P/SUP/2b Appendix 2b
Name of Supervisee:______
Name of Supervisor/Manager:______
Key Tasks of Supervisee:______
Format of Supervision:
- The supervision meeting will take place in privacy and should be uninterrupted.
- The supervision meeting will last for a minimum of 90 minutes
- The supervision meeting will consist of the following:
- Management Issues
- Workload Management discussion
- Professional Development Discussion
- Welfare/Support Issues
- Other Issues
Different weightings will be given to different parts of this agenda dependent on the supervisee and circumstances applying at the time.
Recording Supervision
The supervision meeting will be recorded by the supervisor and an agreed record signed by both parties and the supervisor will keep the record.
Frequency of Supervision
Detail frequency of supervision as specified in supervision policy and by Care Standards (if applicable).
Supervisor’s Responsibilities:
- The supervisor will familiarise themselves with this policy and undertake supervision training, as appropriate.
- The supervisor will make supervision a priority and will prepare appropriately for it. If supervision has to be cancelled for any reason it will be rearranged to the earliest possible date.
- The supervisor will at the first supervision, check the supervisee’s CRB, HCPC registration and motor vehicle insurance and licence detail, and will ensure that the details are recorded accurately in the relevant folder.
- The supervisor will ensure the supervisee understands their role and responsibilities and will support them in the exercise of that role.
- The supervisor will ensure appropriate induction and training is planned, supported and monitored according to the supervisee’s needs.
- The supervisor will assess performance and give constructive feedback.
- The supervisor will address continuing poor performance issues and implement capability procedures if necessary.
- The supervisor will use performance management data to benchmark division/team performance against Departmental and National Standards.
- The supervisor will, every month audit two team case files using the management audit tool.
- The supervisor will be open and honest at all times.
- The supervisor will accept constructive criticism positively.
- The supervisor will inform the supervisee if any aspect of the supervision meeting is to be shared with other parties.
- The supervisor will demonstrate anti-oppressive practice within their managerial role.
- The supervisor will monitor absence from work and explore any issues arising.
- The supervisor will respond appropriately to personal problems that are affecting the supervisee’s well being and work performance.
- The manager will respond appropriately to any issues that arise regarding Equal Opportunities for the supervisee.
Supervisee’s Responsibilities:
- The supervisee will make supervision a priority and will prepare appropriately for it.
- The supervisee will at the first supervision, make their HCPC registration documentation, CRB, driving licence and motor vehicle insurance details available for the supervisor to check and record on the supervisee’s supervision file.
- The supervisee will ensure that requested actions are completed to the standard and timescale requested.
- The supervisee will demonstrate professionalism by showing commitment to the development of their knowledge and expertise.
- Will contribute to the agenda
- The supervisee will identify any issues that are affecting their well-being and work performance.
- The supervisee will identify relevant training and development opportunities that will enhance service delivery and professional growth
- Observe the standards and requirements of the supervision policy.
- The supervisee will use performance management data positively to monitor their own performance against Departmental and national standards.
- The supervisee will inform the supervisor of any issues arising within their division/team and seek guidance when necessary.
- The supervisee will accept constructive criticism positively and take the necessary action to improve performance.
- The supervisee will give the supervisor constructive feedback on their supervisory role.
- The supervisee will raise any issues around equality of opportunity that they are experiencing
Any Other Issues
- If the supervisor and supervisee cannot agree on any aspect of work performance or service delivery for which a decision must be made, either party may refer the issue for resolution to:
- The Head of Service in the case of dispute between a Service Manager and a Team Manager,
- The Director of Children’s Services in the case of dispute between the Service Manager and the Head of Service.
- The disagreement and its resolution will be recorded on the Record of Supervision.
- If the supervisee is concerned about any aspect of the supervisor’s supervision practice and they are not able to resolve the issue in discussion with the supervisor, they may speak with the supervisor’s Line Manager who will address the issue/s raised.
Parties to the Contract:
I confirm that I have read and understand the Supervision policy and contract.
I confirm that I have read and understand the HCPC code of conduct.
Name of Supervisee:______
Name of Supervisor:______
Date of Review:______