8 / *Notebooks (32 Pages)6 / *Smaller Journal Notebooks(23.1 cm x 18 cm 72 pages)
(4 green - ½ page blank-1/2 page interlined
2 blue – dotted interline)
8 / Duo-Tang Folders -1 ea. color- red, white, purple, black, yellow, gray, blue and green (Please do not substitute colors.)
4 / Duo-Tang Folders with pockets and metal brads
2 / Pocket Folders
1 / Package chart stickers(small – for calendar binders)
1 / Nylon\canvas bag with zipper (suggest dollar store)
2 / Boxes Baggies (ziplock) (one large) (one small)
1 / Package Crayons (24 pack)
1 / Package Washable Markers
4 / Large Glue Sticks
3 / Bottles of white school glue
24 / PencilsHB2 (sharpened)
4 / Large White Erasers
1 / Package of Coloured pencils
1 / Package Construction paper
1 / Pair of scissors (no sharp points please)
1 / Package Spoons or Straws
2 / BoxesTissues
1 / Package of Dry Erase Markers
1 / Sticky memo notes
1 / Pencil box (to hold pencils, crayons, scissors, eraser, gluestick)
1 / Scrapbook – large size, with coil binding
1 / Headphones (for use with computer)
*Note: No coil or perforated pages please in notebooks
Please do not label supplies
1 Pair of sneakers (indoor) to stay at school – PLEASE PUT CHILD’S NAME ON THEM.
a change of clothes for your child, to be kept at school. Please put them in a large baggie, and label it with your child’s name on it. – pants, shirt, underwear and socks.
Book bag and lunch box with your child’s name on them.
$25.00 PER CHILD
Will be collected for student fees
This fee will be used for enrichment activities throughout the school year.
Payment by cheque is preferred. Please make cheques payable to:
M. Gerald Teed School. Payments may also be made throughout the year. If this is preferred, please contact the school office.
Supplies needed:
Last year students were provided with a homework bag. If possible, students are asked to bring this bag next year. If it is not in good condition, we will provide another one.
Children will need a pair of sneakers in school for gym. Children are encouraged to learn to tie their shoes but for those who cannot tie, Velcro sneakers are recommended. Children are also encouraged to practice tying, using a zipper and dressing themselves.
PLEASE SEND IN a change of clothes for your child, to be kept at school. Please put them in a large ziplock bag, and label it with your child’s name on it. – Pants, underwear and socks.
A BOOK BAG AND A LUNCH BOX/BAG (This book bag should be large enough to hold their homework and their lunch box).
Please make sure your child’s name is on all clothing items sent to school.
Thank You,
Grade 1Teachers