


# This is using Matt Wiley's version 2.6 model




[OPTIONS] # Model Options





Sensible Heat Flux = FALSE # TRUE or FALSE

########## These items were added in version 2.6 model ##########

Stream Temperature = FALSE

Groundwater = TRUE

Glacier Movement = FALSE

Channel Infiltration = FALSE

Fractional Routing = FALSE

Initial State Path = /home/ubuntu/state1/

########## End version 2.6 items ##########

Sediment = FALSE # TRUE or FALSE

Sediment Input File = # path for sediment configuration file


## Infiltration = STATIC # Static or Dynamic





PRISM data path = /home/ubuntu/input/rfatlas # path for PRISM files

PRISM data extension = .flt # file extension for PRISM files

Canopy radiation attenuation mode = FIXED # FIXED or VARIABLE

Shading = FALSE # TRUE or FALSE

Shading data path = # path for shading files

Shading data extension = # file extension for shading files

Skyview data path = # path for skyview file; for use with shading only

Snotel = FALSE # TRUE or FALSE

Outside = TRUE # TRUE or FALSE

Rhoverride = FALSE # TRUE or FALSE

Precipitation Source = STATION # STATION or RADAR


Temperature lapse rate = CONSTANT # CONSTANT or VARIABLE

Precipitation lapse rate = CONSTANT # CONSTANT, MAP, or VARIABLE

Infiltration = STATIC # STATIC or DYNAMIC

Cressman radius = # in model pixels

Cressman stations = # number of stations




[AREA] # Model area

Coordinate System = UTM # UTM or USER_DEFINED Albers

Extreme North = 2219749.73468 # Coordinate for northern edge of grid

Extreme West = 242144.9379 # Coordinate for western edge of grid

Center Latitude = 19.90220692509789 # Central parallel of basin

Center Longitude = -155.26786896414498 # Central meridian of basin

Time Zone Meridian = -150 # Time zone meridian for area

Number of Rows = 1233 # Number of rows

Number of Columns = 1331 # Number of columns

Grid spacing = 30 # Grid resolution in m




[TIME] # Model period cod

Time Step = 3 # Model time step (hours)

Model Start = 02/22/2005-03 # Model start time (MM/DD/YYYY-HH)

Model End = 10/01/2012-00




[CONSTANTS] # Model constants

Ground Roughness = 0.02 # Roughness of soil surface (m)

Snow Roughness = 0.02 # Roughness of snow surface (m)

Rain Threshold = 1.0 # Minimum temperature at which rain

# occurs (C) minor decrease in snow from 0

Snow Threshold = 0.5 # Maximum temperature at which snow

# occurs (C)

Snow Water Capacity = 0.03 # Snow liquid water holding capacity

# (fraction)

Reference Height = 70.0 # Reference height (m)

Rain LAI Multiplier = 0.0001 # LAI Multiplier for rain interception

Snow LAI Multiplier = 0.0005 # LAI Mulitplier for snow interception

Min Intercepted Snow = 0.005 # Intercepted snow that can only be

# melted (m)

Outside Basin Value = 0 # Value in mask that indicates outside

# the basin

Temperature Lapse Rate = -0.0057 # Temperature lapse rate (C/m)

Precipitation Lapse Rate = 0.0 # Precipitation lapse rate (m/m)

########## These items were added in version 2.6 model ##########

Snow Melt Release Rate = 0.00003 # Units are (m/s) See:

########## End version 2.6 items ##########




[TERRAIN] # Terrain information

DEM File = /home/ubuntu/input/dem.flt # path for DEM file

Basin Mask File = /home/ubuntu/input/mask1.flt # path for mask file




[ROUTING] # Routing information. This section is

# only relevant if the Extent = BASIN

################ STREAM NETWORK ################################################

# The following three fields are only used if Flow Routing = NETWORK

Stream Map File = /home/ubuntu/input/ # path for stream map file

Stream Network File = /home/ubuntu/input/ # path for stream network file

Stream Class File = /home/ubuntu/input/stream.class.dat # path for stream class file

