7th Grade Utah Studies

Mrs. King’s Disclosure

Welcome to 7th Grade Utah Studies! I am looking forward to spending the day with you everyday as we study this great state we live in and its history. This dynamic course will do more than expose you to dates and names, it will make you think, analyze, form opinions, and, hopefully, become a better citizen. We will spend time with historical writing and reading assignments designed to prepare them for 8th grade.

In this classroom we will try to model the rights and responsibilities required for any community as we learn about government. “Citizens” of this class will be expected to treat others and our classroom with respect, and in turn earn it for themselves.

Expectations Initial here when read ______

  1. Be on time and ready to learn
  2. Come Prepared – bring a pencil, lined paper, and CHARGED computer
  3. Be respectful to me and others by:
  4. Staying in your seat during discussions
  5. Raising your hand to speak unless the discussion is open
  6. Listen to Mrs. King and others when they are speaking
  7. Stay-on-task with my computer and use it appropriately


Verbal reminders will come first. If the problem persists, a student’s parents may be called, or the student may be referred to the office.

Homework Policy

Be prepared for a weekly homework assignment. Due dates will be on the Canvas calendar and are expected to be adhered to. There is no “busy work” assigned to students. All homework is designed to deepen topic understanding and prepare students for the essential skills they need for success in this class and 8th grade history.

Late Work & Redo Policy Initial here when read ______

Late work will be accepted up to the end of term. However, if it is past its due date, the highest score you can receive is a 90%. You may redo any assignment once it has been graded and passed back. All redo’s completed AFTER that unit’s assessment will be graded 10% less, but are accepted up until end of term. It will be an 8.95 in the gradebook instead of a 10 if late.

Grade Scale

The grading scale for Utah Studies will be the Wasatch School District secondary scale.

Absent Policy

Absences are sometimes unavoidable. However, due to the nature of this class it is often very difficult to recreate what we have done in class. If a student needs to miss a class, he or she is responsible for checking Canvas for make-up work options.


All students will pass the essential skills for this class before moving on to 8th grade. Students who do not achieve a 2/4 on essential skills assessments or unit assessments will be automatically be placed in Stretch Time where they will have the opportunity to work with a teacher from the history department until that skill or assessment is passed with a 2/4.

Website & Canvas – With Homework Assignment for Parents and Students

I use, and therefore students will use, Canvas every day. Canvas is an online organizational tool that lets students submit assignments, check the class calendar, and keep their work organized. I update it weekly. Here students will find assignments and daily summaries of class work. Students can access Canvas either from my webpage, the district webpage, or from the canvas site. All students will be trained in Canvas.

Please sign and return the bottom of this disclosure. Your signatures represent your acknowledgement of this information and the understanding that the same information can also be found on my website.


Student Parent