CSE 121 Software Tools & Methods

For each program indicator below please indicate how it was assessed. For instance, if a particular program outcome is assessed by a test question, please indicate which test question was used, and provide information on the assessment standards for that question individually. For each assessment method, report the average score and the percent of enrolled CSE students who met the performance standards for that outcome. If the program indicator was not taught or not assessed, please include that information.

It is important that the assessment information provided here should only refer to the assessment of CSE students in the class. Students in other majors (i.e. EECS or CS) should not be included in the assessment information provided here.

Academic Term: ___FQ2009___ Instructor: __Susan_Sim______

Final course grade distribution:

A / B / C / D / F / P / N/P / I / W / NR / Total
2 / 12 / 8 / 1 / 23

Program Outcome D: An ability to function effectively on multidisciplinary teams to accomplish a common goal.

Indicator 1: An ability to agree on common subgoals.
Assessment Method / Average Score / Percent Meeting Performance Standards / Performance Standard
Homework 5: Use Cases, Sequence Diagram, Activity Diagram, State Diagram / 83% / 21/23 = 91% / 70% or better
Indicator 2: An ability to clearly define interfaces between multiple system components.
Assessment Method / Average Score / Percent Meeting Performance Standards / Performance Standard
Homework 1: Class and Package Diagrams / 90% / 21/23 =91% / 70% or better
Homework 3: Design Patterns / 76% / 17/23 = 74% / 70% or better

Program Outcome E: An ability to identify, formulate, and analyze a Computer Science and Engineering problem and define the requirements appropriate to its solution.

Indicator 1: An ability to identify a Computer Science and Engineering problem.
Assessment Method / Average Score / Percent Meeting Performance Standards / Performance Standard
Homework 2: Software Tools and Methods / 88% / 20/23 = 87% / 70% or better
Indicator 2: An ability to formulate a Computer Science and Engineering problem and define the requirements appropriate to its solution.
Assessment Method / Average Score / Percent Meeting Performance Standards / Performance Standard
Homework 5: Use Cases, Sequence Diagram, Activity Diagram, State Diagram / 83% / 21/23 = 91% / 70% or better
Indicator 3: An ability to analyze a Computer Science and Engineering problem.
Assessment Method / Average Score / Percent Meeting Performance Standards / Performance Standard
Homework 4: Code Reading / 79% / 17/23 = 74% / 70% or better
Homework 3: Design Patterns / 76% / 17/23 = 74% / 70% or better

Program Outcome K: An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for Computer Science and Engineering.

Indicator 1: An ability to use current computer programming and debugging tools.
Assessment Method / Average Score / Percent Meeting Performance Standards / Performance Standard
All assignments / 81% / 21/23 = 91% / 70% or better
Indicator 2: An ability to use simulation tools appropriate for Computer Science and Engineering.
Assessment Method / Average Score / Percent Meeting Performance Standards / Performance Standard

Program Outcome M: An ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity.

Indicator 1: An ability to apply design principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity.
Assessment Method / Average Score / Percent Meeting Performance Standards / Performance Standard
Homework 1: Class and Package Diagrams / 90% / 21/23 =91% / 70% or better
Homework 3: Design Patterns / 76% / 17/23 = 74% / 70% or better
Homework 5: Use Cases, Sequence Diagram, Activity Diagram, State Diagram / 83% / 21/23 = 91% / 70% or better
Indicator 2: An ability to apply development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity.
Assessment Method / Average Score / Percent Meeting Performance Standards / Performance Standard
Homework 7: JUnit / 65% / 8/20 = 40% / 70% or better

Summary of this quarter’s assessment results:

This quarter there were 23 CSE students out of a total enrollment of 66 students.
Nearly all students were able to work with software tools and methods and met the performance standard of C- or better on the various components of their grade (labs, homework, tests, and final exam).

What changes did you make in this course based on previous assessment results?

I reduced the workload by one assignment and re-ordered the sequence of assignments.

What recommendations do you have for improving the course the next time it is taught?

Reduce the amount of course material to allow more time for discussion.

Any other recommendations or comments?

CSE121/Inf111 was designed to be a second course in software engineering, but has evolved over time. Currently, students majoring in four different programs are taking the course and their backgrounds differ significantly. There is some variability in the course from one offering to another as I adapt the material to the group of students enrolled.
Remove simulation as a course objective from the FCAR.