FALL 2010

Course: Math 0903/1113 Combined Course (Intermediate and College Algebra)

Instructor: Donna Sherrill

Office: Corley 223 Office Phone: 964-0853


OfficeHours: MWF 10:00 – 10:50am; 12:00 – 12:50 pm

TTh 9:00 – 11:00 am

Other times available by appointment

Catalog Description: Content of the course will include a study of rate of change and functions including linear, exponential, logarithmic, polynomial and rational functions, function notation, composition, inverse and combination of functions.

Prerequisites: Student must be a first-time entering freshman with a score of 17-18 on the math section of the ACT, must have a cumulative high school grade point average of 3.00 or better, and must have completed both high school Algebra I and Algebra II with a grade of “C” or better. This course can not be taken for credit after taking a math course with a number 2701 or higher.

Materials Needed: Textbook (College Algebra In Context with Applications for the Managerial, Life and Social Sciences, Third Edition by Harshbarger and Yacco

), Notebook, Pencils, Erasers, Graphing Calculator (TI-83 or TI-84 recommended)

Purpose: Math 1113 is a course that will satisfy the general education mathematics requirement assuming a grade of “C” or better is earned. The purpose of the course is to develop critical thinking ability and to prepare the student for further study in mathematics.

Provisions for Combined Course:

1.  This combined course will cover the material of Math 0903 (Intermediate Algebra) and Math 1113 (College Algebra), but there will not be a division of the class into separate topics or separate grades. The teacher will pursue a topic from an introductory (intermediate) level to the more advanced (college) level considerations, and a final examination will be given on the total treatment of that topic (i.e., not an exam for the intermediate level and another for the college level). Students completing this course will receive 3 hours of pre-college level credit for Math 0903 and 3 credit hours of college level credit for Math 1113.

2.  Students wishing to withdraw from the combined course must drop both Math 0903 and Math 1113. The classes must be dropped together at the same time. Students attempting to withdraw from Math 1113 will be dropped from Math 0903 automatically. Students withdrawing from the combined course must enroll in Math 0903 the following semester or enroll in the short course that begins October 18.

3.  Students receive the same grade in both Math 0903 and Math 1113. Exception: Students earning a “D” will be given a “C” in Math 0903 and a “D” in Math 1113. The student must then repeat Math 1113 or enroll in Math 1003 the following semester. Students earning a grade of “F” must enroll in Math 0903 the following semester.

4. Students agree to attend every class meeting and are subject to being dropped from the course with a grade of “F*” for excessive absences. Excessive for this class is defined as more than six absences during the semester.

Assessment Methods: Attendance/Participation: 5%

Homework/Quizzes: 15%

Unit exams: 60%

Comprehensive final exam: 20%


Homework/Quizzes: As an essential part of a course of study in mathematics, homework will be assigned and discussed daily. Most of the homework for this course will be done and graded on the computer, using MathXL, web-based software which goes along with the textbook. More information regarding this will be given in class. Additional written homework and quizzes must be turned in on time. Late work will not be accepted; however, your five lowest homework and two quiz scores will be dropped at the end of the semester.

Calculator Policy: A graphing calculator, such as the TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84, or TI-84 Plus is required for this course. However, there may be some exams or portions of exams to be completed without the aid of a calculator. Calculators with a built-in computer algebra system (such as TI-89 and TI-Nspire CAS) are prohibited. Calculator programs and applications (especially if using computer algebra systems such as ZoomMath and App4Math) are prohibited whether pre-installed, purchased, or created. The use of cell phones as calculators is prohibited.

Cheating/Plagiarism -: Cheating may result in a point penalty, a zero on that work, or expulsion from the class with a grade of F, depending on the circumstances. Cheating will not be tolerated! The misuse of calculators (using programs or cell phones or the wrong kind of calculator) is viewed as cheating and will merit the same consequences as cheating.

Exams: All exam dates will be announced at least two class periods in advance, and an in-class review will be held. Make-up exams will be given only in case of emergency of if prior notice is given. Please let me know as soon as possible if you must miss an exam, and the make-up will be given on the Friday following the exam between 2:00 and 4:30 p.m. The room will be announced at a later date. Only under very unusual circumstances will a student be given more than one make-up exam during the semester.

Final Exam: The final exam will be comprehensive over all of the material that we cover this semester. The date and time will be announced prior to exam week. The grade you receive on the final exam will replace your lowest test grade, if this is beneficial to your final grade. You will only be taking the Math 1113 final exam.

Grading scale: 90-100%: A

80-89%: B

70-79%: C

60-69%: D

Below 60%: F


1.  Please by courteous and considerate of everyone in the class. This includes having your cell phone turned off and put away during class . No Texting allowed in class. If I see your cell phone out during class, you will be asked to leave.

2.  If you must leave early, please let me know before class begins.

3.  Please bring required materials to class daily.

4.  Please use a pencil and show work on all assignments and tests.

Resources for help:

1. Your instructor: You are always encouraged to get help from me, both in class and outside of class. I will answer as many questions as time permits each day in class, as well as on an individual basis during office hours or before or after class. You may also call me or e-mail me, and I will try to help you through one of these channels. This is especially helpful for those of you who are not on campus during my office hours. You may also schedule an appointment outside of my regular office hours if your schedule requires it.

2. Math Help Room: The math help room is located in Doc Bryan and offers free tutoring to Tech students. It is staffed with upper level math students and math instructors. Just show up with your questions, or simply come in and work on your homework so that help is available if you run into a problem. You might find it helpful to meet a classmate there and work on homework together.

3. Classmates or friends: Get to know the other members of your class and form a study group. Two heads are better than one! If you have a friend or relative who has taken this or a similar course before, they may also be able to help you.

Important Date: Midterm: October 13 Last day to drop: November 29