; birds start their morning song and, hopping across the newly shown lawn, chirp in excitement about their morning breakfast. I feel a sense of awe, indefinable joy and love as I accept this gift from my creator. How loved I feel that I am given a fresh gift each day – unused – ready for me to explore. The past is over. This is a new and wonderful day – just freshly created – how utterly exciting.

Thank you, God, for this wonderful exciting gift. Help me to use it well.

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Van Atta / Saw God Today 4

Spring reaches out and holds me to her bosom – enveloping me in

feelings of joy, hope and rejuvenation. The sun warms skin and bone that

have been chilled too long by winter. Crocus push purple and yellow heads

inches above the ground – barely seen – but having braved the cold and

snow, are waving their colors in victory. There will be more cold – more

snow – but today – Spring peeked in and smiled. She will soon push winter

away for another year – and I rejoice along with all nature.

Van Atta / Saw God Today 5


I often walk the bike path through the woods, enjoying the beauty and

serenity: the quiet of the woods as I watch the squirrels running from limb

to limb. I see the changing seasons and watch the creek running beside the

path as it changes from slow gliding water to rushing torrents after a storm.

My eyes were seeing all of the beauty around me when, rounding a curve, I

was surprised to see a blind man with his guide dog.

I spoke as we neared each other and he extended his hand to shake mine.

I said how much I enjoyed the walk with all of its serenity and he replied,

“Yes, I enjoy it also. I love to hear the squirrels as they leap from limb to

limb and, Oh, how wonderful to smell the changing seasons as the

temperatures change around me. I can almost see the creek as I hear it move

from slow meandering stream to rushing waters after a storm. It is all so


For the remainder of my walk I “saw” with different eyes – and it was,

indeed, even more beautiful . . .

Van Atta / Saw God Today 6

I look at the damage the deer have done. Leaves eaten off of the Holly

bushes and Ivy vines. Foot prints in flower beds and lawn as they have been

searched for food during the winter cold. I am mildly distressed, but

remember the joy they have given me all year long as I watch their gentle

movement across the back fields. The plants will come back – and I hope

the deer will also. Hopefully, the grass of the fields will keep them from the

flowers during the summer –and if not – well – deer really are lovely to


Van Atta / Saw God Today 7

It really was a dark and stormy night. Hail was hitting the skylights to

the point that I worried they would break through and cause considerable

damage. I could see the large ice balls lying on the skylights with each

flash of the lightening as more and more – and what seemed like larger and

larger – chunks of ice were thrown at the glass above my head. I am sure

the storm lasted no more that 15 minutes, but it seemed forever.

Why do scary and sad things seem to last so long – while happy and fun

things go by so quickly? There is truth in the old saying, “Time flies when

you’re having fun”. I was not having fun – but I did learn that the skylights

are strong and safe against the storms. That, in itself, is a happy thought.

Van Atta / Saw God Today 8

I walked to the barn today; nearly 50 years back in time. The doors

creaked open to a silence that mingled with memories of long ago.

Memories that could still hear the quiet nickers of horses and the stomping

of their feet as they anticipated feeding time. I could almost feel the soft

velvet of their noses pushed against me to be petted. The leathery smell of

long ago saddles and bridles lingered in the silent air as light filtered in

through the dirty window panes showing cobwebs and dusty neglected

storage racks. Amid the silence, I heard the soft chirping of a little bird and

saw her fluttering about. It was then that I spied a small bird nest on one of

the shelves. Upon peeking in, I saw wee eyes and beaks peeking back at me.

I quietly backed away and left, softly shutting the barn door. I felt a smile

on my face and a contented glow of happiness came over me. It’s nice to

know that the barn of my youth is still giving shelter – no matter how small

the tenants.

Van Atta / Saw God Today 9

So much rain! I don’t recall ever a colder, wetter month of May. I am

growing a bit tired of it - - - yet, I have never seen so deep a green. I see it

everywhere. Beautiful emerald green! Trees, grass, shrubs. It really is quite

beautiful – even on cloudy days. But enough! I want the sun again – to

allow the soil to dry enough to plant and rake and work. It is time. But,

Mother Nature insists on watering. I think her hose is leaking.

Van Atta / Saw God Today 10

Helicopter seeds from the maple tree cover the patio; a mess for me to

clean, but a feast for the chipmunks to fill their cheeks in glee. The good

and the bad – it’s all in your point of view.

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Leaves fill the once bare branches. Robins fly to and fro with twigs and

grass – hurrying to once more build their nests to start the cycle of life over

again. The trees are more slow and stately about putting on their new finery;

sophisticated and serene in their years of renewal. And I? – I turn the garden

soil around the perennials pushing up. Flowers to plant – weeds to

pull – yet the greatest pleasure is looking – smelling - and feeling the

warmth of the sun on my skin; knowing that I am never alone. I hug myself

in joy. I want to sing with it all – but voice of song is not a gift given me –

so I just smile and feel really, really good.

