



The Breadwinner Chapter 7 – Character Analysis

Do Now: Answer the following questions. Then read silently when complete.

  1. What five character traits help you better understand a character?
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  1. Why do we analyze characters?


Jeopardy: The Breadwinner Style

1. / 2. / 3. / 4.
5. / 6. / 7. / 8.
9. / 10. / 11. / 12[S1].

Directions: Read the following using your strategies. Then answer the questions.

Edited fromUNDP Hosts National Dialogue on the Rights of Street Vendors (September 12, 2013)

What do money changers, vegetable sellers, small food cart pushers, shoe shiners, itinerant fix-it technicians, roadside hairdressers and mobile food caterers in Kabul all have in common?

They are all considered “street vendors” and are a part of the informal economy. These are people who earn their living by buying, selling and trading goods and services without permission from the government.

Character Trait / According to the text / This proves
Action / What do street vendors do?

Many issues about street vendors have been brought up. Issues includetraffic and violence. Both street vendors and the local government wish to find a solution to this problem so that greater peace and security in Kabul can be achieved.

Character Trait / According to the text / This proves
Effect / What impact do street vendors have on their community?

Street vendors work extremely hard in dangerous environments for very little reward. They often appear tired as many work long days to support large families by selling goods from a single cart or stand. Also, street vendors simply do not receive the same rights and legal protections as big business. For example, if someone steals from them there is nothing they can do about it. They argue that the way they are treated is “unjust” and say that they should be treated as “equals” to big business.

Character Trait / According to the text / This proves
Speech / What argument do street vendors make?

Many street vendors believe that by improving the legal status of street vendors and recognizing their importance in Kabul’s local economy, the lives of many Afghan citizens can improve.

Character Trait / According to the text / This proves
Thoughts / What do they think about improving the legal status of street vendors?
If you were a street vendor in Afghanistan . . . / Effect – Why would you see this product?
Looks – What would you dress like? Be sure to be historically accurate. Review how Parvana dresses as a vendor. / Speech – What would you say to people to convince them to buy your product?
Actions – What would you sell? / Thoughts – Why do you think your plan would be successful?

Advertisement: Sketch a draft of your poster that you would hang in the marketplace. While you are waiting for the teacher to approve your sketch, READ SILENTLY.





Exit Slip - The Breadwinner Chapter 7 – Character Analysis

Directions: Read the following using your strategies. Then answer the questions.

Vendors fill D.C. Streets with GoodsBy Jason Paul, USA TODAY (January 2013)

"Tis the season to sell Obama [merchandise]," said Yakimiyah Binyamin, an actor and student at the Borough of Manhattan Community College in New York.

Character Trait / According to the Text / This proves
Speech / What did Binyamin say?

Sellers of Obama-related gifts and items numbered in the hundreds leading up to today. But closer to 2,000 — many, such as Binyamin, without proper permits — are expected on Washington's streets, sidewalks and parks, greeting the more than 2 million people expected to descend on the district.

Binyamin, who planned to spend his inaugural holiday selling Obama calendars ($10 each), hopes the emotional draw of a new administration will help his church group sell out its inaugural stockpile. The 2,000 copies of the monthly planner weren't selling on Friday, but Binyamin remained optimistic. "It's almost like the Christmas spirit, but for a new president."

Character Trait / According to the text / This proves
Actions / What does Binyamin plan on doing during Obama’s inauguration?

The Department of Consumer & Regulatory Affairs issued 700 vending licenses and promised space for 1,000 more spots in high-traffic areas outside designated zones. When the DCRA held a lottery last month to determine who would be licensed to sell, between 3,000 and 5,000 applications were received.

Connection: Do you think people should be able to sell merchandise on the streets of Washington, D.C.? Why or why not?





Homework: The Breadwinner Chapter 7 – Character Analysis

Directions: Read the following using your strategies. Then answer the questions.

Edited fromThe Vendy Awards showcase New York's top street vendors

By Theo on May 6, 2010

What is your relationship with the Street Vendor Program, and why is it such an important cause?

Sean Basinski, Director of the Street Vendor Project, founded the Vendy Awards as a way to celebrate NYC street vendors and raise funds for the Street Vendor Project. As the event has grown, we’ve been able to raise both money and community awareness about the challenges street vendors face every day.

Character Trait / According to the text / This proves
Action / What has Sean Basinski done?

Most vendors are low income people, usually immigrants, with little legal or political clout. Over the last twenty years, he argues it has gotten much harder to sell on New York City streets as there has been a decrease the number of licenses available.

Character Trait / According to the text / This proves
Thoughts / What does Basinski believe?

The New York City government declared that certain areas of the city are “off-limits to vending,” and the city has raised fines to as much as $1,000 per ticket for technical violations of the vending rules, like placing your cart more than 18 inches from the curb. Street vendors work incredibly long hours, in all kinds of weather and under very challenging conditions. People can learn more about the Street Vendor Project and its work at

Character Trait / According to the text / This proves
Speech / What has the NYC government said about street vending?

[S1]Apply analysis to “The Breadwinner” Ch 7

Speech 79

Says: “pay whatever you like”


Thoughts 74.2.all

Says: liked idea


Thoughts p. 81

Says: aunt embroidering





Actions 76

Says: hardest thing ever done



