Governor’s Advisory Council on the Blind

August 3, 2012

Smyrna Rest Area Conference Room

Smyrna, Delaware

Roll Call:

Lloyd Schmitz, Chairperson

Nancy Frankl

Debbie Briddell

Jack Turner


Sharon Sutlic

Janet Brown

William McCafferty

Division f/t Visually Impaired (DVI) Staff:

Robert Doyle, Director

Lauren Williams

Ava Patrick

Genelle Fletcher, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)


Walter Harper

Kat Schmitz

Meeting was called to order at 10:20.

Genelle Fletcher’s Report on VR:

There has been a decrease in new referrals, applicants for VR services, eligibility determinations and employment outcomes this fiscal year. The following compares 2011 and 2012 3rd quarter stats, which are listed in that order:

New referrals:

Kent County: 28, 18

New Castle County: 82, 61

Sussex County: 30, 19

Decrease of 32% in new referrals

Applications for services:

Kent County: 22, 13

New Castle: 57, 46

Sussex County: 25, 8

Decrease of 38% in making applications for VR services

Lloyd wanted to know what we can attribute this to. Why not getting referrals? Robert said last year that nationally VR had record outcomes. They were expecting referrals to be down this year. We have to study the patterns. Looking at trend of VR agencies compared to DVI. Could be a national trend, maybe due to economy.

Jack wanted to know about the change demographically by age or male-female. Genelle doesn’t see as many young people; most are in 50s and 60s. Lloyd asked if there is a similar trend in the education department. Robert has seen a slight increase in education, but partly due to the way we are counting the students. Teachers and VR counselors are working closely together. Jack talked about bowling and darts—not seeing as many young people. They can call Jack and he’ll try to get young people involved. Lloyd thought DVI newsletter can put info about activities for young people.

Determination of eligibility:

Kent County: 18, 15

New Castle County: 55, 46

Sussex County: 23, 11

Decrease of 28% in the number of applicants determined eligible for services.

Closed Status:

Kent County: 12, 13

New Castle County: 32, 8

Sussex County: 8, 4

Decrease of 53% in number of employment outcomes

Open VR Referrals on Current Case List:

Not Recorded: 2

Kent County: 37

New Castle County: 102

Sussex County: 43

Out of State: 1

Total of Open VR Referrals is 185

Referrals from Education (consumers aged 14-20):

Kent County: 1, 1

New Castle: 2, 3

Sussex County: 10, 2

Decrease of 54% in the number of transition students referred to VR

Employment outcomes as of June 30, 2012:

30 VR consumers achieved a positive employment outcome. 2 of the 30 are homemakers.

Competitive placements include: medical services, government service, food service, janitorial services, education, clerical and retail sales.

The average weekly salary for the 28 wage earners is calculated at $421.00 per week. Average case costs are calculated as $1091.00.

Debbie asked about the beach weekend having 18 kids, but not many at other activities. Why? Summer program had only one student. Robert said we can look at difference in recruitment.

Lloyd asked about job placement specialists: how many of 30 employed can be attributed to them? Lloyd wants to encourage re-posting to community of VI. Are the job placement specialists having affect? Robert will check data to see what percentages are affected by job placement specialists.

Genelle said they wanted senior counselors to work more with transitional counselor. Lloyd would like an update of what they are doing to have more outcomes. Lloyd wants to know if VR puts an article in semi-annually newsletter. Lloyd wants a paragraph from each department to highlight what they are doing. Robert said maybe we should have more correspondences (newsletters) than twice a year, a shorter alert in addition to the 2 newsletters. Nancy asked what percentage of consumers have email. Robert said not a lot.

Robert’s Report:

Governor Markell has been elected to be chair of National Governors Association.

Platform of getting jobs for people with disabilities.

Sandy Reyes from OMB is organizing training on Sept. 19 for ADA training at Del Tech for agency representatives to discuss ways to enhance getting jobs for individuals with disabilities, room fits 60 people. Robert will speak.

