Hawaii Voyager - Online Catalog

Hawaii Voyager is the Library Online Catalog of the

Libraries of the University of Hawaii System. 09/01/03

How to get to the Library Catalog

Go to Library Home Page at http://library.kcc.hawaii.edu/

For Books in KCC library select <Finding Books: Library Catalog

To search KCC Library Only select <Search KCC Only

To search UH System select <Search all UH System Libraries

The Link above take you to this first Hawaii Voyager Screen below which will allow you to select search type of either <Basic Search> or <Guided Search>.

Reserves search identifies and locates materials currently placed on reserve in UH System Libraries.

Items can be searched by instructor, course, or campus.


NOTE: Notice that the >Search Limits are in effect< this means that the search will only include books in Kapiolani Community College Library. Also in the “Search By Box”, only the searches with * at the end can limits be used.

By Title Select Basic Search

Title search is selected by default

Type in your title in the “Search For Box”
then hit <Enter> or click on the <Search Button

By Keyword/Subject Select <Guided Search

Type in your Keyword(s)/Subject in the “Search for box”

then hit <Enter> or click on the <Search Button

By Author’s Name Select <Guided Search

Type in your Author’s full name in the “Search for box” then hit <Enter> or click on the <Search Button

Another way: go to Basic Search and select Keyword Search.

Type in nkey then your Author’s full name in the

“Search For Box” hit <Enter> or click on the <Search Button

After clicking on the <Search Button>, Hawaii Voyager will now display a list of books in table form in publication order as default.

Use the “Sort By Pull Down Menu” to sort by Title, Author or Publish Date ------>

Click on any blue link from a given row to see more information.

Check <Location>, <Call Number> and <Check out Status> of your book.

On top is the Main Record of the Book. Below are the Locations though out the UH Library System. KCC Library Books are listed on top, all other UH Libraries location if any are listed below in alphabetic order.

Each record will show...

Location: Collection that it belongs to and what floor.

Call Number and Copy Number: Location of the book

Status: If it has been checked out or not. If there is a date, the books is due back on or before that date.

Main Record ------>

KCC Library Holdings ------>

Other Libraries Holdings ------>

Format Records to Printing, Save or Email