Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laugharne Township Community Council

held on Thursday 11th February 2016 in the Millennium Hall, Laugharne.

Present: Mayor I. John

Cllrs. K. Gough, D.M. Lewis, L. Brown, R. Stevens S. Brown, J. Bradshaw, J. Lynch,

J D R Thomas, A. Isaacs, D.M. Jones

Clerk Chris Delaney

Public: None were present

1 / Apologies
C.Cllr. J. Tremlett
2 / Disclosures of personal interest
3 / (a) / Approval of the Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting – 14/01/2016
The minutes were agreed as a true record.
(b) / Matters Arising from the Minutes
5b) The clerk informed members that he had received a quote for the equipment required for the tidal electronic warning board. This was around £900 and members agreed to develop the idea.
6a) The clerk updated members on the issues with Orchard Park Play Area. This was still closed as there were safety problems with several pieces of play equipment. The Association were applying for grants and seeking additional quotes to carry out the work required.
1.  The clerk was still awaiting a response from CCC regarding an additional seat in Orchard Park.
2.  The clerk updated members on the Church Street trees. He understood that CCC now had all the specialist reports and a decision would be reached shortly.
5d) The clerk reported discussions with CCC regarding the seating area above Cliff Walk in the woods, maintained by CCC. The land was leased to CCC, but the lease could be re-assigned to LTCC under the Capital Asset Transfer Scheme. Members had concerns regarding the maintenance of the whole area involved and the retaining wall along Cliff Walk. It was agreed that to visit the site before any further discussions with CCC.
1.  The clerk reported that he had contacted CCC and the speed warning units were repaired. However they appeared not to be working again.
2.  The notice board at Llansadwrnen had been repaired but a more permanent repair was necessary.
4 / Accounts for payment and a note of income received
2275 / CJD Salary January
CJD Office Costs January
HMRC January
Hire of Millennium Hall
One Voice Wales
R. Thomas
A. Bell
C. Hovey
Poppy Appeal
Total / £
£ / 363.25
VAT Refund £ 2560.76
Misc £ 100.00
Total Income £ 2660.76
Balances 31/12/15
Current account £ 12,997.14
Reserve Account £ 663.10
Gratuity £ 1008.46
Total £ 14,668.70
5 / Policy issues
(a) / Planning
W/33290 Land adjacent to Stoney Way. This site already had planning permission and this application was for the removal of conditions under reserved matters.
W/33313 Large timber cabin at Delacorse. This was an application for a certificate of lawfulness on a building over 10 years old. Members had no issues.
W/33270 Land at Uwch-y-Niwl Reserved matters –vision splays
W/33282 Tree cutting in a conservation area The trees, on land adjacent to the highway to Sir Johns Hill, were overhanging the road. Members had no issues with this application.
W/33228 Agricultural building on land near Lower Cresswell Farm. Members had no issues with this application.
d) / Parking Strategy
Several members had attended the two consultation meetings with the consultants carrying out the development of the strategy. Representatives of the Corporation and the Church had also been present. The draft strategy would go to public consultation at an exhibition to be held on March 8th.
Members looked in detail at the options that had been developed following the initial consultation meeting. The following outcomes were agreed:-
Option 1: Formalised parking on the Grist
This was agreed with free parking for up to an hour and some disabled spaces. Members felt that the area should be extended to include Wogan Street up to the surgery. It was also felt that the parking layout should be designed to maximise the number of spaces available.
Option 2: 3 free car parking spaces adjacent to the pharmacy with a maximum stay of 30 minutes
Agreed that a maximum of 30 minutes was essential
Option 3: Residential Parking Zones are created across the community
Members were in agreement with this proposal, but the areas indication should be extended to include Newbridge Road and the Strand behind Gosport Street. There should also be a section of yellow lines along Clifton Street to allow cars to pull in.
Option 4: Parking Charges are introduced on the Strand Car Park.
It was proposed and seconded that in principle the council would agree to the introduction of parking charges as part of an overarching parking strategy for the community, but there would be a free parking scheme for Laugharne residents. This was a substantial majority agreement of 9 to 2 following a vote.
Option 5: Parking charges on the Grist are enforced after the free period
Members were in some agreement but felt that there should be a limit on the paid parking time, so no all day/long term parking was permitted. There needed to be a turnover of free spaces for both customers and businesses.
Option 6: Parking charges are introduced on King Street
Members were not in favour of this proposal
Option 7: Car Parking Charges are introduced in the new car park off King Street
This is clearly the county council’s prerogative but there should be a Laugharne wide charging strategy and it is assumed that the car parks are free from 18.00 – 8.00. There should also be some places reserved for resident’s parking- could those with resident’s parking permits park here for free when there are no on-street places available.
Option 8: That a charge is introduced in the church car park at peak periods
Members agreed but it is the church’s prerogative.
Option 9: The church car park should be used as a coach layover parking area
This was felt to be a useful option.
The Queen’s Birthday
Members agreed that the event should be celebrated in the community but as the meeting was running well over time, details and actual arrangements should be discussed at the next meeting
The Mayor’s Chain of Office
The clerk informed members of the costs involved in adding 5 more bars to the chain. These were acceptable and the clerk was asked to make the necessary arrangements.
6 / For information
(a) / Reports on Groups and Meetings
There had been two meetings, a Community and Town Council Liaison Forum meeting and the first meeting of the Carmarthenshire Destination Partnership. The Mayor had attended the Liaison Forum where most of the discussion had revolved around the county council’s budget reductions and the impact on services.
The partnership meeting had been organised by CCC and brought together a range of individuals and organisations interested in developing the visitor economy. CCC officers present at the meeting informed attendees of a number of new initiatives.
(b) / Clerk’s Report
The clerk reported on various pieces of general correspondence. He informed members that following speed monitoring in Broadway over a three month period at least four vehicle activated driver feedback units would be installed. There was still the requirement for a pavement to safely link the community with Laugharne and members agreed that the clerk should bring together all the interested bodies for a site meeting.
(c) / County Councillor’s Report
C.Cllr Tremlett Had apologised
(d) / Other matters
No matters were discussed
The meeting closed at 9.35 pm