Town of Eden
71 Old Schoolhouse Rd
Eden Mills, VT 05653
Minutes of Regular Meeting, October 23, 2017
(Scheduled to begin directly following LERA Walk Through @5PM)
The Eden Selectboard met at the Town Office on October 23, 2017. Present at the meeting were: Ricky Morin, Adam Degree, Rob Moore (LCPC), Laura Stone (AOT), Rob Young (AOT), Bruce White, Gary Wright, Don Bullard, Candy Vear and Tracey Morin.
1. Ricky opened the meeting at 5:50PM.
While VTrans were setting up their presentation, the Selectboard addressed items on the agenda:
3. Additions and Deletions to the Agenda:
Under #15 FYI: (a) VLCT – Municipal Roads Workshop, Wed, Dec 6, 2017
(b) Aegis Renewable Energy (i) Motion to withdraw counsel
(ii) Procedural Order
(c) BCBS – Change in premium effective January, 2018
(d) Lakeview Campground – Sunshine Fund
(e) Reminder: ATV usage mtg @ JSC 10-26-17 @6PM
This will be addressed later in the meeting.
4. Citizen Input: None at this time.
5. Approve the Minutes (2) of October 10, 2017 (Special & Regular) & October 18, 2017 (Special): These will be addressed later in the meeting.
6. Beach Update: Handled at the special meeting at LERA earlier tonight.
7. Dog Officer Update: Reports received from Diane Stoney were reviewed and will be kept on file. Rachel Garfield provided a written report of two dog issues. The Selectboard advised a follow up could be conducted if Rachel felt it was necessary. Rachel’s report will also remain on file.
8. Constable Update: None at this time.
9. Health Officer Update: Amanda Jones had called and left a message on the recent health inquiry. Amanda has spoken with VLCT and the State Health Dept. Both advised her that there was nothing that could be done as it was a family in a private residence, not a rental. There was discussion on this situation being a waste water permit violation. Rob Moore will provide the town with some contacts who may be able to assist the town.
VTrans personnel were now ready to make their presentation:
2. Public Hearing – Twin Culverts – Knowles Flat Rd: This project has been chosen for the VTrans Accelerated Bridge Program. Laura Stone and Rob Young gave a presentation on alternatives for replacement of the failed structure based upon an engineering study completed in September, 2017. Several alternatives were considered including permanent closure, replacement with a buried structure and replacement with a single span bridge. Given the importance of the structure to the community, the engineering study recommended full bridge replacement with a structure meeting minimum hydraulic recommendations. It is proposed that the bridge remain closed through construction. Due to this, Eden’s share of the cost drops from 10% to 5%. Surveying of the site will be done soon. The town will be involved in the decision of what the replacement structure will be: precast or cast in place. Information provided an estimated timetable and cost. A link to the State web site will provide updated information throughout the process. At this time they anticipate a three year development period and 8 months for construction. This puts construction in the year 2021 at a cost to the town of around $60,000. The town will continue to be updated throughout the process. A letter signed by the Selectboard is needed stating the road closure will remain and no temporary bridge/pedestrian path is required enabling the local share to be reduced to 5%. Once this letter is received at VTrans a finance and maintenance agreement will be forthcoming. The Selectboard would like to have Attorney Barlow review all documents prior to signing. This was acceptable to all.
To accommodate Don Bullard, the Selectboard moved to:
11. Bullard – Lease Land – Town Attorney opinion: Information received from Attorney Barlow explained his thoughts on the town releasing the lease on this property and noted that posting a notice of proposed conveyance was required. He had sent a copy for posting in the local paper and at local stores. Signing of the quitclaim deed cannot take place until 30 days from the posting. Adam made the motion to post the notice as required. Approved. This item will be placed on the agenda of the November 27th meeting.
At this time Gary Wright came to the meeting and wished to speak under #7 Dog Officer: Gary updated the Selectboard on the calls he had responded to with Rachel Garfield which were reviewed earlier. Gary told the Selectboard the Old Schoolhouse Rd owner had been advised to keep their dog home or it would be removed as there had been multiple complaints. The issue on Knowles Flat has been visited three times with no evidence of any dogs at the property. Gary was advised that unless he and Rachel felt further follow up was needed the Selectboard considered it to be taken care of. The Selectboard also inquired if a visit had been made to a residence on White Rd which had been mentioned in a previous meeting. Gary will follow up with Rachel on the status of this.
