Birthday Auto-Email


Body of Email:

Hey {FirstName}--

Hope you have an awesomebirthday, and a spectacular year!
In Health & Fitness -

-Andy, Michael, Sam, Jonesy,Jennifer, Shirley, Logan and Niki

(310) 260-9550

HTML auto-email launched 1 day after membership begins:

Title: CrossFit Los Angeles WELCOME ABOARD!

Body of Email:

Welcome to CrossFit LA
Welcome to CrossFit Los Angeles. You have chosen one of the finest CrossFit schools in the country, dedicated to making your training and conditioning toward Elite Fitness both rewarding and satisfying. Our instructors are the best. They have studied and trained for years to qualify as part of the CrossFit LA Team, and now their primary goal is to assist you in being the best you can be.
Our carefully structured programs go far beyond standard fitness classes and just getting into shape. We will help you acquire a functional, broad, and elite level of conditioning, giving you the strength and confidence to meet any random or unpredictable situation life throws at you. You will also be challenged to push past many of your previously held beliefs concerning your physical and mental capacities. This is all part of our personal development program, raising the bar and the quality of life for all our students in every way possible.
The first few months of your training will require you to be patient, consistent and determined. JUST SHOW UP - we know that you can do it! We always have your best interests at heart and our instructors are always ready to help you in any way during your training and will be happy to discuss your progress at any time.
Important Details of Your Membership:
1.Classes - Our week runs Monday - Sunday. Check the CFLA class schedule online for upcoming events and holiday closures (CFLA class schedule). When you come, please bring a workout towel and a good attitude. Our classes are capped at 16 people, but always check with the coach before leaving, even if the computer says class is full -- sometimes we can work a little magic!
2.Showing Up - The success of our program is based on your ability to establish good habits and to be consistent. Be unstoppable. Don't wait. Find a way to make it happen. Since we are 100% committed to your getting results, expect to get a phone call from an instructor if you haven't been to a class recently!
3.Missing a Class - This is not a per-class program. If you are signed up for 1 class per week and you miss a week, there is no such a thing as a make up (i.e. - when you're enrolled in a college-level accounting class and you miss a class, you simply miss it - you don't get an extra class the next week). We do this primarily because it works best for you! Our intention is for you to establish a commitment to your fitness - even when you're not here. Time away from the gym is a great opportunity to take something you've learned and apply it to a workout on your own - or try one of ours at
5. Vacation Hold - Remember that you may put your membership on hold for periods of 1 week or longer - which must be done in advance of the hold date. Remember that your billing continues while you're on hold - and the days of your hold will get added to the end of your membership.
6.Getting Results - 1. Use your SUCCESS JOURNAL and write everything down! 2. Take advantage of your coach's office hours. 3. Come early and stay late - take full advantage of your time here. 4. Be consistent - and attend as many classes as your membership allows.
7.Bring a Friend - Most people have more lasting success when they workout with a friend... and we welcome them to join you. Please give us 24 hours advance notice so we're ready and can call them to make sure they, too, are ready and arrive in time to fill out the waiver.
Again, congratulations on taking this first step. We look forward to working with you!
Andy Petranek, owner
CrossFit Los Angeles / Your Coaches:

Andy Petranek

Becca Borawski

Michael Stanwyck

Jeremy "Jonesy" Jones

Jennifer Shoskes
Phone Number:310-260-9550
Our mailing address is:
3201 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Copyright (C) 2009 CrossFit Los Angeles All rights reserved.

Auto-email launched 1 day after membership begins:

Title: CrossFit LA-Coach Contact Info & Community Network

Body of Email:


As a new member, one of the keys to success is establishing connections with your CFLA coach and the CFLA community.

Primary Coach
Your coach is your primary point of contact here at CFLA, and the person toward whom to direct any and all questions related to your heath and fitness - goals, diet, nutrition, before and after pics, workouts at home, training when traveling, warming up, tapering, body fat checks, as well as anything that comes up administratively.

Your primary coach is: {PrimaryInstructor}

You can call your coach at the gym at (310) 260-9550 or send an email to {PrimaryInstructorEmail}. Oh, and please remember that you won't necessarily see your primary coach when you come to the gym, unless, he/she happens to be teaching the class you're taking.



The second most important relationship at CFLA is between you and our community. While you will get to know people simply by taking classes with them, another great way to interact is online, in our CrossFit LA Facebook Group.