Vacancies: employment specialist, administrative specialist in New Castle, accountant, and TVI 12 month. Maybe a TVI who is visually impaired will want to apply.

Software program for account clerk, haven’t had a chance to demo it. Need full package for Delaware Industries for Blind (DIB), etc. Robert wants to demo without spending a lot of money. Debbie wants to know if can go to other states to see how their software is doing. Lloyd wants to encourage employment of VI. Wants DVI to show other agencies that VI people can be hired. Robert said at least 4-6 months from being able to use software. Lloyd knows about a VI student graduating with an accounting degree. Lloyd wants to know if can fill position with a temp until position has accessible software.

Workshop schedule: The flyer will be sent out shortly.

Iphone Basics on September 5

IPad Basics on September 19

There’s an App for That on October 1

Voting Accessibility on October 17

Technology 101 on October 24

Braille Basics on October 30

Caregiver Resources on November 5

Crafts 101 on November 15

GPS Options on December 5

Consumer Showcase on December 12

Organization Basics (January 10, 2013)

Debbie said that some of the workshops need follow-up, especially with the Apple products. Jack said that Apple gives free lessons after you purchase from them, but you just have a limited time to get lessons. Iphone 5 coming out soon. Robert said trying to get Apple people involved in training.

Jack brought up issue of voting, asked about adjusting machine that is very slow. Takes at least 20 minutes to vote, and it’s not even hooked up when Jack gets there. Jack wants to know if agency can look into this or should Jack contact voting place. Robert said council can contact. Lloyd will work on contacting, doing a demo and talking to them.

Sensory garden: Lloyd wants them to have a workshop to help prep for the winter.

DIB: Still progressing on reports about complaints. No findings. Last one will be wrapped up soon. Will make sure following manual on personnel. Andy is back—Robert asked him to (1) revise manual, tightening up (2) fiscal integrity (3) documenting processes of all inventory—may need to subject people to inspection (4) hiring process (5) importance of training for Andy and leadership team—to help promote morale in DIB. Need to get out and find more business. Federal sales are down. Labor ratios are correct. Open house for DIB in September, live remote to general public.

There will be a Public TV educational spot on DVI, plus one minute commercial, email marketing blitz. Podcasting may be possible. Ava will send out script to compile ideas about what focus should be. Highlight every aspect of agency.

Lloyd asked about Holloway campus cafe, how much money it is losing. Lloyd would like bank reports on set aside accounts from December 2011 forward. Robert said the hot dog carts are close to being functional.

June minutes approved as written.

Library computers: Council sent a letter to Library System. Annie Norman said software has been installed everywhere except Dover and Lewes. There will be training for using the computers by John Phillos. Library trainings should be coordinated with Elisha.

Newsline: costs a lot. Library would like to spend money for ebooks instead of newsline. Didn’t renew Newsline. Debbie said it is still functioning.

State website accessibility issue: Lloyd reported that Sussex County government website was totally accessible. OMB: downloaded document that was scanned and not accessible. Ava and Matt have helped them.

Nancy reported about MOU. Dorothe Mumford went to international conference. She’s in touch with a national advisor to find out how other states are handling this. Dorothe wants to maintain autonomy and collaborate, but doesn’t want to merge as it will affect the quality of books and materials. Robert hasn’t heard from DOE/CDS.

Lloyd would like to have a meeting at Biggs Building to tour DVI in November. Lloyd wondered if teachers can be reallocated so there is a specialist for young children.

September meeting: DIB

October meeting: Education

November 2: BEP presentation and visit to departments. Extended visit. 10-3 with lunch break.

Public comments: none.

Lloyd will offer volunteer computer services at DVI Milford. Debbie said people can get computers for $100. Need to get computers to people—maybe DAB or Lions Club can help purchase. Directory put out by National Braille Press for iphone. Also support group on iphone for advanced users and new users.

Meeting adjourned at 12:00.