################ ROAD NETWORK ##################################################

# The following three fields are only used if Flow Routing = NETWORK and there

# is a road network

#Scenario 1 - all existing roads

#Road Map File = # path for road map file

#Road Network File = # path for road network file

#Road Class File = # path for road network file

################ UNIT HYDROGRAPH ###############################################

# The following two fields are only used if Flow Routing = UNIT_HYDROGRAPH

Travel Time File = # path for travel time file

Unit Hydrograph File = # path for unit hydrograph file




[METEOROLOGY] # Meteorological stations

Number of Stations = 6 # Number of meteorological stations

# The following set of lines is to be repeated for each station, with the one

# replaced by 2, 3, etc.

Station Name 1 = Laupahoehoe Tower # Name for station 6

North Coordinate 1 = 2205606.00000 # North coordinate of station 6

East Coordinate 1 = 260171.00000 # East coordinate of station 6

Elevation 1 = 1151 # Elevation of station 6 in m

Station File 1 = /home/ubuntu/input/laupahoehoe_current.met # path for station 6 file

Station Name 2 = Pua Akala SCAN # Name for station 2

North Coordinate 2 = 2191036.20676 # North coordinate of station 2

East Coordinate 2 = 255561.93375 # East coordinate of station 2

Elevation 2 = 1949 # Elevation of station 2 in m

Station File 2 = /home/ubuntu/input/pua_akala_current.met # path for station 2 file

Station Name 3 = Hakalau RAWS # Name for station 3

North Coordinate 3 = 2193369.79137911 # North coordinate of station 3

East Coordinate 3 = 255885.297975801 # East coordinate of station 3

Elevation 3 = 1951 # Elevation of station 3 in m

Station File 3 = /home/ubuntu/input/hakalau_current.met # path for station 3 file

Station Name 4 = Island Dairy SCAN # Name for station 4

North Coordinate 4 = 2213110.00689489 # North coordinate of station 4

East Coordinate 4 = 261102.624100908 # East coordinate of station 4

Elevation 4 = 354 # Elevation of station 4 in m

Station File 4 = /home/ubuntu/input/island_dairy_current.met # path for station 4 file

Station Name 5 = Puu Mali RAWS # Name for station 5

North Coordinate 5 = 2205220.60932 # North coordinate of station 5

East Coordinate 5 = 244585.58086 # East coordinate of station 5

Elevation 5 = 2165 # Elevation of station 5 in m

Station File 5 = /home/ubuntu/input/puu_mali_current.met # path for station 5 file

Station Name 6 = Hilo AP # Name for station 1

North Coordinate 6 = 2182127.7191 # North coordinate of station 1

East Coordinate 6 = 285046.19582 # East coordinate of station 1

Elevation 6 = 11 # Elevation of station 1 in m

Station File 6 = /home/ubuntu/input/hilo_ap_current.met # path for station 1 file

