LQA & E training

July 18th 1:00 pm @ EOT fair grounds

August 4th 6:30-9:30 p.m. Fergus Falls

Pre Fair Food Stand Cleaning Day

Country Side Corners


Exhibit Building & barns set up:

July 18th - 6 am – 10 a.m. Food Preparation

Barns & Exhibit Building set up –

All 4-Hers who show animals are expected to help from 9am-Noon: Pot Luck lunch to follow: meat and beverages provided/ families bring side dishes/desserts

Exhibit building set up –Heinola Hustlers

Lama Show – will be held as a Regional Show in Wadena on June 26th at 4 p.m. at the Fairgrounds.

Dog Show

Saturday, Aug. 8 at 10 a.m. Fairgrounds –-Ellen Dauphinais

Demonstration & Food Revue Day:

June 25th, Location/ time: TBD

Cat/Pet Show – TBD_

Clothing Judging Day:

Thursday, July 16, 9:00 a.m. New York Mills School

Public Style Show at 7:00 p.m.


Tuesday, July 21:

1 p.m. - 6 p.m. - Conference Judging of all non-livestock projects except Clothing, Pet Show, Demonstrations & Food Revue. Livestock Interviews – Tonja White

Thursday, July 23:

All livestock must arrive at the fairgrounds on Wednesday between 6:00-9:00 p.m. or Thursday from 8:00 to Noon.

Rabbits MUST arrive on Wednesday between 6-9 pm. Other species have the option of Wed./ Thursday; ID check will be along with the vet check station.

9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Pigs, Goats & Sheep Weigh in

2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Beef Weigh in

9:00 a.m. 4-H Rabbit Show – Candice Oseien

2:00 p.m. All Livestock in Pens .

12:30 p.m. 4-H Poultry Show – Vicki Jacobson-- Due to the Avian Bird Flu, the ABH canceled all county and state fair poultry shows. The poultry show will consist of educational poultry exhibits which will be judged at this time. See pg. 11 for county fair exhibit codes.

Open Class Poultry Show following 4-H Judging (canceled)

5:30 p.m. FFA & 4-H Sheep Show – Julie Schermorhorn

Friday, July 24:

8:00 a.m. 4-H Swine Show – Brent Gudmunson

Dairy Recognition Photos during & after Dairy Show

11:30 a.m. 4-H Beef Show – Don & Tonja White

Time TBD Auction Photo’s – livestock committee

4:00 p.m. 4-H Goat show: Pat Hendrickx, Emily Arens

Saturday, July 25:

8:00 a.m. Pleasure Horse Show at Horse Arena

- Tanya Brauch, Teresa Hagerty, & Tina Johnson

9:00 a.m. 4-H Livestock Auction – Livestock Committee

10:30 a.m. FFA Dairy Show followed by

4-H Dairy Show – Steve & Dianne Schwartz/ Ashley Bachmann

3:00 p.m. Small Animal Round Robin

4:00 p.m. Open Class Beef Show - Loerzels

Sunday, July 26:

8:00 a.m. Horse Training at Horse Arena followed by Games

12:00 p.m. Dairy Recognition Program – Dairy Committee

1:00 p.m. – Open Class Dairy Show – Karen Gorentz

5:00 p.m. Non-Livestock Awards Program (Animal Awards will be given following Animal Shows in each species.)

5:45 p.m. Load 4-H animals and clean pens to center aisle.

6:00 p.m. Food Stand & Exhibit Building Clean Up

Sunday, 6:00 p.m. - All 4-H Exhibits released.

Please do not ask to take exhibits early. No premiums will be given to 4-H’ers who try to leave early.

University of Minnesota Extension Staff

Janet Malone, 4-H Coordinator

Vicki Schwanke, Office Manager

Tonja White, Summer Assistant

NYMills Office Telephone:

218-385-5420 New York Mills

218-385-3001 Office FAX

4-H Food Stand Telephone during the

County Fair: 218-346-2749 (tentative)

Exhibit Building Number during the

County Fair: 218-346-2744 (tentative)

Perham Fairgrounds Office Number:

218-346-2750 or 218-346-2054 (Diane Sazama)

The Exhibit Building hours will be from 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Thursday – Saturday and Noon to 7:00 p.m. Sunday.

The University of Minnesota Extension Program is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation.


Save this premium list! It is your family’s one copy of directions for entering exhibits at the County fair. There are many changes from last year, Bew sure to check out the categories for each project you plan to exhibit in. Be sure to read the general rules on the following pages.

New in 2015: the Premium list can be retrieved at the Otter Tail County webpage. If you need a hard copy please contact the extension office


Forms will be due in the Extension Office on June 15. Forms postmarked or coming in to the Office after that will be considered a late entry – exemption policy will be in effect. All forms will be stamped with date received.


No pre-registration necessary. Any person interested in joining 4-H in the future may enter up to 2 articles they have made. They may relate to any project area, but no livestock is allowed (although a livestock poster or book is accepted). Ribbons will be awarded, but no premiums paid. The individuals may be conference judged if they desire by the Cloverbud Judge.


1. Members may exhibit, demonstrate, or take part only in projects in which they are enrolled. All work on projects entered should be done by the 4-H member and completed during the current 4-H year unless otherwise noted. In the non-livestock area, 4-H’ers may bring up to 6 items per lot, but must record the same lot number one time for each item you plan to bring. Entries are judged on Tuesday prior to the fair and must be in place by 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday and remain in place until 6:00 p.m. on Sunday in order to receive a premium.

