West Bend High School Trap Shooting Team
2014 Sign-up Instructions
Trap shooting will once again be offered as a spring sport in 2014. The team is co-op and co-ed. Male and female students from East and West High School are eligible to participate. This program is open to all levels of shooters. Experience is not necessary.
What will I need to participate?
- Athletic department participation card“Orange Card” qualifying you to participate in athletics - This card is obtained through the athletic department office. There is a minimum participation fee of $25 to obtain a participation card.
- $125 club team fee - The team fee will cover all trap fees for practice and competition. It does not cover the high school athletic fees.
- Your own shotgun (12 gauge or 20 gauge)
- Your own shotgun shells (approximately 40 boxes)
- Your own transportation to and from practices and competitions
- Your own eye protection and ear protection
- Hunters Safety Certificate – To participate you MUST have completed a certified hunters safety program and be able to provide a hunters safety card or certificate. Current enrollment in a class will qualify.
What will the schedule be?
The trap team will practice and compete approximately 2 days per week beginning the week of March 10th and concluding near the end of May. There will be some Saturday competitions and may be some Saturday practices. A detailed schedule will be established prior to the start of the season. Participation in all practices and competitions is expected, and will be required to earn a varsity letter.
How do I sign up?
Please read this section carefully
- GET YOUR ORANGE CARD - You will need to secure an athletic department participation card (the orange card). This will require that you have paid your athletic department participation fee. This fee is different from the team fee that will be paid to the trap team. If trap shooting is the only sport you will participate in, the athletic department team fee will be $25. The participation card will also require that you pass a physical exam if you did not do so last year.Following is a link to the athletic forms that need to be submitted to the athletic department to obtain your participation card:
You can also visit the athletic department office for forms and instructions. You should begin working on thisASAP! If you have already participated in a fall or winter sport, you already have a participation card.
- SIGN UP FOR THE TRAP SHOOTING TEAM - Sign up for trap shooting at the spring sports sign up session. The spring sports sign up will take place at 7:00 am on Wednesday, February 12th in the fieldhouse. You will not need any materials at that time. You will, however, need to provide the following information:
- Name
- Address
- Parents’ Name
- Student’s Cell Phone
- Parents’ Cell Phone/home phone
- Student’s email address
- Parents’ email address(s)
- ATTEND THE SPRING SPORTS ATHLETIC DIRECTOR’S MEETING - If trap shooting will be the first sport you will participate in for the 2013/2014 school year, you will need to attend the Wednesday, February 26thspring sports athletic director’s meeting with a parent. The meeting will occur in the fieldhouseat 7:00 pm. If you participated in a fall or winter sport, you do not need to attend this meeting.
- ATTEND A MANDATORY TEAM KICK OFF MEETING –You and a parent must attend one of two mandatory trap team kick off meetings. The meetings will be held on Wednesday, February 26that 7:30 in the west cafeteria and Monday, March 3rd at 7:30 in the west cafeteria.You need only attend one of these meetings. At this meeting you will complete the registration process for the trap team. Things you will need to bring to this meeting will include:
- Your participation card (orange card)
- Your $125 team fee, this is different than and in addition to the athletic department fee
- Proof of hunters safety
- Completed SCTP forms. These forms will be emailed to you after the February 12th spring sports sign up.They will also be available in hard copy at the meeting
Apparel orders will be taken at the team kick off meetings. Payment will be required when orders are placed. One check for apparel and team fees is acceptable.
For more information you can access the athletic department trap team web page at:
Or the team’s Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation site;
For all other information, please contactCoach Randy Stark at: