Model paper to be submitted to CIEPG –

5º International Congress on Education

Author 1 (Institution)

Author 2 (Institution)

Author 3 (Institution)

Author 4 (Institution)

Author 5 (Institution)

(It is mandatory to register on the site should be made in the first author's name and then insert the other coauthors, because the certificate will be issued according to the order registered with the site)

Title of the article in English


The abstract must have a maximum of 260 words, in Times New Roman, font, size 11, italic, justified, simple intervals between lines. The abstract must express, in a coherent and clear way, the main points of the article. It must be preceded by at least 3, and a maximum of 5 key-words, divided by comas, as this model presents.

Key-words: Article scientific, CIEPG, Formatting

1 Introduction

The objective of this article template is to assist and clarify aspects related to the authors for formatting the articles to be sent to CIEPG, in order to maintain a standard in articles submitted to congress. This model can be followed as a reference, so the instructions in this model must be read carefully so format article in accordance with this standard. It is recommended to do this, use the formatting styles of pre-defined set forth in this document. Thus, just copy and paste the text directly into an original copy of this document.

It is noteworthy that a correct format is essential for a good evaluation of your article. Articles out of formatting will be excluded from the evaluation process.

2 Standard Format

The full paper must contain at least 09 (nine) pages and shall not exceed eighteen (18) pages, including illustrations, bibliography and end notes text. and the file size is 1Mb. Try to treating images and tables so that they do not leave their very large file.

Margins should be: (top: 3 cm, bottom: 2 cm, left side, right side and 3 cm right: 2 cm). The page size should be A4. Attention to this aspect, so different page size will compromise the correct formatting.

The article should be submitted to Congress in PDF format. Should be sent two files: one file with names of authors and co-authors and the second file without names. (Upon submission of studies, inclusion of all authors should be done with your full name at the time of sending articles. Under no circumstances will accept the inclusion of author after submission).

The article title should be in Times New Roman 15, centered, bold. The authors' data should be in Times New Roman, size 10. For abstract and keywords is Times New Roman font and font size is 11. The titles of the sessions should be positioned to the left, in bold, numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc..). The font used is Times New Roman, size 12, bold. Do not place in the end titles.

The subheadings of sessions should be positioned to the left, in bold, numbered with Arabic numerals in headings (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc..). Also in Times New Roman, size 12, bold. The introduction begins with a space between lines of 1.5, just below the abstract, then the body of the article, the font used is Times New Roman, size 12, justified on the right and left, with a spacing, between lines 5 and also uses a 6-point spacing after each paragraph, just like this paragraph.

-In the case of use of lists, one must use the marker, as an example;

-The lists must be justified on the right and left;

-After the lists, leaving a single space, as shown below;

-Footnotes: notes will not be accepted "footer", these should be included as notes "to end of text."

One can also be used points that should be listed alphabetically by lowercase letters preceded by parentheses, each item shall be separated by a semicolon and the last paragraph should end with a period.




3 Formatting graphs, figures and tables

Figures, tables and graphics should not have titles (headers), but subtitles. For best viewing of the objects should be provided a single space between text and object-caption text. Captions should be placed below figures, tables and graphs, which should be centered, so does their subtitles. (Figure 1, for example), the font used is Times New Roman, size 10.

Tables should be used, preferably Times New Roman, size 10. Important: You should avoid the use of objects "hovering over the text." Instead, using the "... formatting object ... layout ... line "by clicking with the right mouse button over the object in question.

Exemplo de modelo de tabela

Item / Quantity / Percent
Idade até 25 anos / 22 / 7,9%
Escolaridade mínima / 34 / 12,3%
Sexo feminino / 54 / 19,5%
Sexo masculino / 33 / 11,9%
Nacionalidade / 10 / 3,6%
Source: Adapted from Mays cited Greenhalg (1997)

Table 1 - Qualitative research versus quantitative research

Example Graph / Figure


Gráfico 1 –Percentage of participants who responded to the Enem

socioeconomic questionnaire, for why did the Enem - Brasil 2006

4 Formatting Citations and references

For citations and formatting of references should be used ABNT Standards. Citing literature correctly, for John Doe (2012) as well as being valued by the authors to survey researchers, is also a question of ethics. Notice that the quote that the authors quote in the text must start with the first letter capitalized and other letters. However, the service end of the paragraph, it should be capitalized as shown in the next paragraph.

