SECTION: 006 & 306

SYNONYM: 36630 & 95991


Instructor: Pete Glover

Office:3002 Oak Bend

Round Rock, TX 78681


Office Hours: Tuesday, 6 - 9 P.M. Cypress Creek Campus, Rm 2223



RELE 1406 PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE (440). An overview of licensing as a real estate broker and salesperson, ethics of practice, titles to and conveyancing of real estate, legal descriptions, law of agency, deeds, encumbrances and liens, distinctions between personal and real property, contracts, appraisal, finance and regulation, closing procedures, and real estate mathematics. Also includes federal, state, and local laws relating to housing discrimination, housing credit discrimination, and community reinvestment.


MODERN REAL ESTATE PRACTICEIN TEXAS, 13th Edition by Cheryl Peat Nance. All instructor handouts.


Study Plan:Perhaps the method to successful completion of a self-paced course is to establish a personal study plan andstay committed to it. Therefore, it is suggested that the student commit a certain time for reading the text,contracts andhandouts. The student should have an understanding ofexam reviews and review exams 1 &2 with instructor before the final exam. Once you have this plan, keep it and you will help insure success in this course.

Additional Student Contact: The Texas Higher EducationCoordinating Board requires additional student contact with the Instructor. The student will be responsible to contact the instuctor in person, byemail or telephone during the semester.


The purpose of this course is to prepare the student to identify and understand the dynamics of the real estate industry in Texas, to prepare them for licensing exams and/or to provide them with knowledge to understand the real estate market and industry for personal reasons.

This course will help students develop the understanding and skills necessary to become successful REALTORS, investors, buyers, or sellers of real estate. The course integrates the concepts of home ownership, contracts, financing, transfers of title, title records, closing real estate transactions, taxes and other liens, listing agreements, and the Texas Real Estate License Act.

Principles of Real Estate is not just about textbook learning, it challenges the student to use their critical and creative skills in all aspects of real estate and not just those covered in this course.



1. Define real estate broker and salesperson licensing requirements

2. Describe conveyance of real estate procedures and considerations

3.3. Summarize real estate principles including: law of agency, deeds, titles, legal descriptions, encumbrances, contracts, appraisals, finance, regulations, laws governing real estate transactions and housing discrimination


1. Prepare students to pass real estate licensing exams

2. Enable students to successfully compete in the real estate industry


TESTING: Student must take semester exams and final exam with an overall passing grade to successfully complete the course. All tests will be objective consisting of multiple choice and true/false questions. There will be two semester exams, each equal to 25% of your grade and a comprehensive final exam equal to 50% of your grade. Grading on each examination and final grade obtained as follows:


B = 8089%

C = 7079%

D = 6069%

F = 59% and below


TEST 1June 26, 2009

TEST 2July 28, 2009

FINAL EXAM August 11, 2009

COURSE POLICIES: College and Departmental Policies

Incomplete Policy:

An incomplete (I) will be granted to a student in rare circumstances. Generally, to receive a grade of I, a student must have completed all examinations and assignments to date, be passing, and have personal circumstances that prevent course completion that occur after the deadline to withdraw with a grade of W.

Attendance Policy:

All students are expected to meet all Test due dates, noncompliance will have an impact on the student's grade. Remember this is an online self-paced course it is your responsiblilty to meet due dates.

Withdrawal Policy:

It is the student's responsibility to withdraw from a course. Instructors are allowed to withdraw students, but students must not rely on their instructor to withdraw them if they wish to withdraw.

Academic Freedom Statement:

Each student is strongly encouraged to participate in class. In any classroom situation that includes discussion and critical thinking, there are bound to be many differing viewpoints. These differences enhance the learning experience and create an atmosphere where students and instructors alike will be encouraged to think and learn. On sensitive and volatile topics, students may sometimes disagree not only with each other but also with the instructor. It is expected that faculty and students will respect the views of others when expressed in classroom discussions.

Scholastic Dishonesty Statement:

Acts prohibited by the College for which discipline may be administered include scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating on an exam or quiz, plagiarizing, and unauthorized collaboration with another in preparing outside work. Academic works submitted by students shall be the result of their thought, research, or selfexpression. Academic work is defined as, but not limited to tests, quizzes, whether taken electronically or on paper, projects, either individual or group, classroom presentations, and homework (Student Handbook,). Penalties for scholastic dishonesty will depend on the nature of the violation and may range from lowering a grade on one assignment to an F in the course and/or expulsion from this institution.

Student Discipline Statement:

Classroom behavior should support and enhance learning. Behavior that disrupts the learning process will be dealt with appropriately, which may include having the student leave class for the rest of that day. In serious cases, disruptive behavior may lead to a student being withdrawn from the class. ACC's policy on student discipline can be found in the Student Handbook,.

Students with Disabilities Statement:

Each ACC campus offers support services for students with documented physical or psychological disabilities. Students with disabilities must request reasonable accommodations through the Office of Student Disabilities on the campus where they expect to take majority of their classes.



1. Introduction to Modem Real Estate Practice

2. Real Property

3. The Real Estate Market

4. Concepts of Home Ownership

5. Real Estate Brokerage and the Law of Agency

6. Fair Housing Laws and Ethical Practices

7. Texas Real Estate License Act

8. Interests in Real Estate

9. How Ownership is Held


10. Legal Descriptions

11. Real Estate Taxes and Other Liens

12. Real Estate Contracts

13. Listing Agreements

14. Real Estate Appraisal

15. Real Estate Financing: Principles

16. Real Estate Financing: Practice

17. Transfer of Title

18. Title Records

19. Real Estate Mathematics

20.Closing the Real Estate Transaction


21. Leases

22. Property Management

23. Control of Land Use

24. Real Estate Investments



Competence in the subject matter

Understanding of the purposes and intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and skill in the selection and use of appropriate instructional strategies

Ability to effectively communicate educational content to the target audience

Licensed Texas Real Estate Broker

Member NAR, TAR, and Austin Board of REALTORS

Tests Dates

Please complete the tests NO LATER than the dates listed.

Test I take no later than 6/26/09

Test II take no later than 7/28/09

Final Exam take no later than 8/11/09

Withdrawal Date
The last day students are eligible to withdraw from the class is 7/30/09.