This is an issue that I want to stress and address separately. You are doing higher level work in this program which requires you to seek outside sources a great deal of the time.
Plagiarism can often confuse students about what is and is not acceptable. Plagiarism is very serious and grounds for failure…whether intentional or not. There are some gray areas that I would like to address in order to help you as best I can. As a participant in the IB program, you are expected to use higher order thinking…this means that there is GREAT interest in your ideas…not those of someone else. Your ability to state your own ideas shows your understanding of the topic, not your ability to regurgitate.
Here’s the definition:
Plagiarize \'pla-je-,riz also j - -\ vb -rized; -riz·ing vt [plagiary] : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (a created production) without crediting the source vi: to commit literary theft: present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source - pla·gia·riz·er n
FROM: Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary 9th ed, (Springfield, Ma: Merriam 1981, p. 870).
Now what does this mean for you?
1. First, it is unacceptable to copy something out of a book, newspaper, journal or any other printed source, or to cut and paste something from an online source or website. The most blatant example of this is to directly copy something word for word. It does not matter if it is only a phrase. If it is not yours, either do not use it or place it in quotes and reference it. There are different methods for doing this. The important thing is that the reader can tell what is yours, and what is someone else's.
a. For short quotes, use quotation marks in the sentence. An example is "CFC's: These substances are also of concern in connection with the destruction of stratospheric ozone" [Bunce, N. Environmental Chemistry (Winnipeg: Wuerz, 1994, p. 19)]
b. b. For longer quotes it is appropriate to indent the entire passage:
Chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs: These substances are also of concern in connection with the destruction of stratospheric ozone (Chapter 2). Like N2O, they have no tropospheric sinks, but are infrared absorbers. Up to 1984, the tropospheric concentrations of three of the major commercial CFCs...
[Bunce, N. Environmental Chemistry (Winnipeg: Wuerz, 1994, p. 19)]
2. Another reason to use references is to show where you get information from. When you state a fact, unless it is general knowledge (such as “Plants are multi-cellular organisms.”), you should say where you got the information from. Otherwise, a careful reader will have no way to verify your statement. It may be subjective to decide what is "general knowledge," but keep in mind who is your audience. As an example, what is your reaction to the statement: “Wetlands emit 150 million tons of methane each year [Bunce, N. Environmental Chemistry (Winnipeg: Wuerz, 1994, p. 18)]. “
Without the reference, why should you believe me?
3. The above examples may seem obvious. If you use something word for word it MUST be acknowledged. Things start to get a bit gray when you paraphrase. There is one simple solution to this dilemma. DO NOT PARAPHRASE! Only use someone else's writing when it serves a purpose. Only use someone else's writing when you want to quote precisely what they wrote. If this is not your goal, USE YOUR OWN WORDS.
a. This avoids any ambiguity about who wrote it. After all, you do not want someone to accuse you of plagiarism.
b. You need to learn how to write in your own style. You may be influenced by authors that you find clear and easy to understand, but your writing needs to be YOUR writing. Mimicking someone else is not a productive exercise. All you have learned is how to cut and paste, not how to use your mind.
c. An instructor who is reading or grading your work is interested in YOUR understanding of an idea. I am not interested in your ability to copy explanations from an outside source. I need to know if YOU understand it.
d. Understanding and learning is more than just replaying something you have heard. Writing is a valuable exercise that tests your ability to explain a topic. I often think I understand something, until I try to write it out. This is an important part of learning.
Many students think that their teachers are not observant enough to know when something is not their work. Let me dispel that myth—WE CAN! We know some students do not have the ability to write in the manner that many reports and/or projects are done. We are also aware of what most of you can and cannot do. Over the course of the semester, I will become familiar with your typical writing style and what you know or don’t know. A major departure from that will signal to me that your work is not your own: you must have copied it from elsewhere.
Also, don’t fall into the dangerous thought process of “the teacher is so busy, she or he won’t catch it”—don’t assume that your teacher might miss it! Keep in mind that feedback on your assignments in this program is essential to your success; therefore, your teachers will look closely at your work.
Cheating is against the rules and against most moral or ethical standards in most countries. In this course, there is no exception. Those that are caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment without the ability to make the assignment up. Being caught cheating covers both the one doing the cheating and the one allowing the cheating. Both students will receive the zero!
The above is FROM: Scott Van Bramer,Department of Chemistry, Widener University
Chester, PA 19013 Last Updated Tuesday, August 13, 1996 1:47:24 PM
Cheating or plagiarism on a major assignment (test, lab write-up, project) will result in being placed on Academic Probation for the IB program, and a second incident, in any class, will result in your being dropped from the IB program. A second offense on cheating on any homework assignments (worksheets, review questions, puzzles, etc.) will also result in academic probation.
Forms of cheating may be included in but not limited to:
· Copying another person’s answers on homework assignments, worksheets, lab reports, graphs, etc., with or without that person’s knowledge or permission.
· Discussing your answers verbally with another person in the class, such that your answers are virtually identical to each other’s.
Working cooperatively as part of a group is an important part of this class. Learning to distinguish what is required as part of group work and what should be considered part of your individual assignment can be difficult. Let me try to be clear on what is expected:
Expected behaviors for group work Cheating: NOT acceptable!
Discussing steps or tasks needed to complete an experiment with other group members / Writing down procedures that another group member has already done (written or verbal)Recording measurements or data as the experiment progresses, and making sure all group members have the required data / Copying another person’s data table or graph, including the way the table/graph is set up, and the labels for rows and columns
Dividing tasks to complete the experiment or activity: for example, one person measures liquids, another measures mass / Have each member do one part of an assignment and copy other member’s work
(you do #1-5, I’ll do # 6-10, then we’ll copy)
Only the bottom portion of this page will be detached: students will keep the above for their reference.
Parents: If you would like another copy for yourself, please let me know: I have lots of copies.
I have read this document on plagiarism and cheating, and I have discussed this with my child. If I have any questions on what constitutes plagiarism or cheating, I will discuss them with Ms. Lewis before the assignment is attempted.
I understand that serious violations (cheating on a test, plagiarism on a major assignment, or a second offense of cheating on a daily assignment) may result in my child being placed on academic probation for the IB program.
Parent Signature______Date ______
I have read this document on plagiarism and cheating, I understand the content, and I agree to abide by these guidelines. If I have any questions about what constitutes plagiarism or cheating, I will discuss them with Ms. Lewis BEFORE the assignment is attempted.
I understand that serious violations (cheating on a test, plagiarism on a major assignment, or a second offense of cheating on a daily assignment) may result in my being placed on academic probation for the IB program.
I agree to abide by these guidelines, and that any work submitted as my own will not be done with the assistance of others, nor will I give assistance to others in completing their work.
Student Signature______Date______
Student’s name (please print) ______