Dance Pedagogy explores the role of the teacher and the student in a dance class; focus is on teaching styles, content, resources and development of a logical progression of skills in a technique class. Attention to anatomical and physiological development of the learner is also covered.

Class Meeting Times

Class meets: Monday 3:00-5:00p in Trees Hall

Course Goals

After completing this course, students will:

Know and employ basic anatomical landmarks, vocabulary pertinent to dance technique, and be able to analyze correct posture.

Know what is included in anappropriate warm-up for dance class and develop a warm-up based on principles of exercise physiology.

Know what Fundamental Motor Patterns are and apply basic Motor Learning theory and vocabulary in lessons. Know basic musicnotation and be able to analyze basic rhythms and create a percussion score.

Know what music is appropriate for dance classes of varying genres and select music that facilitates technique class.

Know andapply basic principles of child development and learning stages as it refers to dance.

Know what skill progression is and be able to choose what is appropriate at each level of learning.

Be able to evaluate and write a curriculum for dance.

Know the various styles of teaching as applied to dance technique and implement those styles in written and practical lessons.

Know the PA State Standards for the Arts and Humanities and incorporate them in written and practical lessons.

Know and differentiate between studio and educational dance.

Teach and write lessons in a dance genre that are appropriate to the development and skill level of the learners using several styles of teaching and selecting appropriate music.

Be able to organize, write, and create a lecture demonstration about dance to be used for dance advocacy/education purposes.

Course Content Outline:

Fundamentals of anatomy and kinesiology

Anatomy of a warm-up and fundamental motor patterns

Rhythmic analysis, music notation and techniques for observation

Motor development, skill learning and memory

Teaching Styles

Writing lesson plans, feedback and knowledge of performance

Teaching Movement through imagery and the adult learner

Arts advocacy, creating lecture-demonstrations, and the PA Dept. of Educ. dance standards

Studio vs. educational dance

Writing and reading dance curriculums

Working with an accompanist and media resources for dance

Course Content Outline:

Fundamentals of anatomy and kinesiology

Anatomy of a warm-up and fundamental motor patterns

Rhythmic analysis, music notation and techniques for observation

Motor development, skill learning and memory

Teaching Styles

Writing lesson plans, feedback and knowledge of performance

Teaching Movement through imagery and the adult learner

Arts advocacy, creating lecture-demonstrations, and the PA Dept. of Educ. dance standards

Studio vs. educational dance

Writing and reading dance curricula

Working with an accompanist and media resources for dance

Course Materials

Students will be required to bring a notebook and pencil to class and to dress in dance clothing for the movement part of the class. Most handouts will be posted on our class website.

Course Requirements and Grading

Course Assignments:

Class observations (2)

Teaching experiences (2)

Written lesson plans (2)

Reflection Papers (2)

In-class projects/Assignments (4)

Tests (4)

Final Lecture-Demonstration

Attendance/Participation (grade given daily)


The final grade will be weighted on the following scale:

1.Written class observations5%

2.Written lesson plans 5%

3.Teaching Lesson Plans 10%

4.Reflection paper on teaching experiences5%

5.In-class projectsand assignments10%

6.Tests (3-4)40%

7.Final Lecture-Demonstration10%


Course Policies

There are NO unexcused absences in this class. Notify the instructor if you are absent. For prolonged illness/injury please contact the instructor as soon as possible. This is a laboratory course and if you miss a class you cannot make it up.