The purpose of our group is to give you the chance to get to know our community better in an on-line location. We chose Facebook so you would find it familiar and easy to use. Some of the things you can do in the site include:

  • Networking (personal or business)
  • Posting topics and conversing publicly with others (in the forums)
  • Joining groups and plan events with other members
  • Chatting directly with people online (IM, video, mail)

Another way to interact online with the community is through the workout and nutrition logs on our discussion forums. Please feel free to start your own log at any time. Each time you want to add another entry, just reply to your own thread. There are also discussion threads about workouts and fitness in general.
If you haven't already, don't forget to pick up your t-shirt the next time you are at the gym!

Please let us know if you have any questions about anything... we're looking forward to seeing you both at the gym AND in our online community!


CFLA Staff


Sample wording for the Welcome Postcard (to be written & sent by the coach within 1 week of membership beginning)

Option 1:

Hey XXX,

Welcome Aboard! It's great to have you training with us as part of our local CrossFit community. One piece of advice - just show up - our program will do the rest. Consistency always wins out over intensity. [Insert a line here that is personal and relating to the student’s particular goals that they shared with you over the phone and/or during the intro session]. See you soon!

Option 2:

Hey XXX,

Welcome Aboard! We're psyched that you chose to join us - rest assured that you'll find your time with us both challenging and rewarding. If you stick with it and keep showing up, I promise you the best results of your life! Great to have you with us! [Insert a line here that is personal and relating to the student’s particular goals that they shared with you over the phone and/or during the intro session].

See you at the gym!

Auto email launched when a student takes their first class:

Title: CrossFit LA - congrats on your first class!

Body of Email:

Dear {FirstName},
We hope you enjoyed your first CrossFit class at CFLA! Remember that for the first few months after starting, we recommend that you keep your workouts within your means - not pushing so hard that you hurtle yourself over the "cliff" or end up injuring yourself. Given the competitive nature of CrossFit, it is very easy to get carried away and go too hard too soon. Feel free to make any modification to any workout (scaling) to make it appropriate for your experience and fitness. If you need help with this, don't hesitate to ask the coach that is teaching the class - he/she will be happy to assist.
By the way, one great way to actually see the progress you're making is to take before / after pictures. We do this currently for many of our students, and if you'd like, we'd be happy to take a photo for your before picture. You can let any instructor know when you come to class, and if possible, we'll take it then. If not, let us know when you'd like to stop by - quick and easy.
Great to have you with us and look forward to seeing more of you soon!
CFLA Staff

Auto Email launched 14 days after membership begins:

Hey {FirstName},
As you've probably gathered by now, you've joined a very different, very special community of committed people who are dedicated to taking their fitness to the next level. We want to give you as many tools as possible for making YOUR experience here with us successful!
If you haven't yet had a chance to review this in your Success Journal, below is the text of our "HOW TO SHEET". It answers many of the common questions about how to FULLY utilize us and our program so that you get maximum results.
Thanks again for choosing us as your coach in your journey toward Elite Fitness. Let us know if you have any questions... about anything!
Andy Petranek

Owner, CrossFit Los Angeles

How to use CFLA CLASSES:

• Come often, and early (5 minutes in advance) every week. 3x or more/week for best results.

• Sign in for class.

• If the computer says class is full, double check with the coach - sometimes we make exceptions!

• ATTITUDE - Cheer others on, clap and give high 5’s – it will improve YOUR results!

• Be responsible.

• Choose weights according to your ability AND mindset that day.

• Stay alert, awake, and fully engaged in class.

• Pick up after yourself – re-rack weights, put away boxes, re-hang rubber bands.

• Clean up after yourself - bring a workout towel, and wipe the floor with disinfectant and a mop after your workout.

• Be honest with your numbers both in the Success Journal and in times / reps in class.

• Create a plan to train CFLA style at home.

• Use the website daily to watch for upcoming info, workouts, and post comments.

• Participate in all seminars and events – they will really help your training.

How to use your CFLA Primary Coach:

• Your coach is your primary point of contact at CFLA.

• Use him/her for:

- all health/fitness/nutrition questions, concerns, problems

- progress checks and accountability (showing up, diet, goals)

- before/after pictures

- goal identifying and setting

- administrative changes to your membership

How to use THE INTERNET:

• Go to the main page of our website ( daily for workouts, photos and goings on in our community.

• Become a fan on Facebook: -


• Bring it to every class without fail. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth writing down.

• Fill it out after the workout – be specific with each appropriate area.

• Track what you do when you’re not with us – write your workouts, progress, challenges and epiphanies **VERY IMPORTANT**

• Use every page and field – just because you don’t like to track something doesn’t mean that it’s not important. Remember that if it’s not written down, it doesn’t exist!!

