Honors US HistoryName:

Chapter 19Class Period:

Due Date: Friday, March 22, 2016

Below, I have provided a framework for the Chapters19 outline. You are responsible for filling in the outline with 1-2 sentences per section, explaining the importance of each section, until the entire chapter is fully outlined. This outline will count as 50% of your Chapters 19Quiz, which will be on Friday, March 22. *** Remember, if there is a bold-faced or italicized vocabulary word, it should always be included in the explanation of the section in which it appears!!!! NOTE: You may use this outline when taking your quiz on Chapter19.

CHAPTER 19: The Coming of War (1931-1942)

I. Section 1: Dictators and Wars

A. A Bitter Peace Unravels

B. Repression in the Soviet Union and Italy

  1. Stalin’s Grip on the soviet Union
  1. Mussolini’s fascist Party controls Italy
  1. Aggressive Leaders in Germany and Japan
  1. The Nazis Rise
  1. Hitler Seizes Power
  1. Militarists Gain Power in Japan
  1. The Japanese Expand Their Empire
  1. Dictators Turn to Aggression
  1. Weakness of the League of Nations
  2. Hitler and Mussolini Threaten the Peace
  1. Fighting Breaks out in Spain
  1. Aggression Goes Unchecked

II. Section 2: From Isolation to Involvement

  1. Roosevelt Opposes Aggression
  1. War Erupts in Europe
  1. Hitler Launches a Blitzkrieg Against Poland
  1. France Falls to the Axis Powers
  1. The Battle of Britain is Fought in the Air
  1. Americans Debate Involvement
  2. America Favors Isolation
  1. Interventionists Urge Support for the Allies
  1. Isolationists Argue For Neutrality
  1. Roosevelt Inches Toward Involvement
  1. America Takes Step Towards War
  2. Lend-Lease Gives Aid to the Allies
  3. The Atlantic Charter Reinforces America’s Support of Britain
  1. US Navy Battles German U-Boats

III. Section 3: America Enters the War

  1. Japan Attacks the US
  1. Trouble in the Pacific
  1. The Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor
  1. Results of the Attack
  1. America Declares War
  1. Mobilizing for War
  1. Responding to the Call
  1. Mobilizing Industry
  1. Fierce Fighting in the Pacific
  1. Japanese Forces Take the Philippines
  1. Japanese Forces Advance
  1. America Strikes Back with the Doolittle Raid
  1. The Battle of the Coral Sea Gives Hope