BioMicroWorld 2013

You are cordially invited to participate in the V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Research - BioMicroWorld2013, which will be held in the Faculty of Medicine - Complutense University (Madrid, Spain) from 2 to 4 October 2013.
The BioMicroWorld conference series is already a reference in the microbiology field. This conference will bring together researchers, engineers and scientists in the fields of industrial microbiology, biotechnology, environmental sciences, agriculture, food and medical microbiology, and other related fields, to communicate current research priorities and progress in those fields, and to identify new research approaches.
Please, take some time to read the detailed list of Topics that will be discussed at the conference.
We now welcome proposals for oral, poster or virtual presentations at the conference. Abstracts can be one-page long (at most) and must be prepared according to the guidelines provided in the Call for Papers section. Please, read this section carefully to get more details on abstract preparation and submission.
Abstracts must be submitted no later than 2 July 2013 (for oral presentations) and/or 30 July 2013 (for poster and virtual presentations) using the conference management tool: Abstract Submission
Presenting authors can present a maximum of two (2) abstracts at the conference if they are registered under the full rate or student registration modes, and only one (1) abstract if they are registered under the virtual registration mode. More information on registration modes is available in the Registration section.
The previous edition of the BioMicroWorld Conference was held in Torremolinos-Málaga Spain, during 14-16 September 2011 and it was attended by more than 500 researchers from nearly 60 countries.
Abstracts must be submitted no later than 2 July 2013 (for oral presentations) and/or 30 July 2013 (for poster and virtual presentations)
  • Abstracts can be one-page long (at most) and must be prepared according to the guidelines provided in the template: Download abstract template
    There is no limit in the number of authors per abstract.
    Although abstracts based on data that have been published previously can be accepted (especially from recent publications), please note that writing must differ from the one used in those works, so as to avoid violation of the rights of the copyright holder of such an abstract.
  • All submissions must be done using the conference submission tool
    Abstracts must be submitted only once. If you are unable to submit the abstract using the conference submission tool, or if you are not sure about the successful submission of the abstract, please contact the conference secretariat at or
  • There can be up to two presenting authors for each abstract. Correspondence will be made with the presenting author(s).
  • The presenting author(s) will be notified about the successful submission of the abstract immediately after submission. In the event that such notification was not received, please contact the conference secretariat at or
  • Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection will be communicated to the presenting author(s) about 10 days after submission.
  • If an already submitted abstract has to be changed / corrected, the new version must be sent by email (as an attached file) to or and the old abstract will be replaced with the new one.
  • As there are many more abstracts submitted for oral presentations than available slots within the program, the Scientific Advisory Committee will select the most relevant abstracts to be presented orally at the Conference. This decision will be communicated as soon as possible, and in any case by 25 July 2013 at the latest. Those abstracts that have not been selected to be presented orally can be presented as posters or virtual papers.
Presenting authors must know that:
  • can present a maximum of two (2) abstracts at the conference if they are registered under the full rate or student registration modes, and only one (1) abstract if they are registered under the virtual registration mode. More information on registration modes is available in the Registration section.
  • must indicate the abstract(s) that they will present at the conference at the time of registering. Failure to do this may result in the no inclusion of the abstract(s) in the Book of Abstract and in the Conference Scientific Program.
  • will get the “certificate(s) of presentation” of only the abstract(s) that they will be presenting at the conference, although they may be co-authors of multiple abstracts.

Conference participants registered under any of the available registration modes (full rate, student, virtual) are entitled to submit one manuscript (two abstracts can however be submitted for presentation during the conference) to be considered for inclusion in the Proceedings Book.
Submission of manuscripts is optional.
Full paper submission is only allowed to those participants who have an abstract previously accepted for the conference (see section above)
Contributions will be accepted on the understanding that the authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication and that the article is original and unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Upon acceptance of an article, the author(s) will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the publisher.
  • Deadline for Full Paper submission is 23 October 2013
  • The maximum number of pages per manuscript is 5 and it must be prepared according to the guidelines provided in the template: Download manuscript template
  • Manuscripts must be submitted only once using the conference submission tool If you are unable to submit the manuscript using the conference submission tool, or if you are not sure about the successful submission of the manuscript, please contact the conference secretariat at or
  • The corresponding author will be notified about the successful submission of the manuscript immediately after submission. In the event that such notification was not received, please contact the conference secretariat at or
  • If an already submitted full paper has to be changed / corrected, the new version must be sent by email (as an attached file) to or and the old full paper will be replaced with the new submitted one.
  • Notification of full paper inclusion in the Proceedings Book will be communicated by March 2014