Working and Learning Agreement for a training post


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1.1This agreement ensures that curate, Training Incumbent (TI) and Curate Training Officer (CTO) have discussed, understood and accepted the expectations of the training post and have a basis of understanding for working together.

1.2The agreement is between:

The Curate: title andnameas Assistant Curate/Team Curate etc

of parish/benefice

The Supervisors:

a)The TI: title and name

b)The CTO:Revd Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani

2. Basis of agreement

2.1 The title post forms an important second element within IME (Initial Ministerial Education). During the curacy (IME 4-7), the curate’s education and training is primarily based in and focused on the parish/benefice to which they have been appointed. The curate works alongside an experienced TI and learns from them – by instruction, observation, feedback, reflection and discussion. The curate should expect to play a full part in the life of the parish. In much of this they share in ministry with the TI and other ministers but in addition some tasks or areas of responsibility may be allotted to or taken on by the curate.

2.2The essence of a good curacy is an honest, committed and open relationship, based on mutual loyalty and encouragement. The curate understands that he/she works under the direction of the TI and according to the structures put in place by the PCC. The TI respects the previous experience which the curate brings and ensures that s/he has time for family/friends, study and relaxation.

3. Duration, review and assessment

3.1The Agreement applies for the duration of the curacy. However, it should be regularly reviewed and updated in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the Curate Training Handbook.

4. Working at mutual expectations

4.1The curate and TIdiscuss the nature of ministry in theparish or benefice and how the TI sees his/her role in relation to the congregation and community. Within this context notes are made about:

  • What the incumbent can expect of the curate

(e.g. honesty, support, loyalty, desire to share in ministry, awareness of differing responsibilities due to role, limits to confidentiality, how complaints about / against incumbent might be dealt with…)

  • What the curate can expect of the incumbent.

(e.g. honouring their commitment to time for supervision and theological reflection together, encouragement, feedback in helpful ways, attending to their own training and learning, being clear about boundaries,handling their own jealousy…)

4.2It is the responsibility of the curate to participate in identifying their personal training needs; to co-operate with the supervisors (TI and CTO); to attend training days provided by the diocese or fulfil alternative requirements as laid out in the handbook and to keep portfolios up to date.

4.3It is the responsibility of theTI and curate together to identify opportunities for training in the parish.

4.4The CTO is responsible for providing details of the diocesan scheme for curate training, for ensuring review & assessment take place and that reminders are sent for reports.

4.5Where grants are required the CTO can help advise on how to apply to the Diocese for the limited amount of money available for courses of study. Like all diocesan clergy, curates are entitled to the annual CME grant to help towards books, retreats and conferences.

5. Supervisory and Working Arrangements

5.1The TI and curate agree details of frequency and duration of supervision sessions. These should be in addition to staff/team or business meetings and at least once a week to begin with for full time stipendiary curates, and never less than once a month for SSMs. Please provide details, both of supervision and business meetings.

5.2It is the responsibility of the curate to keep appropriate records of the on-going supervision sessions, along with a list of any agreed action points, cross referenced with the learning categories: Being, Knowing, Doing and Relating listed in the handbook. These should help in developing the portfolio.

5.3The CTO will ensure that the curate is advised of appropriate diocesan policy and procedures. The curate agrees to engage with the requirements of the scheme.

5.4It is the responsibility of the curate and/or the TI to inform the CTO if regular supervision sessions are not taking place or if they are not fulfilling their objective.

6. Allocation of time and expenses

6.1The amount of time offered to parish ministry each week should be noted. For those in full time ministry this is FT. For part timers or SSMs the number of days or sessions should be noted.Please provide information.

6.2It is the responsibility of the TI to ensure the curate knows how and on what basis to claim expenses (see Second Commitment on p 6)

6.3The Bishop and Senior Staff expect all OPM Curates to participate fully both in the Diocesan Pioneer Learning Community and the Curate Training programme.

7. Learning Agreement

7.1Curate and TI need to note hopes and expectations for the training period in order that national learning outcomes should be met and assessed during the course of the curacy. (When discussing the following headings please note special areas of expertise or particular training needs especially those identified in your final college/course report and incorporate them into the Agreement explicitly):


Living a Vocational Life

  • How will you reflect on your new role as curate and any changes made through licensing / ordination
  • How will you reflect on being a deacon and prepare for ordination as a priest?

Guided by prayer and the Spirit

The learning agreement needs to consider the following areas:

  • A regular pattern of private prayer and daily (shared) worship.
  • Provision for spiritual direction or the equivalent.
  • Annual Retreat, Spiritual reading and reflection

Personal Maturity

The learning agreement needs to express expectations of:

  • how the curate best learns
  • how you will each take responsibility for sharing ideas, and for reflecting on your relationship as TI and curate; and how you will ensure that if you cannot resolve any growing tension, you will seek help and advice as soon as possible
  • how will the curate’s growth into a new role be supported and what support will there be for any spouse or family
  • how you will ensure that the curate grows in self-awareness, developing an on-going understanding of the interplay between personality and public ministry, leadership and pastoral care, commitment to change and managing conflict
  • discuss and specify day off and consider holiday possibilities for first year. This should be within the context of diocesan guidelines which for full time clergy is one day off each week and 36 days holiday (plus secular bank holidays) and not fewer than 5 Sundays off each year. For SSMs this will be decided on a case by case basis.