################ MM5 ###########################################################

# The following block only needs to be filled out if MM5 = TRUE. In that case

# This is the ONLY block that needs to be filled out

MM5 Start = # Start of MM5 file (MM/DD/YYYY-HH),

MM5 Rows =

MM5 Cols =

MM5 Extreme North =

MM5 Extreme West =

MM5 DY =

# MM5 met files

MM5 Temperature File =

MM5 Humidity File =

MM5 Wind Speed File =

MM5 Shortwave File =

MM5 Longwave File =

MM5 Pressure File =

MM5 Precipitation File =

MM5 Terrain File =

MM5 Temp Lapse File =

# For each soil layer make a key-entry pair as below (n = 1, ..,

# Number of Soil Layers)

MM5 Soil Temperature File 0 =

MM5 Soil Temperature File 1 =

MM5 Soil Temperature File 2 =

############### RADAR ##########################################################

# The following block only needs to be filled out if Precipitation Source =


Radar Start =

Radar File =

Radar Extreme North =

Radar Extreme West =

Radar Number of Rows =

Radar Number of Columns =

Radar Grid Spacing =

################ Wind ##########################################################

# The following block only needs to be filled out if Wind Source = MODEL

Number of Wind Maps =

Wind File Basename =

Wind Map Met Stations =

################ Precipitation lapse rate ######################################

# The following block only needs to be filled out if Precipitation lapse rate

# = MAP

Precipitation lapse rate =




[SOILS] # Soil information

Soil Map File = /home/ubuntu/input/soil.flt

# minimum depth still 0.1 maximum depth 2

Soil Depth File = /home/ubuntu/input/soild.flt

Soil Depth Multiplier = 1.0

Number of Soil Types = 16

################ SOIL 1 #########################################################

Soil Description 1 = Sandy loam

Lateral Conductivity 1 = 0.000000745

Exponential Decrease 1 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 1 = 8.46667E-06

Capillary Drive 1 = 0.64

Surface Albedo 1 = 0.13

Number of Soil Layers 1 = 3

Porosity 1 = 0.387 0.387 0.387

Pore Size Distribution 1 = 0.21 0.21 0.21

Bubbling Pressure 1 = 1.9 1.9 1.9

Field Capacity 1 = 0.18 0.18 0.18

Wilting Point 1 = 0.08 0.08 0.08

Bulk Density 1 = 1150 1150 1150

Vertical Conductivity 1 = 7.45E-08 7.45E-08 7.45E-08

Thermal Conductivity 1 = 0.25 0.25 0.25

Thermal Capacity 1 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 1 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 1 = 3

Thermal Inertia 1 = 0.8

################ SOIL 2 #########################################################

Soil Description 2 = Silty clay loam

Lateral Conductivity 2 = 0.00000776

Exponential Decrease 2 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 2 = 2.82222E-05

Capillary Drive 2 = 1.95

Surface Albedo 2 = 0.09

Number of Soil Layers 2 = 3

Porosity 2 = 0.482 0.482 0.482

Pore Size Distribution 2 = 0.193 0.193 0.193

Bubbling Pressure 2 = 4.7 4.7 4.7

Field Capacity 2 = 0.38 0.38 0.38

Wilting Point 2 = 0.2 0.2 0.2

Bulk Density 2 = 600 600 600

Vertical Conductivity 2 = 0.000000776 0.000000776 0.000000776

Thermal Conductivity 2 = 0.35 0.35 0.35

Thermal Capacity 2 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 2 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 2 = 3

Thermal Inertia 2 = 0.8

################ SOIL 3 #########################################################

Soil Description 3 = Silty clay loam

Lateral Conductivity 3 = 0.00000776

Exponential Decrease 3 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 3 = 2.82222E-05

Capillary Drive 3 = 1.95

Surface Albedo 3 = 0.09

Number of Soil Layers 3 = 3

Porosity 3 = 0.482 0.482 0.482

Pore Size Distribution 3 = 0.193 0.193 0.193

Bubbling Pressure 3 = 4.7 4.7 4.7

Field Capacity 3 = 0.38 0.38 0.38

Wilting Point 3 = 0.2 0.2 0.2

Bulk Density 3 = 430 430 430

Vertical Conductivity 3 = 0.000000776 0.000000776 0.000000776

Thermal Conductivity 3 = 0.35 0.35 0.35

Thermal Capacity 3 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 3 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 3 = 3

Thermal Inertia 3 = 0.8

################ SOIL 4 #########################################################

Soil Description 4 = Silty clay loam

Lateral Conductivity 4 = 0.00002507

Exponential Decrease 4 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 4 = 2.82222E-05

Capillary Drive 4 = 1.95

Surface Albedo 4 = 0.074444444

Number of Soil Layers 4 = 3

Porosity 4 = 0.482 0.482 0.482

Pore Size Distribution 4 = 0.193 0.193 0.193

Bubbling Pressure 4 = 4.7 4.7 4.7

Field Capacity 4 = 0.38 0.38 0.38

Wilting Point 4 = 0.2 0.2 0.2

Bulk Density 4 = 447.7777778 447.7777778 447.7777778

Vertical Conductivity 4 = 0.000002507 0.000002507 0.000002507

Thermal Conductivity 4 = 0.35 0.35 0.35

Thermal Capacity 4 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 4 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 4 = 3

