Rotary Club of Yorkton –Luncheon Meeting

Monday, October 27, 2014

Ramada Yorkton

110 Broadway ST E

Yorkton, SK

Present: Ray Bailey, Donna Bucsis, Verna Law (chair), Linda Ouart (recorder), Kelly Price,

Dr. Bree Rogoza, David Rusnak, Lee Rusnak, Michael Rusnak, Victor Surjik, Terry Tyson

Guests: John Stamatinos (Honorary),

Harry Ramsbottom, Milly Wala, and Leoni ______.

  1. Call Meeting to Order- V Law 12:42
  1. Approval of Agenda:Motion - R. Bailey/V. Surjik - Carried
  1. Approval of Minutes – September 25, 2014 Directors Meeting
  2. Motion - R. Bailey/ V. Surjik, Carried
  3. To ratify the motions made at the Sept 25/14 directors meeting and approve the minutes of that meeting as there was no quorum.
  1. Business Arising from previous minutes
  1. Rotary Club of Yorkton Budget 2014-15
  2. Motion - R. Bailey/D. Rusnak - Carried
  3. To accept the budget for the 2014-15 Rotary year, as presented.
  1. Presentation of the Financial Statements for the year ended June 30, 2014
  2. Motion T. Tyson/K. Price -Carried
  3. To accept the Financial Statements for the year ended June 30, 2014, as prepared by Collins Barrow PQ LLP with the following correction:
  4. Page 9, Schedule of Trust Expenses , Vocational Service Project: The amount of $550 recorded as payable to Regina Eastview Rotary Club shall be recorded as “Adventures in Agriculture”.
  1. Appointment of Auditor for 2014-15 Rotary Year
  2. Motion - M. Rusnak /D. Bucsis - Carried
  3. To appoint Collins/Barrow PQ LLP as auditor for the Rotary Club of Yorkton for the year ending June 30, 2015.
  1. Correspondence

a)Bingo Audit – 2012-13 Bingo Licence

  • No errors or noted for 2012-13 Bingo Licence

b)Bingo Licence 2014-15

  • The bingo licence for November 2014 through October 2015 has been received. Terry working on a schedule for workers. The next bingo is to be held November 15, 2014.

c)Salvation Army Kettle Campaign

  • A letter has been received from the Salvation Army requesting volunteers for the Christmas Kettle Campaign. Verna will contact for dates.

d)Parkland College Scholarship

  • The annual scholarship campaign is under way. The forms are requesting donations to fund two $1000 scholarships. The club has budgeted for two $500 scholarships. The past two years, we have been granted a matching scholarship from District 5550, which increases our total contribution to $2000. We will reapply for this matching grant in 2015.
  • Motion K. Price/L. Rusnak -Carried
  • To sponsor two $500 scholarships as budgeted (total amount of $1000).
  1. Next Meeting –Luncheon Meeting Nov 3/14
  1. Adjournment 1:22pm - Motion - D. Bucsis


President Date