Personal Patterns for learning / teaching and learning about faith, belief, scripture and practice

  • Time expected for preparation, study etc

(National guidelines speak of 15% of ministerial time each week which, for full-time posts is the equivalent of one day per week. Study days, periods or patterns should be specified).

  • Existing areas of expertise (practical or academic) the curate comes with
  • Areas which the curate is aware will need time to develop and practice

Understanding Mission and evangelism

  • How existing learning can be shared and developed in the parish
  • How the opportunity will be given for new understanding to develop

Legal, administrative and managerial

  • Outline how the TI can give support in these areas; there is a full list to assist this, provided as an appendix in the diocesan curate training handbook



  • When is attendance expected
  • Conduct of public worship
  • Developing, leading and creating liturgy.
  • Time spent preaching and how this will be supported and reviewed. For full time curates, once a month is the norm to begin with.

Pastoral Responsibilities

  • Supervision and development of Lay Ministry.
  • Conduct of occasional offices – marriage is left until after priesting.
  • Engaging in the community.
  • Schools, children and young people
  • Developing an area of pastoral ministry.
  • Ecumenical contacts
  • Other faiths

Mission and Evangelism

Possibilities for involvement in mission and ways in which the curate might develop others in mission – it is expected that during the year following priesting curateswill participate in a 9-12 month mission project enabling them to engage with some of the issues and practicalities. It might be from one of the following, or another agreed category:

(i)community development [eg, education, healthcare, social services, voluntary sector],

(ii)social justice



(v)ministry in secular employment

(vi)other faiths

SSMs are encouraged to choose option (v) where appropriate.

OPMs are required to show how they are involved in specific work across at least 3 of these categories in their 2nd and 3rd years.

Reflective reports on progress should be included in the portfolio.


Team Working

  • Expectation of attendance at Staff/ team/ministry meetings appropriate to the particular parish in which the curate is based
  • PCC, Chapter, Deanery and Diocesan Synod meetings.
  • Any other charities or groups that the curate may be involved with, eg school governor, trustee of charity, diocesan boards (these may be outside the parish or diocese or even church structures, and they may be more relevant for 2nd year of curacy and beyond.)

Opportunities for leadership

  • Areas of experience the new minister comes with
  • Areas which the new minister will need time to develop and practice

8. Progression and Monitoring

8.1The supervisors will ensure that the curate is aware of the requirements for progression, including the procedures for supervision sessions, reviews and reports, and methods of assessment, in particular: a) the report at priesting; and b) the final assessment at the end of training, which will relate to BKDR (and so to the agreed national learning outcomes).

8.2Most deadlines for the completion of tasks and submission of work are according to the guidelines set out in the Curate Training Handbook. Where these are not recorded, it is the responsibility of the CTO to provide the necessary information. The CTO will be responsible for initiating the process of setting review meetings and sending reminders several weeks before reports are due in.

8.3Unless otherwise stated, all reports and written work should be sent to the CTO who will forward them on to the Bishop and others as required.

8.4The CTO and TI will ensure that the curate is made aware of any inadequacy in his/her progress or standards of work below that generally expected, confirming this in writing and discussing any supportive action necessary.

8.5Any circumstances which might require deadlines to be modified or for the duration of the curacy to be extended beyond the expected period, suspended or withdrawn should be fully discussed by all parties at the earliest opportunity.

9. The TI as learner, supervisor and assessor

9.1 The TI is required to participate in the training provision of the diocese. This will give greater input and support in the task of supervision.

9.2The TI has a role in reporting at the end of the diaconal & final year, participating in reviews and assessments, and in recording the development of the curate against expected learning outcomes, set out under the BDKR pattern above.

10. Commitments

First commitment

We confirm that at our meeting on ……………………………………(date)

We committed ourselves to striving for a productive, trustful and honest working relationship, aiming for readiness for a first post of responsibility, or assistant curate post for SSM, or a pioneer minister post.

We reached agreement on our roles and responsibilities as learner and supervisors in accordance with the diocesan scheme and this learning agreement.

This agreement should be discussed either before or within three months of the curate’s ordinationand completed by the end of September.

………………………………………Curate ...………………………………… Incumbent

………………………………………CTO, On behalf of the diocese

Once signed, a copy of the agreement should be kept for reference by each party.

Second commitment

The PCC has agreed to full reimbursement of authorised expenses for your duties under this agreement. The system for payment of these has been agreed between the PCC, the Training Incumbent and the curate.

…………………………………….. Curate ….………………………………… Incumbent

Third commitment

The Curate has agreed to participate in the Diocesan Curate Training Scheme according to the details outlined in the Handbook and the TI will ensure that this is prioritised over parish events and will him/herself endeavour to attend relevant training sessions for TIs.

…………………………………….. Curate ….………………………………… Incumbent