One, Two, Three Tag (Ichi, Ni, San Tag)
(From the country of Japan)
PA State Standards:
Analyze the role of individual responsibilityfor safety during physical activity.
10.4.6A- Identify and engage in physical activities that promote physical fitness and health.
Describe factors that affect childhood physical activity preferences:
- enjoyment
- personal interest
- social experience
- opportunities to learn new activities
- parental preference
- environment
Identify and describe positive and negative interactions of group members in physical activities.
- leading
- following
- teamwork
- etiquette
- adherence to rules
Explain and apply the basic movement skills and concepts to create and perform movement sequences and advanced skills.
Identify and apply game strategies to basic games and physical activities.
- give and go
- one on one
- peer communication
Unit: Multi-cultural Games
Grade Level= 1-6
Equipment= cones (use about 20-25 to make the 5 circles)
pinnies (one for every student)
There are 5 equal or close to equal teams. One team is placed in the center circle and they are the first set of taggers. They should be the only group with the pinnies on. The other students are equally distributed throughout the remaining circles. The outside groups move according to the amount of whistles blown. The taggers leave the center circle and try to tag their classmates before they move from one circle to the other. If a person is tagged, they join the group in the middle and put on a pinnie and become a tagger. If a person moves outside their circle when three whistles are blown, they automatically move into the center circle and become a tagger.
Movement in the game occurs as follows:
One whistle: All groups move to the next circle to the right
Two whistles: All groups move one circle to the left
Three whistles: All groups remain in their own circle
The goal of the students in the center circle is to tag the students before they reach their next circle. They should be running directly to their next circle. The teacher plays this 5-6 times and then whatever outside circle has the most players left in it may become the inside taggers. The teacher wants every group to have a chance to be the tagging group so do not allow a group to repeat being in the middle unless there is extra time.I often stop the game and assign a new group of taggers when there get to be too many students inside the center circle. (Safety, Safety, Safety)