Use quotes excerpts from works (articles, books, etc.). Other authors without reference properly, can be classified as plagiarism, and legally punishable. (BELTRANO, 2008).

In accordance with the standards of ABNT - Information and documentation - Presentation of citations in documents 04 definitions exist for quote:

1) Citation: words in the text of information extracted from another source;

2) Direct quote: verbatim transcript of the author consulted;

3) Indirect citation: free transcript of the author consulted and

4) Citation from citation: transcription directly or indirectly that the query was not in the original work.

Consult the Rules of ABNT, to format your work properly, below the support level are some general rules:

a) When the author (s) (s) quoted (s) is the body of the text should be spelled in lowercase, and when brackets should be capitalized;

b) A citation of up to 03 lines of text accompanies the body and stands out with double quotation marks. Examples: 1) John Doe (2008, p. 35) describes "the study of Knowledge Management, has excelled in all fields of administration" 2) "Continuous innovation has become part of everyday life of organizations" (FULANO; MENGANO , 2009, p. 41)

c) For citations with more than 03 lines, should make an indentation in the left margin 4.0 cm, lowering the source and without the quotes.

d) To quote the same author with publications on different dates and in the same sequence must be separated by commas dates. Example: (FULANO, 2006, 2009)

Abbreviations and acronyms: when they first appear, you must put in words and letters in parentheses.

For references, you should use text with font Times New Roman, size 10, single spacing, providing six points after each reference, exactly as it appears in random references included below. References should appear in alphabetical order and should not be numbered. All references cited in the text, and they alone, should be included at the end, in the References section.

References (below a few examples, however, refer to the ABNT standards to deal with the questions).

ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 10520: informação e documentação: citaçõesem documentos – apresentação. Rio de janeiro, 2006.

CAPRA, F. A teia viva: Uma nova compreensão dos sistemas vivos. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1997.

CAVALCANTE, Ruth. Et al., Um movimento de Construção Dialógica. Fortaleza: Edicções CDH, 2001.

______. A Educação Biocêntrica: A pedagogia do Encontro. Educación Biocêntrica: Um movimiento de Educación dialógica. 3. ed. Fortaleza: CDH, 2004.

______. Educação Biocêntrica e as palavras geradoras de vida. Educación Biocêntrica: Um movimiento de Educación dialógica. 3. ed. Fortaleza: CDH, 2004.

DALLA VECCHIA, Agostinho Mario. Ética: afetividade e cuidado pela vida. Pelotas: Editora da Ufpel, 2000.

FLORES, Feliciano. Por uma educação centrada na vida. Revista Pensamento Biocêntrico, p. 41-58

FREIRE, Paulo "Pedagogia da autonomia Saberes necessários à prática educativa". Rio de Janeiro Paz e Terra 1997.

GIL, Antonio Carlos. Como elaborar Projetos de Pesquisa. São Paulo: Atlas, 2006.

LAKATOS, Eva M. Fundamentos de Metodologia Científica. 4. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2001.

MARCONI, Marina de Andrade; LAKATOS, Eva Maria. Metodologia do trabalho científico. 4 ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2007.

MATURANA, Humberto e VARELA, Francisco. A árvore do conhecimento - as bases biológicas do entendimento humano. Campinas, Editorial PSY 11, 1995.

MORIN, Edgar. Os sete saberes necessários à Educação do Futuro. São Paulo: Cortez Editoras, 2002.

______. A Cabeça Bem-Feita. Repensar a reforma – reformar o pensamento. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil. JACOBINA, Eloá (trad.), 2000.

SERAPIONI, Mauro. Métodos qualitativos e quantitativos na pesquisa social em saúde: algumas estratégias para a integração. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, v. 5, n. 1, p. 01-10, 2000.

SEVERINO, Antônio J.Filosofia da educação: construindo a cidadania. São Paulo, FTD, 1994.


If you have attachments, they should be inserted at the end of the article, noting that the complete work, including references and attachments, must not exceed 18 pages. Recalling also that the file size can not exceed the 1Mb.