Minutes for TLT-MAG meeting, September 21st, 2015

1:00 – 2:30 pm

RM 302, Middleton Library Building, 1305 Linden Dr.

Attendees: Steve Cramer, Linda Jorn , Bruce Maas, Beth Martin, Jonathan Klein, Beth Fahlberg, Deborah Helman, Jeff Bohrer, Katy Duren, Andy Goldstein, Bree Bruington, Meloney Linder, Jocelyn Milner, Lee Konrad, Scott Owczarek, Bruno Browning, Brian McNurlen, Bethany Gordy, John Booske, John Zumbrunnen

1) Welcome and approval of May, 2015 TLT-MAG minutes John Zumbrunnen, TLT-MAG chair. 5 minutes

·  Spoke about the purpose and roles of the group.

·  John Z. reflected on revisions to the charter i.e. What does it mean for this group to give advice on technology?

·  Introductions

·  May Minutes approved

2) Learn@UW Madison updates, Brian McNurlen. 20 minutes

·  Kaltura MediaSpace update – Single instance has been working well for Faculty, but challenging for Instructional Designers. UWS will expand Kaltura storage at the system level.

o  Curation question emerged – How do we formally ask people to delete things? This issue will keep emerging as we adopt cloud technologies. It is wise to begin thinking of broader policies to address storage issues.

·  iTunes U for Classes has ended as of Sept. 1st.

·  Case Scenario Critical Reader funding was proposed through a UWS grant and DoIT AT will also request full funding through the FY17 budget process.

·  Student Response Systems update given.

·  DoIT Academic Technology has created an LTI Integration Checklist guide. This will be discussed at our October meeting.

·  Learn@UW metrics from last year were shared.

o  Clarification was requested about language referring to Learn@UW as a portfolio or suite of tools vs D2L being synonymous with Learn@UW. It was clarified that Learn@UW Madison is a suite of tools

·  Piazza tool was discussed. It is a communication tool and will work within D2L and Moodle and will be tested for Canvas.

·  Brian discussed the way the Learn@UW Madison service is managed.

o  There are assigned staff for the Learning management tools, digital content, collaboration, authoring, learning analytics & assessment.

o  Brian discussed the three current ways that new tools are brought into the Learn@UW Madison suite of tools

·  Discussion of Learn@UW Madison service offerings occurred. There was a question about learning technology tools across all UWS campuses. For example, do all campuses use Google Apps, the same Library resources, Box. Besides the UWS Common System tools of D2L, Kaltura, and BB Collaborate it was stated that schools do add on other tools that are selected as campus budget, cultural, and political climates allow.

3) Blended Learning subcommittee updates – John Zumbrunnen, 5 minutes

Beth Martin and Jonathon Klein updated TLT-MAG on the subcommittee work over the summer. The subcommittee is proposing a spring pilot to help the approximately 299 current and former participants in the campus Blended Learning programs to implement blended learning courses. Based on the TLT-MAG feedback the subcommittee will continue to work on this pilot proposal.

4) Learning Environment Needs Assessment (LENA)– UWS and Madison process --Steve Cramer, Linda Jorn, Bruce Maas, Bethany Gordy, Andy Goldstein. 60 minutes

Bruce Maas provided an update on the UWS LENA process. The purpose of this process is to raise awareness across the UWS about the Next Generation Digital Learning Eco-System and help the UWS decide on future digital learning technology ecosystem decisions. Bruce is hopeful for a signal from UW System and the Interim UWS CIO (yet to be named) around January or February about future UWS direction.

Madison Student Digital Ecosystem- Steve Cramer provided an overview of the Madison Student Digital Ecosystem.

Madison Student Digital Ecosystem Landscape (discuss array of systems and their functions; discuss learner types)– Bethany Gordy and Andy Goldstein (Waiting on document in BOX)

●  This landscape diagram is an unexpected outcome of the Canvas Pilot. It is a draft right now and Andy and Bethany will be meeting individually with some TLT-MAG members and other campus leaders to discuss what is missing and to educate people on the complexity of our Student Digital Ecosystem. The intention at this stage is to catalog as much as is known about the learner types and the functional areas those learners’ data must pass through, in order to eventually help facilitate conversations on campus about where investment is needed. Some initial feedback from TLT-MAG was that this diagram is “Absolutely Awesome, choice is really expensive….Convince people… let’s get rid of some of these boxes.” “This map looks familiar to Data governance conversations; who has rights to the data.” It was commented that we have so many boxes because we have distributed decision-making.

d. UW Madison LENA process and TLT-MAG discussion– Linda Jorn and John Zumbrunnen

·  TLT-MAG will have an opportunity to leverage Malcolm Brown’s (EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Director) campus visit in November. TLT-MAG will have time to meet with Malcolm.

Next meetings:

October 14th 2:30-4:00pm – 260 Bascom Hall

November 17th 10:30am -12:00pm - 302 Middleton Building