Thermal Inertia 4 = 0.8

################ SOIL 5 #########################################################

Soil Description 5 = Silty clay loam

Lateral Conductivity 5 = 0.00002507

Exponential Decrease 5 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 5 = 2.82222E-05

Capillary Drive 5 = 1.95

Surface Albedo 5 = 0.0725

Number of Soil Layers 5 = 3

Porosity 5 = 0.482 0.482 0.482

Pore Size Distribution 5 = 0.193 0.193 0.193

Bubbling Pressure 5 = 4.7 4.7 4.7

Field Capacity 5 = 0.38 0.38 0.38

Wilting Point 5 = 0.2 0.2 0.2

Bulk Density 5 = 500 500 500

Vertical Conductivity 5 = 0.000002507 0.000002507 0.000002507

Thermal Conductivity 5 = 0.35 0.35 0.35

Thermal Capacity 5 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 5 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 5 = 3

Thermal Inertia 5 = 0.8

################ SOIL 6 #########################################################

Soil Description 6 = Silty clay loam

Lateral Conductivity 6 = 0.00002507

Exponential Decrease 6 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 6 = 2.82222E-05

Capillary Drive 6 = 1.95

Surface Albedo 6 = 0.09

Number of Soil Layers 6 = 3

Porosity 6 = 0.482 0.482 0.482

Pore Size Distribution 6 = 0.193 0.193 0.193

Bubbling Pressure 6 = 4.7 4.7 4.7

Field Capacity 6 = 0.38 0.38 0.38

Wilting Point 6 = 0.2 0.2 0.2

Bulk Density 6 = 466.6666667 466.6666667 466.6666667

Vertical Conductivity 6 = 0.000002507 0.000002507 0.000002507

Thermal Conductivity 6 = 0.35 0.35 0.35

Thermal Capacity 6 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 6 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 6 = 3

Thermal Inertia 6 = 0.8

################ SOIL 7 #########################################################

Soil Description 7 = Silty sand loam

Lateral Conductivity 7 = 0.00002507

Exponential Decrease 7 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 7 = 2.82222E-05

Capillary Drive 7 = 1.05

Surface Albedo 7 = 0.183333333

Number of Soil Layers 7 = 3

Porosity 7 = 0.4 0.4 0.4

Pore Size Distribution 7 = 0.164 0.164 0.164

Bubbling Pressure 7 = 4.1 4.1 4.1

Field Capacity 7 = 0.28 0.28 0.28

Wilting Point 7 = 0.13 0.13 0.13

Bulk Density 7 = 716.6666667 716.6666667 716.6666667

Vertical Conductivity 7 = 0.000002507 0.000002507 0.000002507

Thermal Conductivity 7 = 0.25 0.25 0.25

Thermal Capacity 7 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 7 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 7 = 3

Thermal Inertia 7 = 0.8

################ SOIL 8 #########################################################

Soil Description 8 = Silty clay loam

Lateral Conductivity 8 = 0.00002507

Exponential Decrease 8 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 8 = 2.82222E-05

Capillary Drive 8 = 1.95

Surface Albedo 8 = 0.09

Number of Soil Layers 8 = 3

Porosity 8 = 0.482 0.482 0.482

Pore Size Distribution 8 = 0.193 0.193 0.193

Bubbling Pressure 8 = 4.7 4.7 4.7

Field Capacity 8 = 0.38 0.38 0.38

Wilting Point 8 = 0.2 0.2 0.2

Bulk Density 8 = 566.6666667 566.6666667 566.6666667

Vertical Conductivity 8 = 0.000002507 0.000002507 0.000002507

Thermal Conductivity 8 = 0.35 0.35 0.35

Thermal Capacity 8 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 8 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 8 = 3

