East Keal Parish Council
01790 752083
A meeting of East Keal Parish Council was held on Wednesday 30th January 2013 at 7pm at Cracroft Village Hall, Boston Road, West Keal.
PRESENT: Cllr A Buckley (Chairman), Cllr Mrs S Butler, Cllr P Colley, Cllr Ms P Davies, Cllr Mrs K Keller, Cllr Mrs C Maples, Cllr D Hamilton, Youth Representative Ali Shaheen and Clerk to the Council Mrs E Martin. Also present District and County Cllr J Swanson and 19 members of the public.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting especially those from outside East Keal. He stated that because of the public interest in Item 14 he would put that to the top of the Agenda.
There were no other matters raised by the public at that point.
1 Apologies for absence. None were received.
2 Notes from the meetings on Wednesday 28th November 2012 and Tuesday 11th December 2012 to be approved as the minutes. On proposal by Cllr Hamilton and seconded by Cllr Butler all resolved to approve them as the minutes and they were duly signed.
3 Declaration of Interest. None were received
4 Glebe and Red House FarmPlanning Application PL/0015/13. The Chairman explained to the meeting that this Application was the same in every respect as the one made 18 months ago other thana proposed increase in thewaste stacking height from 2.5mtrs to 3.5mtrs. The Parish Council had not objected to the original application but did request some conditions beattached. The County Council gave their approval on 7.6.11 with numerous conditions as shown in their original planning approval. The business has been running for 18 months under these conditions but following a number of breaches the applicant has been required to submit a fresh planning application.
Cllr Buckley stated that at the time of the original application the Council had no reason to object to permission being given subject to conditions. If any conditions are breached then they canbe enforced by the County Council but this is a slow process.
Cllr Buckley then opened up the discussion to the public and the following comments were made:-
Any increase in the expansion of the business to allow other ‘local suppliers’ to use the site will increase the number of vehicles using the lanes which, it was felt, are far from ideal for any increase in the volume of traffic.
The lanes are very narrow with no passing places so the Heavy Goods Vehicles are breaking up the sides of the road and making them quite dangerous. Although the bridges have been built to stand the weight of these lorries the local roads have not.
HGV Traffic is using these lanes at all hours even during the night.
Once offthe A16 these HGV’s are in an area of unrestricted speed limits and often travel at fast speed.
On one occasion 7 large articulated vehicles, all from Worcestershire, were seen delivering waste to the site – is this local?
The public believed that traffic visiting the site should only be 4 x 4’s or tractor and trailers and this is not the case.
It was felt that the site was visually intrusive especially as it is on fen land so it can be seen from a long way away.
Concerns were raised as to the content of the plastic containers. If they held pesticides they could leach out of the containers and pollute the surrounding agricultural area.
The site is not surrounded by any type of fencing and items are not stored in any sheds so some of the plastic materials are escaping and being spread over the surrounding area.
The site is for farm waste only but there are many old tyres stored there.
It was stated that this business should be using a brownfield site not ‘greenfield’.
The question was asked that if LCC notes state thatthe licence holder should fence the area why is this not shown in the actual application.
Cllr Swanson then introduced himself and stressed that he needed to know the public’s views so he could share any concerns at future planning meetings. He stated that the Highways department do have a responsibility to specify the routing to these farms and that he would like to see some speed restriction placed on these large vehicles.
Cllr Buckley informed the meeting that everyone has the right to comment on this application but they must do so within the given timescale. The applicationis dated 23.1.13 and there are 21days for the public to make their views known. (This can be via the website) In general he felt that everyone was in favour of recycling but that the site must be operated in the proper manner with adequate safeguards to protect the local community and infrastructure.
He then asked the Councillors for their views.
They felt that:-
The site did have a visual impact on the area as it is very flat and low lying agricultural land.
That the site was not typical of a farm yard. It was more an industrial site, because of the number of tyres stored there.
That the roads are appalling and not fit to take any more traffic and if the farm is allowed to take more capacity it will increase the amount of vehicles.
Concern was expressed about any pollution issues from the empty chemical cartons on the site.
It was also statedthat any breaches of the conditions imposed should be brought to the Councils attention. All reports tothe Council need tobe as comprehensive as possible, including details such as:-the number of vehicles, times and where possible their registration numbers. It was also suggested that to obtain compliance we should perhaps identify one issue at a time and pursue it.
All agreed with the comments made and Cllr Buckley thanked everyone for their views and said he would reply noting their concerns.
Councillors agreed to reply to LCC that they accepted in principle the concept of recycling but could only support the current application if adequate conditions were attached in order to protect the local community and infrastructure and ensure that the operation remained local. Any conditions must be adhered to by the licence holder and regular checks made to ensure they are complied with.
ACTION: Chairman to prepare response and circulate for councillor’s approval. Clerk to then reply to LCC.
5 Reports from Representativeson outside bodies
aCounty & District Cllr J Swanson
i. The following documents were circulated to Cllrs:- Leader’s Brief and Winter Maintenance.
ii. Budget. He informed the meeting that the County Council still had significant savings to make. £42 million,over the next two years. But the government had given an extra £6.45 million for the upkeep of the roads. He explained that the Council are required to fill potholes within a given timeframe but with the very wet weather this has not always been possible.
iii. He suggested that LCC had no plans to increase their share of the Council Tax but felt ELDCmay make an increase.
iv. He reported that the Energy from the Waste Plant at North Hykeham is on schedule.
v. The one hour free parking at Spilsby car park, near the Surgery, is to stay.
vi. There are proposals for the library service in Spilsby to be moved, possibly to the Co-op. It could be run by volunteers and it would be open for longer.
bNeighbourhood Watch. It was agreed that, if considered relevant enough to circulate to those on the email list, the ‘Alert’ notices be printed off to go on the notice boards.