2. Poster exhibits may not exceed 22” wide x 28” high. They may be smaller.

3. Education Exhibits / Science Exhibits for all project areas may not exceed 12" deep x 24" wide x 36" high. (Center back 24" wide x 36" high, right and left wings each 12" wide x 36" high.) All exhibits will be evaluated by a conference with the judge. Blue, red, and white ribbons will be awarded.

Educational Exhibits / Science Exhibits will be evaluated on the following requirements...

Exhibit quality 25%

Educational value 25%

Knowledge and ability to explain 50%

4. Floor Space for any exhibit should not exceed 20 square feet. If your exhibit exceeds this space limitation, contact the Extension Office.

5. All exhibits must be labeled with name, club, and county. Other appropriate information for the project (i.e., vegetable varieties) should be included. If the exhibit has multiple pieces, each part needs to be labeled and should indicate 1 of 4, 2 of 4, etc.

Open Class 4-H members are encouraged to enter exhibits in Open Class as well as in 4-H. Open Class non-livestock entry day is Thursday. Open class livestock registration is prior to show time. See page 1 for details.

Top Ten Tips for a Successful Conference Judging Experience

1.  Read your premium book as to what is expected for an exhibit in that area of project work and how one is to label and display the exhibit. Keep this book as it is your only copy and it is a great reference throughout the year

2.  Return County Fair registration by June 16th to the Extension Office.

3.  Manage the time you have for your 4-H project work:

Plan what you’re not going to do (call the office with project drops) and what you’re going to do with plenty of time to spare just in case the original plan didn’t work so you have time to start over. (If it worked as planned then you have free time or money in the bank as they say. Time management and money management take the same planning skills.) Cloverbuds - 3 projects are recommended for your age level.

4.  Set deadlines or goals for completion of project work. Make yourself a calendar of 4-H project work days (to-do lists in a calendar box works great) know judging days and schedules. This is a great organizer tool to learn at an early age as it is a life skill we all need. It’s important to learn to take ownership of one’s own responsibilities. (Younger youth can do this with encouragement and role modeling.)

5.  Eat healthy and drink plenty of fluids on judging days, quite often it is hot and a little extra sleep the night before is helpful.

6. Dress neatly and modestly. You and your project appearance are important as well as your knowledge. You will have more confidence in yourself if you come in something you feel comfortable and look great in as well. Think of judging as a job interview, you are sharing your skills and knowledge in hopes to receive top honors (or get the job).

7. Prepare yourself for possible questions; most often a judge will ask the 5 W’s and the how questions: Who are you? What did you make? Why did you make your project? What are you going to do with your project? What did you learn by doing your project? How did you make your project? Who helped you? These are a few examples of questions to be prepared for. (You can ask the judge questions as well.)

8. Come 15 minutes early for your judging schedule (The early bird gets the worm) Lateness creates stress. A stressed participant doesn’t do as well as a non-stressed one. (This is one of many benefits to learning time management.)

9. 4-H project work in not about winning and losing; it’s about participating and developing knowledge, life skills and friends. Awards and recognition are just a bonus. You are the best and 4-H is just one of many programs within the community to help “Make the Best Better”. (Thanks for choosing 4-H.) Remember sometimes our greatest learning and character building can come through a disappointment if we keep a positive and teachable attitude.

10. Come with excitement in your heart to share your learning and a smile on your face to greet all those new and old 4-H friends. Have Fun!!!

Note to Parents: 4-H is a “learning by doing” experience. However, your guidance is greatly needed in your child’s 4-H experience. Not to do it for them but to do it with them; giving verbal praise and encouragement is essential for youth development, getting the needed supplies for project work, answer the questions they may have, or perhaps be the audience of one they need to practice their demonstration in front of are just a few ways you can assist your child/children in having a productive 4-H youth development experience. Children spell love TIME and the 4-H program gives families the opportunity to spend time learning and growing in life skills together.

Note to Club leaders: Club Tours are a great way to prepare youth for the county fair; please try to schedule one into your calendar. Also remember your new families may not understand the steps to this process so please take the time to help them through this process of county fair registration and conference judging.

Call Janet at the Extension office with any questions 385-5424.

See you at the fair!!!


According to Dr. Rose the County fair Veterinarian:

The MN Board of animal Health will be at the EOT Co. Fair .

Please have animals properly ID’d- 4-H tag, tattoo, registered tags etc. All registered animals MUST have papers at the County Fair.

1. All beef, dairy, dairy goat, horse, lama, rabbit, sheep and swine shown in 4-H livestock shows must have the required State

4-H ear tag and/or tattoo. Animals ID data must be submitted online (preferred), arrive in the Extension office or be postmarked no later than May 15 with the exception of Market beef due Feb.15. After ID deadlines 4-Hers can go to 4-Honline to check for accuracy, however if an error is found only the office staff can edit the ID profile.

2. All animals exhibited must be owned solely by the member, member’s family or leased by agreement. The family includes the

4-H’ers parents or guardians and siblings living together as a family unit. The definition of family includes an extended family where the animals may be owned by grandparents with the 4-H’ers parents actively involved with and working on the farm. Animals owned in partnership with non-family members (as defined above) must be leased and follow guidelines within the lease agreement. Registered animals, not leased, must be registered in the exhibitor’s name and/or the exhibitor’s family name. All livestock must be shown by 4-H members except when a youth may need help because the animal is out of control or in the case of the youth having a physical handicap. Livestock must be in place on Thursday by 1:00 p.m. and will be released on Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Loading may begin at 5:45 so pens can be cleaned. ID Checkpoints will again be set up and family members must be present to go over ID information and make final determinations of which family member is showing which animal. See schedule on page 1 for times.

All animals can arrive at the County Fair on Wednesday from 6:00 to 9:00 pm or Thursday from 8:00 am to Noon. Rabbits MUST be checked in Wednesday evening.