Thermal Inertia 8 = 0.8

################ SOIL 9 #########################################################

Soil Description 9 = Rocky muck

Lateral Conductivity 9 = 0.000086745

Exponential Decrease 9 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 9 = 2.82222E-05

Capillary Drive 9 = 2.09

Surface Albedo 9 = 0.0375

Number of Soil Layers 9 = 3

Porosity 9 = 0.489 0.489 0.489

Pore Size Distribution 9 = 0.363 0.363 0.363

Bubbling Pressure 9 = 12.6 12.6 12.6

Field Capacity 9 = 0.32 0.32 0.32

Wilting Point 9 = 0.08 0.08 0.08

Bulk Density 9 = 275 275 275

Vertical Conductivity 9 = 8.6745E-06 8.6745E-06 8.6745E-06

Thermal Conductivity 9 = 0.25 0.25 0.25

Thermal Capacity 9 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 9 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 9 = 3

Thermal Inertia 9 = 0.8

################ SOIL 10 #########################################################

Soil Description 10 = Stony sand

Lateral Conductivity 10 = 0.000086745

Exponential Decrease 10 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 10 = 5.64444E-06

Capillary Drive 10 = 0.39

Surface Albedo 10 = 0.125

Number of Soil Layers 10 = 3

Porosity 10 = 0.375 0.375 0.375

Pore Size Distribution 10 = 0.229 0.229 0.229

Bubbling Pressure 10 = 0.6 0.6 0.6

Field Capacity 10 = 0.1 0.1 0.1

Wilting Point 10 = 0.04 0.04 0.04

Bulk Density 10 = 775 775 775

Vertical Conductivity 10 = 8.6745E-06 8.6745E-06 8.6745E-06

Thermal Conductivity 10 = 0.6 0.6 0.6

Thermal Capacity 10 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 10 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 10 = 3

Thermal Inertia 10 = 0.8

################ SOIL 11 #########################################################

Soil Description 11 = Rocky muck

Lateral Conductivity 11 = 0.000086745

Exponential Decrease 11 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 11 = 2.82222E-06

Capillary Drive 11 = 2.09

Surface Albedo 11 = 0.07

Number of Soil Layers 11 = 3

Porosity 11 = 0.489 0.489 0.489

Pore Size Distribution 11 = 0.363 0.363 0.363

Bubbling Pressure 11 = 12.6 12.6 12.6

Field Capacity 11 = 0.32 0.32 0.32

Wilting Point 11 = 0.08 0.08 0.08

Bulk Density 11 = 685.7142857 685.7142857 685.7142857

Vertical Conductivity 11 = 8.6745E-06 8.6745E-06 8.6745E-06

Thermal Conductivity 11 = 0.25 0.25 0.25

Thermal Capacity 11 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 11 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 11 = 3

Thermal Inertia 11 = 0.8

################ SOIL 12 #########################################################

Soil Description 12 = Silt loam

Lateral Conductivity 12 = 0.000399

Exponential Decrease 12 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 12 = 2.82222E-05

Capillary Drive 12 = 1.58

Surface Albedo 12 = 0.09

Number of Soil Layers 12 = 3

Porosity 12 = 0.439 0.439 0.439

Pore Size Distribution 12 = 0.248 0.248 0.248

Bubbling Pressure 12 = 7.1 7.1 7.1

Field Capacity 12 = 0.33 0.33 0.33

Wilting Point 12 = 0.13 0.13 0.13

Bulk Density 12 = 400 400 400

Vertical Conductivity 12 = 0.0000399 0.0000399 0.0000399

Thermal Conductivity 12 = 0.3 0.3 0.3

Thermal Capacity 12 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 12 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 12 = 3

Thermal Inertia 12 = 0.8

################ SOIL 13 #########################################################

Soil Description 13 = Loamy sand

Lateral Conductivity 13 = 0.000399

Exponential Decrease 13 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 13 = 5.64444E-06

