April 25, 2013
School Board Meeting Minutes
Lynden Middle School
5:45 p.m. Tour - 6:30 p.m. Meeting
Tour Facility 5:45-6:30
1. Call to Order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
Meeting called to order at 6:33 P.M. All members present.
2. Good News
- Staff enjoyed the “staff only” sale today for the plant sale
- LHS Counseling launches Facebook site
- Senior Boards May 21 & May 22
- LHS Senior, Jose Martinez completed in Youth of the Year award for Boys and Girls Club
- Athletic Director Mike McKee named Washington State Athletic Director
- Masonic Scholar-Citizen Award finalists: Kayla Bajema, Katherine Haveman, Scott Klem, Trisha Snydar, Tyler Stitt, Tyler Stokes, Charlotte VanWerven
- LHS Senior Michelle Navis selected by Governor Inslee as a Washington Scholar
- Lots of community volunteer work around the district including painting, pressure washing, sheetrock work
- The board welcomed to the meeting Andrey Barbin, Archer Luginbill, Dominick Iaconetti, Ryan Priestman, Daniel Ashworth, Paige Cousins and Roger Romana from Jen Reidel’s Government class
- Bernice Vossbeck, and Isom Elementary received Washington Achievement Awards for Closing the Achievement Gap
- Lynden High School received Washington Achievement Award for Closing the Achievement Gap and Extended Graduation Rates
- BP Fabric of America Fund – Isom Elementary, $300.00
- Curt Maberry Farms – LHS Jobs for Washington Graduates, $250.00
- Lynden Door – LHS Jobs for Washington Graduates, $340.00
- Peoples Bank – LHS Jobs for Washington Graduates, $170.00
- Bank of the Pacific – LHS Jobs for Washington Graduates, $170.00
- Enfield Farms – LHS Jobs for Washington Graduates, $250.00
- Pro CNC – LHS Jobs for Washington Graduates, $170.00
3. Consent Agenda
- Special Meeting Minutes April 10, 2013
- Meeting Minutes April 11, 2013
- General Fund - $ 236,532.94 Warrants 30273-30359 dated April 15, 2013
- General Fund - $ 16,648.94 Warrants 30365-30375 dated April 15, 2013
- ASB Fund - $12,890.35 Warrants 30360-30364dated April 15, 2013
- Capital Projects – None
- Transportation – None
- Payroll Warrants – None
- Payroll Vendor Warrants - None
- Personnel Actions – April 25, 2013
- Overnight Request – None
- Donations – Lynden Athletic Booster - $2,000.00 Boys Basketball
Mike Haveman motioned to approve the consent agenda seconded by Brian Johnson. Motion carried by voice vote.
4. Information from the audience
- Casey Shipley/Gordon Clark provided the board with an annual report on Music Education. They will return to the May 9th board meeting to discuss and answer questions.
- Steve Gatterman shared with the board a brief summary of his involvement with the Lynden School District facilities committee. He wanted it known that Fisher Elementary and Lynden Middle School are in bad repair and he supports the district moving forward with a bond to rebuild these schools.
5. Reports
a. Superintendent
Lynden Middle School Improvement Plan – Principal Tim Metz and Assistant Principal Patrick McClure shared with the board Lynden Middle School’s School Improvement Program.
b. Business Manager
Heidi Dyck provided the board with the monthly budget update.
6. Policy
The board agreed to move Policy (formerly item 8 on the agenda) ahead of Board Workshop to allow for extensive discussion on the Facilities topic.
- Policy 6015 General Fund Reserve
This revised policy was presented to the board for approval. A minor change was presented to correct the language from “unassigned fund balance to committed fund balance”. Mike Haveman motioned to approve the revision, seconded by Kevin Burke. Motion carried by voice vote.
7. Action Items
None at this meeting
8. Board Workshop
- Facilities (Project Costs)
Superintendent Frey shared with the board project costs for several scenarios relative to repairing versus replacing school facilities.
9. Adjourn Meeting
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Jim FreyStephan Jilk