Klamath 9-1-1 Communications District is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not use personal information in our application process and are dedicated to accepting the person who is best suited for our positions without any knowledge or consideration to any individual’s membership in any protected class. Any personal information found on this application or any supporting documentation will be removed as soon as it is discovered.PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT: ANY ILLEGIBLE OR INCOMPLETE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED
Position Applying For:__________________
Last First Middle
Other names used:______
Street Mailing City State Zip
How Long At This Address: ______If Less Than 3 Years, List Previous Address and Length:
Daytime Evening
Have you ever applied or worked for the District before? YES______NO ______WHEN ______
Social Security Number: ______Driver’s License Number ______State____
Education and Training
High School Name:______
Year of Graduation:______with Diploma ______GED ______
College Name:______
Address: ______City:______State:______
Degree?______Major ______Credits______
List All Pertinent Telecommunication Training:
Course and Year Attended:______
Course and Year Attended:______
Course and Year Attended:______
Course and Year Attended:______
Employment History: Beginning with your current or most recent employer working backwards
1. Employer Name:______
Contact Phone number:______Supervisor Name:______
Start Date:______/______/______End Date:______/______/______
Position held:______
Reason for Leaving (even if still employed, why are you seeking other employment)?______
2. Employer Name:______
Start Date:______/______/______End Date:______/______/______
Contact Phone Number:______Supervisor Name:______
Reason for Leaving (even if still employed, why are you seeking other employment)?______
3. Employer Name:______
Start Date:______/______/______End Date:______/______/______
Contact Phone Number:______Supervisor Name:______
Position held:______
Reason for Leaving (even if still employed, why are you seeking other employment)?______
4. Employer Name:______
Start Date:______/______/______End Date:______/______/______
Contact Phone Number:______Supervisor Name:______
Position held:______
Reason for Leaving (even if still employed, why are you seeking other employment)?______
Attach a separate sheet if necessary to continue employment history.
Attach a letter of interest describing your attributes and deficiency; both of which not only make you qualified for the position but will allow you to be successful in this position.
Attach resume, any reference letters and copies of training certificates for consideration.
List three professional references:
Complete Physical and Mailing Address:______
______Contact Phone Number:______
Complete Physical and Mailing Address:______
______Contact Phone Number:______
Complete Physical and Mailing Address:______
______Contact Phone Number:______
List three personal references:
Complete Physical and Mailing Address:______
______Contact Phone Number:______
Complete Physical and Mailing Address:______
______Contact Phone Number:______
Complete Physical and Mailing Address:______
______Contact Phone Number:______
I certify all information given on this application and any supporting information is true and complete and I authorize a complete investigation. I agree that if accepted, I may be discharged if the District, at any time learns of any falsification or material omission in the information I have provided and if discovered prior to acceptance, I would be ineligible for consideration for not only this position but future positions as well. I authorize Klamath 9-1-1 Communication District to contact all former and current employer references listed and all educational institutions. All references are authorized to release to the District all information requested which they might have about me. I hereby release all references and the District from any liability, which might be claimed because of information provided by such references.
I agree that, if accepted, I will follow all District policies, rules, procedures and all other directions. I understand that the District is committed to promoting safety and high standards of performance, productivity and reliability. In order to achieve this, all finalists may be subjected to a drug test prior to being hired to assure the applicant does not currently have narcotics, sedatives, stimulants, and other controlled substances in their body. I further understand that if I am selected as a finalist with the District, a criminal history investigation will be conducted.
Applicant’s Signature Date SSN #
NOTE: No consideration will be given to any applicant that does not sign the above statement
Are you willing to submit to a thorough criminal and personal background investigation?
YES _____ NO _____
Is your record clear of adult felony and misdemeanor convictions? YES _____ NO _____
Do you have any criminal history? YES _____ NO_____
If so, explain:______
Are you willing to submit to a drug and alcohol screening test?YES _____ NO _____
Are you willing to submit to a physical examination?YES _____ NO _____
Revised 4/10/08