Capillary Drive 13 = 0.41

Surface Albedo 13 = 0.16

Number of Soil Layers 13 = 3

Porosity 13 = 0.39 0.39 0.39

Pore Size Distribution 13 = 0.229 0.229 0.229

Bubbling Pressure 13 = 0.6 0.6 0.6

Field Capacity 13 = 0.12 0.12 0.12

Wilting Point 13 = 0.05 0.05 0.05

Bulk Density 13 = 600 600 600

Vertical Conductivity 13 = 0.0000399 0.0000399 0.0000399

Thermal Conductivity 13 = 0.6 0.6 0.6

Thermal Capacity 13 = 1400000 1400000 1400000

Mannings n 13 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 13 = 3

Thermal Inertia 13 = 0.8

################ SOIL 14 #########################################################

Soil Description 14 = Stony sand

Lateral Conductivity 14 = 0.000399

Exponential Decrease 14 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 14 = 5.64444E-06

Capillary Drive 14 = 0.39

Surface Albedo 14 = 0.1

Number of Soil Layers 14 = 3

Porosity 14 = 0.375 0.375 0.375

Pore Size Distribution 14 = 0.229 0.229 0.229

Bubbling Pressure 14 = 0.6 0.6 0.6

Field Capacity 14 = 0.1 0.1 0.1

Wilting Point 14 = 0.04 0.04 0.04

Bulk Density 14 = 1100 1100 1100

Vertical Conductivity 14 = 0.0000399 0.0000399 0.0000399

Thermal Conductivity 14 = 0.6 0.6 0.6

Thermal Capacity 14 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 14 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 14 = 3

Thermal Inertia 14 = 0.8

################ SOIL 15 #########################################################

Soil Description 15 = Silty clay loam

Lateral Conductivity 15 = 0.000003685

Exponential Decrease 15 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 15 = 2.82222E-05

Capillary Drive 15 = 1.95

Surface Albedo 15 = 0.09

Number of Soil Layers 15 = 3

Porosity 15 = 0.482 0.482 0.482

Pore Size Distribution 15 = 0.193 0.193 0.193

Bubbling Pressure 15 = 4.7 4.7 4.7

Field Capacity 15 = 0.38 0.38 0.38

Wilting Point 15 = 0.2 0.2 0.2

Bulk Density 15 = 600 600 600

Vertical Conductivity 15 = 3.685E-07 3.685E-07 3.685E-07

Thermal Conductivity 15 = 0.35 0.35 0.35

Thermal Capacity 15 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 15 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 15 = 3

Thermal Inertia 15 = 0.8

################ SOIL 16 #########################################################

Soil Description 16 = Silty clay loam

Lateral Conductivity 16 = 0.00001411

Exponential Decrease 16 = 2

Maximum Infiltration 16 = 2.82222E-05

Capillary Drive 16 = 1.95

Surface Albedo 16 = 0.12

Number of Soil Layers 16 = 3

Porosity 16 = 0.482 0.482 0.482

Pore Size Distribution 16 = 0.193 0.193 0.193

Bubbling Pressure 16 = 4.7 4.7 4.7

Field Capacity 16 = 0.38 0.38 0.38

Wilting Point 16 = 0.2 0.2 0.2

Bulk Density 16 = 600 600 600

Vertical Conductivity 16 = 0.000001411 0.000001411 0.000001411

Thermal Conductivity 16 = 0.35 0.35 0.35

Thermal Capacity 16 = 1.40E+06 1.40E+06 1.40E+06

Mannings n 16 = 0.01

Temperature Exponent 16 = 3

Thermal Inertia 16 = 0.8





Gwater Map File = /home/ubuntu/input/soil.flt

Number of Geo Types = 16

################# GEO 1 #########################################################

Geology Description 1 = Sandy loam

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 1 = 0.000000447

Aquifer Thickness 1 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 1 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 1 = 0.0000000447

