Practical Writing
Teacher: Robert Hoffman Room: D-204 Ph. 577-2800
Conference Period: 1st, 6th periodsEmail:
Course Description
Course curriculum will focus on student literacy, and instruction will combine course goals and each student’s personal goals for his or her reading and writing success.
Course Goals
●Provide all students with the skills necessary to act successfully as independent readers and writers
●Provide each student with the level of learningnecessary to succeed on the required state/national tests
●Develop life-long learners who use reading and writing to discover more about the world they live in, to understand fellow humans and themselves
Course Outline
Curriculum for this class targets students’ instructional needs and goals.
NOTE: Practice improves reading and writing skills. Consequently, much class time will focus on reading and writing together as a class, in small groups, and independently.
Class Rules and Expectations
- Act courteous.
- Arrive on time and prepared to learn.
- Stay in the classroom.
- Follow all school rules
- Do not eat in class, and keep all cell phones put away during instruction.
Grading Procedure
The instructor expects students to work diligently to strengthen their reading and writing skills. To encourage this work ethic, the instructor will grade assignments primarily on student participation and effort. A completed assignment will receive a 100 unless a deduction is made for sleeping, failure to follow directions, lack of effort, or ignoring the standards for good writing.
Standards for Good Writing
All Responses—written and spoken
●Use complete sentences
Written Responses
●Capitalize the beginning of sentences.
●Capitalize the pronoun I
●Capitalize proper nouns (the names of specific people, places, things)
●Use the correct end mark at the end of the sentence.
9 Weeks’ Average = Daily Grades 40% Major Grades 60%
Semester Average = Each 9 Weeks’ Average 45% Semester Exam 10%
Required Supplies
Pen (blue or black ink)
Reading Material (book, magazine, newspaper, etc.)
Make-up Work
For most assignments, students can make-up their work during class.
Tutorial Schedule
The instructor holds before school tutoring upon request.
Policy for Late Work
Most of work classifies asclass work, and students will complete it in class on the day assigned.