Policies and Expectations
COURSE: Geometry
INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Larissa Opramolla
Phone: (203) 239 – 1641, ext. 2310
Room: 310
Geometry is the visual study of the world around us, including shapes, sizes, patterns, the relative positions of figures, and the properties of space. We will be studying Euclidean Geometry, which was organized into an axiomatic system by the Greek mathematician Euclid in the 3rd century BC. In Euclidean Geometry, a few basic, intuitive ideas (axioms or postulates) are assumed as the basis from which theorems can be logically derived and proven.
Term grades earned in this course will be based on the following:
Projects/Performance Tasks / 85%
Class Participation/Behavior / 15%
TESTS AND QUIZZES: A test will be given at the end of each unit. Tests will be announced at least two days in advance. A quiz may be given after each topic or after a group of related topics. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. Tests and quizzes must be taken in pencil.
PROJECTS/PERFORMANCE TASKS: Projects/performance tasks applying the math we learn to other disciplines and real life situations may be assigned during each unit. These assignments will be completed either independently or in a group, and either inside or outside of class.
HOMEWORK: Homework assignments will be assigned daily and checked for completion.
· Full credit will be given when the assignment is completed with true effort and a reasonable attempt to solve every problem is shown. Full credit will not be given when the assignment is incomplete or work is not shown.
· At any time, homework may be collected and graded.
· The accumulation of three missing homework assignments in any one term will result in an afterschool detention. Late homework will only be accepted if caused by an excused absence.
· At no time should a homework assignment be given to (or asked from) another student for copying. This is cheating and will result in a zero and an afterschool detention for both students.
CLASS PARTICIPATION/BEHAVIOR: You will earn an “A” for your positive participation, attitude, attentiveness, and effort in this classroom. Points will be deducted for the following: an unwillingness to join in class discussions through asking and answering questions, poor classroom behavior, cell phone distractions, tardiness to class, cutting class.
In addition to deductions from the participation grade, a class cut will result in a zero for the day’s work (including homework, quiz or test) and your parent(s) and principal will be notified. The accumulation of three tardies to class will result in an afterschool detention; four tardies will result in a referral to your principal.
Pens and pencils
Scientific or Graphing calculator** (Please see note about calculators below)
NOTEBOOK: A neat, complete, and organized notebook is required. You will be collecting and organizing many hand-outs and worksheets. Therefore, a 1 ½ or 2 inch three-ring binder is recommended. Ideally, it should contain four sections: Warm-ups
Alternatively, you may prefer to use a spiral notebook with a separate pocket folder to collect and organize your work.
CALCULATOR**: A calculator will be needed during class and when completing homework assignments. A class set of calculators is available for use during class. For homework assignments, you may access on-line calculators such as the following:
Please see me if you do not have a calculator or access to the internet and I will provide you with one to borrow for the school year. (If you choose to purchase a graphing calculator which can be used in all of your high school math classes, the TI-84 Plus is recommended.)
ATTITUDE: Please come to class ready to actively participate in the learning process. You will be asked to work independently and in small groups, and to participate in small group and whole class discussions. I expect your best effort and cooperation in every situation.
ABSENTEEISM: In the event that you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make up missed work. You are required to copy the missed notes from a classmate and complete and hand in all classwork and homework assigned, and any tests or quizzes given, during your absence. It is your responsibility to complete this work within five days.
CELL PHONES: Please do not use your cell phone or other electronic devices during class time unless you are specifically asked to do so during a class activity. Please put these items away during class time (not out on your desk). Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
I am available for extra help and make-up work on most Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 2:00 –3:00 p.m. in Room 310. Please see me during class or email me to let me know when you would like to meet.
Some final expectations:
1. Organization, attentiveness in class, and true effort are essential keys to success in this classroom.
2. Courtesy and respect for one another are expected and required at all times.
3. We will work together, and we will all learn from one another.
I am looking forward to a wonderful year of learning – together!
We are aware of Mrs. Opramolla’s Policies and Expectations as outlined on the attached page:
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature(s): ______
Parent/Guardian Preferred Contact Info:
Phone: ______
Email: ______
We are aware of Mrs. Opramolla’s Policies and Expectations as outlined on the attached page:
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature(s): ______
Parent/Guardian Preferred Contact Info:
Phone: ______
Email: ______
We are aware of Mrs. Opramolla’s Policies and Expectations as outlined on the attached page:
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature(s): ______
Parent/Guardian Preferred Contact Info:
Phone: ______
Email: ______