Groundwater Effective Porosity 1 = 0.2322

Groundwater Conductivity 1 = 0.0000000447

################# GEO 2 #########################################################

Geology Description 2 = Silty clay loam

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 2 = 0.000004656

Aquifer Thickness 2 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 2 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 2 = 0.0000004656

Groundwater Effective Porosity 2 = 0.2892

Groundwater Conductivity 2 = 0.0000004656

################# GEO 3 #########################################################

Geology Description 3 = Silty clay loam

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 3 = 0.000004656

Aquifer Thickness 3 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 3 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 3 = 0.0000004656

Groundwater Effective Porosity 3 = 0.2892

Groundwater Conductivity 3 = 0.0000004656

################# GEO 4 #########################################################

Geology Description 4 = Silty clay loam

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 4 = 0.000015042

Aquifer Thickness 4 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 4 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 4 = 0.0000015042

Groundwater Effective Porosity 4 = 0.2892

Groundwater Conductivity 4 = 0.0000015042

################# GEO 5 #########################################################

Geology Description 5 = Silty clay loam

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 5 = 0.000015042

Aquifer Thickness 5 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 5 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 5 = 0.0000015042

Groundwater Effective Porosity 5 = 0.2892

Groundwater Conductivity 5 = 0.0000015042

################# GEO 6 #########################################################

Geology Description 6 = Silty clay loam

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 6 = 0.000015042

Aquifer Thickness 6 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 6 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 6 = 0.0000015042

Groundwater Effective Porosity 6 = 0.2892

Groundwater Conductivity 6 = 0.0000015042

################# GEO 7 #########################################################

Geology Description 7 = Silty sand loam

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 7 = 0.000015042

Aquifer Thickness 7 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 7 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 7 = 0.0000015042

Groundwater Effective Porosity 7 = 0.24

Groundwater Conductivity 7 = 0.0000015042

################# GEO 8 #########################################################

Geology Description 8 = Silty clay loam

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 8 = 0.000015042

Aquifer Thickness 8 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 8 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 8 = 0.0000015042

Groundwater Effective Porosity 8 = 0.2892

Groundwater Conductivity 8 = 0.0000015042

################# GEO 9 #########################################################

Geology Description 9 = Rocky muck

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 9 = 0.000052047

Aquifer Thickness 9 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 9 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 9 = 0.0000052047

Groundwater Effective Porosity 9 = 0.2934

Groundwater Conductivity 9 = 0.0000052047

################# GEO 10 #########################################################

Geology Description 10 = Stony sand

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 10 = 0.000052047

Aquifer Thickness 10 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 10 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 10 = 0.0000052047

Groundwater Effective Porosity 10 = 0.225

Groundwater Conductivity 10 = 0.0000052047

################# GEO 11 #########################################################

Geology Description 11 = Rocky muck

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 11 = 0.000052047

Aquifer Thickness 11 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 11 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 11 = 0.0000052047

Groundwater Effective Porosity 11 = 0.2934

Groundwater Conductivity 11 = 0.0000052047

################# GEO 12 #########################################################

Geology Description 12 = Silt loam

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 12 = 0.0002394

Aquifer Thickness 12 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 12 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 12 = 0.00002394

Groundwater Effective Porosity 12 = 0.2634

Groundwater Conductivity 12 = 0.00002394

################# GEO 13 #########################################################

Geology Description 13 = Loamy sand

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 13 = 0.0002394

Aquifer Thickness 13 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 13 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 13 = 0.00002394

Groundwater Effective Porosity 13 = 0.234

Groundwater Conductivity 13 = 0.00002394

################# GEO 14 #########################################################

Geology Description 14 = Stony sand

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 14 = 0.0002394

Aquifer Thickness 14 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 14 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 14 = 0.00002394

Groundwater Effective Porosity 14 = 0.225

Groundwater Conductivity 14 = 0.00002394

################# GEO 15 #########################################################

Geology Description 15 = Silty clay loam

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 15 = 0.000002211

Aquifer Thickness 15 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 15 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 15 = 0.0000002211

