
Insect Collection Requirements***DUE: April 15, 2016***

Criteria:The only day set aside to work on projects in class is April 14! Insects must be properly labeled according to the Order to which they belong (see attached lists of insect Orders). You may have numerous insects that belong to the same order. You may not have numerous insects of the same species. (Example: 10 ladybugs would count as ONE insect)

  1. Specimens must be pinned onto a piece of Styrofoam inside cardboard box. Insects are NOT to be taped or glued to the board.
  2. Only adult insects should be used. All insects must be dead when pinned and turned in. Points will be deducted for insects that are not intact (Example: missing leg or wing).
  3. The display should be neat and organized. Members of the same Order should be placed together and labels should be easy to read. Each insect should have a label of its scientific name (Genus and species) on the top line, the common name below it, and the Order on the bottom line. Very small insects should be glued to a small flag.
  4. The collection becomes the property of TCHS science department when it is submitted.
  5. You must include your name(s) and zoology period on the lid of your box.
  6. Collections must include 20 insects, representing at least 10 different Orders, for a total of 100 points. Students interested in working with partners will need to speak to the teacher ahead of time. The requirements for working in pairs will be changed to 25 insects, 12 different Orders.

Grading: Insect collection will be used as a test score for your grade!!

For an A, 90-100 points:

  1. Follow the criteria above.
  2. Submit a collection of 20 properly labeled and mounted insect species correctly identified to Order. You must have a minimum of 10 Orders represented. (25 insects with at least 12 Orders for pairs)
  3. At least one member of the Order Lepidoptera with properly spread wings. (see Insect Collection packet for instructions)

For a B, 80-89 points:

  1. Follow the criteria above.
  2. Submit a collection of 15 properly labeled and mounted insect species correctly identified to Order. Must have a minimum of 9 Orders represented. (20 insects for partners, with 10 Orders represented)

For a C, 70-79 points:

  1. Follow the criteria above.
  2. Submit a collection of 10 properly labeled and mounted insect species correctly identified to Order. You must have a minimum of 8 Orders represented. (15 insects with at least 8 Orders for partners)

For a D or F, below 70 points:

  1. Many of the criteria above are not met. Collections have fewer than 10 insects and less than 9 orders represented. Collection is turned in late or not at all.

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Insect Collection Requirements***DUE: April 15, 2016***

Criteria:The only day set aside to work on projects in class is April 14!!

  1. Insects must be properly labeled according to the Order to which they belong (see attached lists of insect Orders). You may have numerous insects that belong to the same order. You may not have numerous insects of the same species. (Example: 10 ladybugs would count as ONE insect)
  2. Specimens must be pinned onto a piece of Styrofoam inside cardboard box. Insects are NOT to be taped or glued to the board.
  3. Only adult insects should be used. All insects must be dead when pinned and turned in. Points will be deducted for insects that are not intact (Example: missing leg or wing).
  4. The display should be neat and organized. Members of the same Order should be placed together and labels should be easy to read. Each insect should have a label of its scientific name (Genus and species) on the top line, the common name below it, and the Order on the bottom line. Very small insects should be glued to a small flag.
  5. The collection becomes the property of TCHS science department when it is submitted.
  6. You must include your name(s) and zoology period on the lid of your box.
  7. Collections must include 20 insects, representing at least 10 different Orders, for a total of 100 points. Students interested in working with partners will need to speak to the teacher ahead of time. The requirements for working in pairs will be changed to 25 insects, 12 different Orders.

Grading: Insect collection will be used as a test score for your grade!!

For an A, 90-100 points:

  1. Follow the criteria above.
  2. Submit a collection of 20 properly labeled and mounted insect species correctly identified to Order. You must have a minimum of 10 Orders represented. (25 insects with at least 12 Orders for pairs)
  3. At least one member of the Order Lepidoptera with properly spread wings. (see Insect Collection packet for instructions)

For a B, 80-89 points:

  1. Follow the criteria above.
  2. Submit a collection of 15 properly labeled and mounted insect species correctly identified to Order. Must have a minimum of 9 Orders represented. (20 insects for partners, with 10 Orders represented)

For a C, 70-79 points:

  1. Follow the criteria above.
  2. Submit a collection of 10 properly labeled and mounted insect species correctly identified to Order. You must have a minimum of 8 Orders represented. (15 insects with at least 8 Orders for partners)

For a D or F, below 70 points:

  1. Many of the criteria above are not met. Collections have fewer than 10 insects and less than 9 orders represented. Collection is turned in late or not at all.

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