ACTION: The Clerk to undertake this.
cVillage Hall Committee. There is a quiz on 20.3.13 starting at 7pm.
d Village Groups
i PCC. TheCarol Singing around the village raised £200 which was sent to St Andrew’s Hospice for Children, in Grimsby. The Carol service collection of £100 was given to Centrepoint in Boston.
Recently the Church has had a quinquennial report undertaken and urgently needs to replace the roof, at an estimated cost of £170,000. Other major work needs to be done bringing the total to £220,350 plus fees and VAT.
The AGM of the PCC is to take place on 11th March at 7pm in St Helen’s Church. Everyone is welcome.
ii WI– No report
iii Gardening Club. It was reported that they have had a very successful year. The AGM is to be held on 28th February at 7pm at Cracroft Village Hall. All Welcome. Forthcoming dates are now on the EKPC website.
6. Clerks Report on matters outstanding:
a Replacement of Village Sewage pipes in Fen Lane. This work is progressing although slowly. Anglia Water and the firm undertaking the work had written to the residents to explain the situation and the difficulties they had found in respect ofextra large boulders and tree roots. It is anticipated that the work will continue into March.
b A16 at Hall Corner, flooding and Armco Barrier. An email had been received stating that the Barrier is now planned for installation in the next financial year.
The flooding on Hall corner is still to be resolved. Highways are investigating to see if they can resolve the problem.
c Walkers board. The repaired notice board was returned to East Keal only for it to be found that the new plastic mountings were of incorrect size. New ones are being made.
d Purchase of new printer for Clerk. This has now been purchased and is connected. Thanks were expressed to Cllr Swanson for the grant and to Cllr Colley for organising and connecting it.
7 Update on Belmont Farms Appeal. The Appeal date is set for 24.4.13.
8 Naming of Marden Hill – erection of new signs. These have now been erected. There is one at either end of the road.
9 Youth Representatives Report. Ali Shaheen said he had nothing to report.
10 New Initiatives
a Purchase of Dog ‘Clean up’ signs. These have now been ordered and we are awaiting their production and delivery.
b Use of Fen Lane by large vehicles. We are still awaiting the advisory signs to be erected and for the hedge at Chestnut Cottage to be cut back to allow the combine harvester to come up Fen Lane.The owners of the property are aware of this.
11 Emergency Planning
aUpdate of ELDC plan This document had been updated and copies forwarded as appropriate. It had been agreed that our own EKPC documents would not be update due to the cost of reproducing them.
bPurchase and storage of Sand The sand has been purchased and delivered to Manor Farm. In addition we have taken delivery of 150 extra sandbags which will be stored with the sand.
cUpdate regarding the Grit bin notices and appeal for volunteers via the Decembernewsletter. Unfortunately Cllr Buckley could not get a response from LCC in respect of replacing these labels.
Although there are a group of willing volunteers who will always help when asked sadly no other names came forward after this appeal.
12 Special Public Meeting 11.12.12. Cllr Buckley reported that he had replied to all the
Consultation Documents recently received highlighting the views expressed at the meeting.
13 Proposed adoption of a ‘Document and Records Destruction Policy’. Cllr Buckley explained that the clerk has requested guidance on how long to keep records, hence the production of this
document which had been circulated with the agenda. It was proposed by Cllr Colley and seconded by Cllr Maples that the policy be adopted and all agreed.
14 Finance
a Payment of £110.70 to GRS Sign Company Ltd for 5 dog signs
b Payment of £30.00 to Cracroft Village Hall for 2 meetings on 11.12.12 and 30.1.13
c Payment of £38.40 to A Buckley for purchase of sand.
d Payment of £23.99 to P Colley purchase of antivirus software for laptop.
e Payment of £80.98 to P Colley for purchase of Printer.
f Payment of £79.50 to Colin Bark for flail mowing regarding the Best Kept Village competition
g Payment of £75.00 to A Buckley for printing of December newsletter
h Payment of £19.20 to A Buckley for printing of letter to residents re public meeting on 11.12.12
i Payment of £40.00 to LALC for Training Scheme Fees.
On proposal by Cllr Butler seconded by Cllr Maples, all agreed to payments a to i above.
j Finance Report Cllr Buckley explained the financial statement previously circulated. Acceptance of the report was proposed by Cllr Hamillton and seconded by Cllr Colley
All agreed.
15 Correspondence
a Electoral Review of ELDC. Correspondence has been received informing the council of how this review is progressing. It is proposed to amend the number of District Councillors to 55and now look at their Ward areas. It was felt by the meeting that as we are in the middle ofthe Halton Holegate Ward we identify well with it. As a village we are typical of this area and also happy with our representation. Cllr Buckley offered to reply stating our views. Proposed by Cllr Maples and seconded by S Butler. All agreed.
ACTION: The Chairman to reply to the Boundary Commission accordingly.
b Email from Sharon Keeble and invitation to Ian Ransom – Community Broadband Officer. An email from S Keeble has been received explaining how it is proposed to develop this project further. As we have Ian Ransom attending our Parish AGM on 24.4.13 this topic will be discussed then.
16 Any matters for discussion only or for the next agenda.
a Additional Green Bin Collection This is to take place on 2nd February
b We have received notification of a road closure, Spilsby Road, New Leake, in Mid March for approximately 2 to 3 weeks.
There being no further matters to discuss, the meeting closed at 9.10pm.
Signed …………………………………………………………….. Date 27th March 2013