Instructions and Template for Letter of Intent (LOI)

Letters of Intent must be received no later thanNovember 15, 2017 at 5:00pm.


Submission of the Letter of Intent (LOI)

TheLetterofIntent,including combined coversheet, specific aims, responsiveness statement, and biosketches, combinedin one PDF file,mustbesubmittedbyemail

and should follow the enclosed template:

  1. Cover Sheet
  2. Co-PrincipalInvestigators,withonedesignatedasthecontact PI*
  3. Namesofall Co-Investigators
  4. Mentor(s)forproposedproject, if contact PI is junior faculty at the rank of instructor or assistant professor
  5. Pilot Project Focus Area
  6. ProposalTitle
  7. Information about previous or concurrent submission of this project to other pilot programs, if applicable.
  8. Briefdescriptionof the SpecificAimsof the project. These can be preliminary and may be modified for the final application but should convey the significance and innovation of the line of investigation that the investigators seek to advance.
  9. Explainhowthe Specific Aims are responsiveto the RFA and help fulfill the SYNERGY mission.
  10. Biosketches of PIs and Mentor(s)(NIH format).


*The contact PI must have a Dartmouth faculty appointment at the rank of instructor, assistant professor or associate professor. (N.B. full professors are not eligible for contact PI designation)

Review of the Letter of Intent

SYNERGY staff will acknowledge receipt of your LOI within one business day. The SYNERGY Pilot LOI Review Committee will review all LOIs. Following LOI review, SYNERGY staff will notify all PIs no later than December 1, 2017 regarding whether or not they are invited to submit a Full Proposal.

SYNERGY Pilot Project Letter of Intent

Name, Degree(s) / Academic Rank Title / Department
Contact PI
Project Mentor
Pilot Project
Focus Area
(select one) / Translational Science Acceleration
Patient-oriented Translational Research
Population-based Translational Research
Reverse-translational Research
Proposal Title
Has this project been submitted previously (or concurrently) to SYNERGY, or to another Dartmouth Pilot funding mechanism within the past 2 years? If yes, note specific mechanism(s): ______/ Yes

Brief Project Background and Specific Aims (1-page limit) Contact PI Name:______

Responsiveness Statement: Briefly explain (maximum 1-2 paragraphs) howthe Specific Aims are responsiveto the SYNERGY Pilot Project RFA. Please include information regarding any plans for future grant proposals that the pilot will support and/or the development of intellectual property anticipated from the planned pilot study.

Biosketches of PIs and Mentor(s)(NIH format)