Van Atta / Saw God Today 12

Ants carry a dead beetle across the rough floor of the flower bed. Small

ridges made by my rake are hills to them and they work as a team to carry

their load to the hole going beneath the ground. Others scurry to help and,

as I watch, the beetle is taken within. Why? Food I suppose – but I don’t

know. I do know, however, that the teamwork of these small creatures cause

me to consider my human companions. We could learn much from ants.

Van Atta / Saw God Today 13

Ahhh – Spring at last. Hummingbirds swing on the perch of the feeder

enjoying the nectar within, as I enjoy their flightless moment and marvel at

their needle beaks jabbing quickly and perfectly into the tiny feeding holes.

What marvelous precision God does create.

Van Atta / Saw God Today 14

A fly! The first I have seen since last fall. I find it difficult to love a fly

and hope that I will be forgiven for this lapse. A fly swatter, if it were

handy, would be used without hesitation. I know that all creatures have a

place and a reason – but I cannot understand the worth of a fly. Perhaps it is

to humble me into recognizing that some things are not meant to be


Van Atta / Saw God Today 15

Life is much like a flower – slowly pushing up through Mother Earth. We

push through household chores – earning a living – doing the “shoulds” and

suddenly the “shoulds” are no longer necessary. The joy, the pain, the daily

life is different. Children are gone now. There is only me – and I am slowly

breaking free of constraints – pushing my way toward the sun. I am

suddenly blooming in a new freedom.

Van Atta / Saw God Today 16

AS I WALK - - -

I see, beyond the shed – an old chair smiling at me with missing spindles,

as a gap toothed granny with tales to tell.

I see new growth, stretching the old tree higher, as she drops her pine

cone seeds, encouraging her young to follow.

I see buttercups raising their shiny faces, as tiny cups, to catch yellow

rays of sun and reflect their joy upon my own.

I see a touch of blue peeking through the clouds, as a tiny blue bird

wanting to be heard.

AS I WALK, I see the many faces of God.

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Van Atta / Saw God Today 18

The chipmunk sits upon my garden wall – contemplating me as I stare in

awe. Neither of us runs in fright. We simply stare at each other in wonder,

and decide that it is safe. We are o.k. Me so large and he so small. I honor

you chipmunk, on my garden wall.

Van Atta / Saw God Today 19

The joy of a summer day, just sitting on the patio, looking around me

in pure delight. I see butterflies dancing in the air – and when they land,

their wings close lightly as a book that has just been read. I see birds at the

feeder, gossiping ladies all dining together and sharing the news of the day.

I see flowers that delight my senses as well as my eyes. I see hummingbirds

that can place their long beaks with perfect precision to gain the nectar of

their chosen flower – then back off in flight, to hover in mid air – deciding

whether to have one more sip or move on enjoying the bounty that surrounds

them. I am never alone – for all around me – I see God.

Van Atta / Saw God Today 20

Wasps have made their home within the small ceramic bird house

hanging from the tree. They’ve made their nest within and the birds have no

chance. What to do? I enjoy watching the buzzing – the activity – the

coming and going. Is my distress that they are within a “bird” house – not a

wasp house? – I make a small sign and paste it over the wee door.

“Wasp house” and the problem is solved. Wasps have made their home

within the small ceramic wasp house hanging from the tree.

Van Atta / Saw God Today 21

My heart is awed by the peaceful birch. She grows gracefully to the light

above as a lovely bride in white with bridesmaids by her side.

Parchment petals drop at her feet and, in her hair, a wreath of leaves adorn

her brow as birds nest within to sing of her beauty and fragile journey to the

alter of God.

Van Atta / Saw God Today 22

Two chairs sitting on the patio – silently waiting for friendship to come

calling. Inviting shared stories – concerns – a bit of gossip – happy events –

or just silence – the deepest friendship of all. Friends that can sit together

and peacefully communicate love without words. Two chairs side by side.

Van Atta /Saw God Today 23

I thought I saw a garden fairy today, hiding behind an ivy leaf; but when I

bent down for a closer look, she was no where to be seen. I turned to walk

away, smiling at my imagination, when I think I heard her laughing. I am

sure there was quiet music in the air and a light fragrance in the breeze.

Some day – some day I will catch her and we will laugh together and I will,

once more, set her free. I love garden fairies. They are so elusive.

Van Atta /Saw God Today 24

An old tree had fallen across the dry creek bed and obviously been there

for many years. Moss had grown along the top and fern was growing out of

the thin layer of moss. What a delight! The moss could not have been more

than half an inch think, yet it firmly held to the root system of the fern,

giving color and joy to my eyes. Miracles of beauty are everywhere.

Van Atta / Saw God Today 25

How wonderful to be Happy! Inside and outside happy. The kind that

starts with warm feelings of love inside and pushes a smile upon my face.

Flowers are more beautiful today and fresh washed hair feels wonderful.

Reading, writing and arithmetic are fun and a joy. I am happy when alone –

or with others. I want to hug my home, family, friends and my dear little

dog. Truly, I am one of the most fortunate people in the world for, on this

day, I am totally and delightfully contented and happy. Oh, to hold this

feeling forever. Must it be lost to the winds of change? I pray not, but, if it

is, then I shall remember this moment – and know that I will laugh again –

for happiness really is, just a smile away.

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