Groundwater Effective Porosity 15 = 0.2892

Groundwater Conductivity 15 = 0.0000002211

################# GEO 16 #########################################################

Geology Description 16 = Silty clay loam

Groundwater Conductivity Lat 16 = 0.000008466

Aquifer Thickness 16 = 10

Baseflow Gwater Temperature 16 = 10

Base Layer Conductivity 16 = 0.0000008466

Groundwater Effective Porosity 16 = 0.2892

Groundwater Conductivity 16 = 0.0000008466





Vegetation Map File = /home/ubuntu/input/veg_currx.flt

Number of Vegetation Types = 39

################ VEGETATION 1 ##################################################

Vegetation Description 1 = Closed Strawberry Guava Forest

Overstory Present 1 = TRUE

Understory Present 1 = TRUE

Fractional Coverage 1 = 0.95

Trunk Space 1 = 0.7

Aerodynamic Attenuation 1 = 3.5

Radiation Attenuation 1 = 0.5

Hemi Fract Coverage 1 =

Clumping Factor 1 =

Leaf Angle A 1 =

Leaf Angle B 1 =

Scattering Parameter 1 =

Max Snow Int Capacity 1 = 0.04

Mass Release Drip Ratio 1 = 0.4

Snow Interception Eff 1 = 0.6

Impervious Fraction 1 = 0

Detention Fraction 1 = 0

Detention Decay 1 = 0

Height 1 = 15 2.5

Maximum Resistance 1 = 150 150

Minimum Resistance 1 = 33 33

Moisture Threshold 1 = 0.358 0.358

Vapor Pressure Deficit 1 = 244.5 244.5

Rpc 1 = 0.686 0.686

Number of Root Zones 1 = 3

Root Zone Depths 1 = 0.1 0.4 0.9

Overstory Root Fraction 1 = 0.8 0.2 0.0

Understory Root Fraction 1 = 0.9 0.1 0.0

Overstory Monthly LAI 1 = 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2

Understory Monthly LAI 1 = 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95

Overstory Monthly Alb 1 = 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19

Understory Monthly Alb 1 = 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22

################ VEGETATION 2 ##################################################

Vegetation Description 2 = Closed Koa-Ohia Forest (strawberry guava)

Overstory Present 2 = TRUE

Understory Present 2 = TRUE

Fractional Coverage 2 = 0.95

Trunk Space 2 = 0.7

Aerodynamic Attenuation 2 = 3.5

Radiation Attenuation 2 = 0.5

Hemi Fract Coverage 2 =

Clumping Factor 2 =

Leaf Angle A 2 =

Leaf Angle B 2 =

Scattering Parameter 2 =

Max Snow Int Capacity 2 = 0.04

Mass Release Drip Ratio 2 = 0.4

Snow Interception Eff 2 = 0.6

Impervious Fraction 2 = 0

Detention Fraction 2 = 0

Detention Decay 2 = 0

Height 2 = 18 1.5

Maximum Resistance 2 = 127 127

Minimum Resistance 2 = 25.4 25.4

Moisture Threshold 2 = 0.358 0.358

Vapor Pressure Deficit 2 = 207 207

Rpc 2 = 0.686 0.686

Number of Root Zones 2 = 3

Root Zone Depths 2 = 0.1 0.4 0.9

Overstory Root Fraction 2 = 0.7 0.2 0.1

Understory Root Fraction 2 = 0.8 0.2 0.0

Overstory Monthly LAI 2 = 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2

Understory Monthly LAI 2 = 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95

Overstory Monthly Alb 2 = 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19

Understory Monthly Alb 2 = 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22

################ VEGETATION 3 ##################################################

Vegetation Description 3 = Closed Koa-Ohia Forest (uluhe or hapuu)

Overstory Present 3 = TRUE

Understory Present 3 = TRUE

Fractional Coverage 3 = 0.95

Trunk Space 3 = 0.7

Aerodynamic Attenuation 3 = 3.5