• Read the quotes – the people we reference are seldom wrong – come up with your own and let us know so we can put up on the site!
Auto Email launched on the 1 year anniversary of a student’s sign up date:

Title: Happy One Year Anniversary, from CrossFit LA!

Body of Email:

Congratulations, {FirstName}, you have officially completed one year of training at CrossFit LA!

Your very first day with us was {SignupDate}. Did you imagine on that day that you would be where you are today? Every year on your anniversary, we suggest you take a moment to look over your training journal to see where you've been and what you've accomplished -- you might just surprise yourself! In any event, the year mark is significant -- congratulations on your persistence and consistency. Keep up the great work and we look forward to seeing you in many more classes to come!
Good work and happy anniversary!
-Andy, Michael, Sam, Jonesy,Jennifer, Shirley, Logan and Niki

Auto Email launched on the 2 year anniversary of a student’s sign up date:

Title: Happy Two Year Anniversary, from CrossFit LA!

Body of Email:

Congratulations, {FirstName}, you have officially completed TWO years of training at CrossFit LA!

Can you believe it has been two years?? Your very first day with us was {SignupDate}. Every year on your anniversary, we suggest you take a moment to look over your training journal to see where you've been and what you've accomplished -- you might just surprise yourself! In any event, the year mark is significant -- congratulations on your persistence and consistency. Keep up the great work and we look forward to seeing you in many more classes to come!
Good work and happy anniversary!
-Andy, Michael, Sam, Jonesy,Jennifer, Shirley, Logan and Niki

Auto Email launched on the 3 year anniversary of a student’s sign up date:

Title: Happy Three Year Anniversary, from CrossFit LA!

Body of Email:

Congratulations, {FirstName}, you have officially completed THREE years of training at CrossFit LA!

Three years?? That's a BIG deal! Your very first day with us was {SignupDate}. Every year on your anniversary, we suggest you take a moment to look over your training journal to see where you've been and what you've accomplished -- you might just surprise yourself! In any event, the year mark is significant -- congratulations on your persistence and consistency. Keep up the great work and we look forward to seeing you in many more classes to come!
Good work and happy anniversary!
-Andy, Michael, Sam, Jonesy,Jennifer, Shirley, Logan and Niki

Auto Email launched on the 4 year anniversary of a student’s sign up date:

Title: Happy FOUR Year Anniversary From CFLA!

Body of Email:

Congratulations, {FirstName}, you have officially completed FOUR years of training at CrossFit LA!

Can you believe it has been FOUR years? Where has the time gone -- and how DIFFERENT are you now!
Your very first day with us was {SignupDate}. Every year on your anniversary, we suggest you take a moment to look over your training journal to see where you've been and what you've accomplished -- you might just surprise yourself! In any event, the year mark is significant -- congratulations on your persistence and consistency. Keep up the great work and we look forward to seeing you in many more classes to come!
Good work and happy anniversary!
-Andy, Michael, Sam, Jonesy,Jennifer, Shirley, Logan and Niki

**Note – at CrossFit LA, they have these auto emails set up for 1st anniversary through 10th anniversary.**

Referral Thank You’s

A buck slip (similar to what is pictured below) with the following words already pre-printed on it and a handwritten note from the owner are mailed to any student who refers someone that ends up signing up. A free week is also added to the referring student’s contract, as a thank you.

Athlete Spotlight Questionnaire

This is the wording that appeared in the CFLA Newletter introducing this idea:

Wouldn't you like to know more about the other people you CrossFit with? We sure would... so we created an Athlete Profile... it is a questionnaire that can be filled out as completely (or not) as you want. If you're willing to share yourself with the rest of us, click this link CFLA Athlete Profile Questionnaire. It will take you to the questionnaire. We'll do our best at getting it up on our site as soon as possible.

There was also a blog post written about the Athlete Profile Questionnaire, with a link in the blog as well.

The questionnaire was created as a Google form that people could go in, at their leisure, and fill out. The athlete spotlights appear on the CFLA blog every once in a while……..not on a consistent basis. This way, it’s more of a surprise and treat, rather than an expectation (that one will be posted every Monday, every Friday, etc.).

This is what the Google form looks like:

CFLA Athlete Profile Questionnaire

Please fill out as much of this as you're able (or want to)... the only thing required is your Name and last initial.

* Required

Top of Form

First Name & Last Initial *

Bottom of Form




When did you first start CrossFitting?

When did you first start training at CFLA?

Favorite WOD

Least Favorite WOD

Tell us about your sports & fitness background.

How did you first get exposed to CrossFit? Take us back to your first WOD... what was it, and how did it feel?

What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting CF? (before / after)

What sort of changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like CrossFit that were totally unexpected?