O.S. Tatarintseva, N.N. Ноdakova, V.V. Samoilenko

Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies

of the SB RAS, Biysk, Russia

The experience of the application of metal pipes for chemical productions, cool and hot water supply systems, transportation of petroleum products and other aggressive fluids has shown that they are greatly subjected to corrosion that reduces their lifetimes to several years. Therefore, natural is the observed worldwide tendency of replacing steel and cast iron by composite materials of high chemical stability and durability to which glass-reinforced plastic having a complex of high service properties should primarily be related. However, requirements for composites have presently increased, especially with regard to their heat and chemical stabilities and resistance to microorganisms, ground and waste waters.

The paper demonstrates the study results with respect to the development of a composite material for filament-wound pipe products, which is superior in its basic parameters to analogous ones in the field of glass-reinforced plastic application. As a reinforced material, basalt roving with higher strength characteristics and resistance to aggressive environments as compared to a glass one was chosen; the polymer matrix was a heatproof binder TS developed on the basis of nitrogen-containing epoxy resin synthesized. Having rheological properties and strength characteristics similar to those that are widely used in the manufacture of filament-wound glass-reinforced plastic products of the binders EDI and EChDI, the binder TS possesses enhanced heat stability and low viscosity at room temperature, which permits the reduction of power inputs for its processing.

The obtained data on advantages of both basalt fiber and the binder developed have to the full extent been realized in laboratory samples of the reinforced composite and in basalt plastic pipes produced industrially (see Table below).

Table. Temperature dependence of elastic modulus E of basalt plastic pipes.

Binder / Е·103, MPa, at Т, °С
20 / 85 / 125 / 155 / 200
EDI / 11.701 / 11.263 / 4.363 / 3.528 / -
EChDI / 11.277 / 10.951 / 9.944 / 6.217 / -
TS / 19.960 / 19.336 / 19.179 / 17.557 / 9.096

The 9-fold strength reserve of the basalt plastic pipes determined when hydro-tested under extreme conditions (150°C, 15 MPa) has confirmed the possibility of creating composite polymer materials operating under high-temperatures and humidity.