Returning to the agenda:
10. Road Commissioner’s Report:
a. Update Knowles Flat Culvert #13-8:
i. The warranty deed for the permanent easement has been sent to Green Crow for signature.
ii. Review Concrete scope of work/bid notice: Chad from Michie Corp will deliver the drawings for final review this week. Ricky would like to wait to make sure the drawings are complete before proceeding with a bid notice for the concrete work.
b. Update Knowles Flat Twin Culverts: This was handled under #2 Public Hearing – Twin Culverts – Knowles Flat Rd.
c. Access Permit – Wayne & Sharon Messier: Information received from AOT, Jim Cota was reviewed. Adam made the motion to send a letter asking if Rudy Flood wishes to proceed with the permit with these compliance recommendations: agree to reshape the drive following detail “I” of the Standards for Residential & Commercial Drives, B-71; maintain the sight distance by cutting the brush and knocking down any high snow banks to maintain the access sight distance according to the chart and notes on B-71. Approved. There was also discussion on issuing a 911 address. This item will be addressed at the next meeting.
d. Town pick-up truck: Ricky provided quotes from Lamoille Valley Ford, Hayes Ford and Formula Ford. As George was not present, this will be reviewed at the next meeting.
e. VLCT – Sap lines over town highway – update from town attorney: Information received from Attorney Barlow stated that this practice required a permit as it is considered use of the town highway ROW; someone injured by the sap line could put the town at increased liability exposure; town should require maple producer to carry liability insurance and indemnify the town against loss. There was discussion on using the ROW Excavation & Obstruction Permit or having an easement prepared similar to what VEC uses for utility lines/poles. Tracey was asked to contact Attorney Barlow about preparing an easement for this purpose.
f. Update G1 Holdings $ Site visits of October 18th: Ricky, Adam and Tracey attended these site visits. Tracey will work with Rob Moore (LCPC) to provide additional information on costs/town share/where the funds would come for each of the projects looked at. Information we currently have: #13-8 $300,000.00; #23 (Twin Culverts) $60,000.00. It should also be noted that other projects like the possibility of paving Blakeville Rd ($180,000.00) and compliance with the new MGRP will affect monies available toward other projects.
g. Winter Parking Ban: Adam made the motion to post the winter parking ban in the local paper, at the local stores and on the web site. Approved.
h. Update of other activities of Highway Dept.:
i. Ricky would like to apply for the Better Back Road Grant for addressing two locations on Cooper Hill. 60’ of culverts used for the diversion channel at Knowles Flat #13-8 could be used at these locations. A concrete header would be needed. This would address the problem brought to our attention by the property owner at the base of Cooper Hill and the culvert above by Tori Grants.
ii. MRGP meeting, compliance with the new law and how it will increase the highway budget was discussed.
iii. Winter sand is being stockpiled at the town garage now that it is available from Manosh.
12. Snow Plow services – Open Bids: Two bids received at the town office were opened and reviewed:
D. Tatro Construction, LLC $1,200.00
George L. Langlois, Jr. $1,600.00
Adam made the motion to hire D. Tatro Construction, LLC at the rate of $1,200.00 for the season, a savings of $400.00. Approved.
13. Appoint Green Up Day Coordinator: Candy heard from Anita Gagner who wishes to continue doing this for Eden in 2018. Adam made the motion to appoint Anita Gagner as Eden’s Green Up Day Coordinator for 2018. Approved.
14. Ratify additions & deletions of October 10, 2017 meeting:
a. Review of, motion and approval to send letter of support for LEA Greeter program’s LCBP grant application.
b. Discussion of Better Back Road Grant application for 2018 and G1 Holdings $ upcoming site visit on October 18th @8AM.
Adam made the motion to ratify the additions and deletions from the October 10, 2017 meeting as listed above in #14, a & b. Approved.
15. FYI:
a. Ambulance Budget meeting – October 26th @6:30: Ricky will attend this meeting.
b. From #3 Additions & Deletions:
i. VLCT – Municipal Roads Workshop, Wed, Dec. 6, 2017: This is information only for the Selectboard.
ii. Aegis Renewable Energy (1) Motion to withdraw counsel
(2) Procedural Order
This is information only for the Selectboard.
iii. BCBS – Change in premium effective January, 2018: This information will be used in preparing the budget for FY18/19.
iv. Lakeview Campground – Sunshine Fund: Monies donated from campers for town use have been deposited into the American Gift Fund.
v. Reminder – ATV usage meeting @JSC 10-26-17 @6PM: Neither Ricky nor Adam are available to attend this meeting.
16. Any other business: Bruce White asked about the status of Knowles Flat #13-8. Events and delays of the past several months were discussed. This project is on schedule for completion during construction season 2018.
17. Sign orders (5): Five (5) orders were reviewed and signed.
5. Approve the Minutes (2) of October 10, 2017 (Special & Regular) & October 18, 2017 (Special): Adam made the motion to approve the minutes of October 10, 2017, Special & Regular and October 18, 2017, Special as written. Approved.
18. Adjourn: Adam made the motion to adjourn at 8:50PM. Approved.
Unapproved minutes.
Tracey Morin
Town Administrative Assistant
October 23, 2017 Town of Eden, Selectboard Meeting Minutes Page 3