HSC Activity Form: Hall Day Trip Form


Person completing this form:

Event Details

Please fill in details of your event here:

Name of Event:


Times: To Meet –

Coach to leave –

Coach to return to Liverpool –

To arrive back in Liverpool -



Ticket price:

Ticket sales: Please provide details of when you will start selling tickets and where from.

Event plan: Please fill in what your event will entail, how you plan to organise coaches, how you will keep the group together and ensure everyone gets back to the coach, what deals you will organise with the club.

On The Day Team: Please list the members of your committee that will be executing the event on the night and remain sober. These people will also need to be detailed in your risk assessment.

Why do you think this event will be successful and beneficial? Please detail how you will ensure your event is a success and how it will benefit students living in your Hall.

How many people do you expect to attend this event and why:

If you are holding any part of your event in your Hall, please discuss your plans with your Hall Manager and insert their comments here: This is so that they can offer their views on logistical issues that may need considering before the project can go ahead.


Please fill in the budget for your event. The costings filled in can be used as a guide.

Expenditure / Unit Cost / Quantity / Total
Coach / £450 / 1 / £450
Roll of bin bags / £2 / 1 / £2
Attraction Entrance / £10 / 49 / £490
Tickets from the Guild / £0.10 / 47 / £4.70
Income / Unit Cost / Quantity / Total
Ticket sales / £7 / 47 / £329
Total Expenditure / £946.70
Total Income / £329.00
Total Event Cost / £617.70

Which HSC account/accounts will this funding come from?


Please create a communication plan for how you wish to promote your event. E.g. posters, videos, Facebook, Guild webpage, competitions etc.

Communication Plan:

Top Tips for promoting your event:

·  Make it look professional – get your event promo designed well and people will be more interested

·  Start promoting it in enough time so that people haven’t already made plans, but not too far in advance that people forget about it. Small events allow 2-3 weeks, big events or selling tickets allow 4 weeks

·  Provide food and drinks so that people don’t have to worry about cooking beforehand of afterwards

·  Try to create a ‘hype’ to an event to get people talking about it – be mysterious or unique in your methods

·  Show them the benefits of the event, especially if it has a positive impact on the community

·  Be clear with the promotion – tell people exactly what to expect, where and when the event is

·  Ask for student input on the event, where do they want to go

Health and Safety

Please identify which of the following will be applicable for your event

·  Public Liability Insurance (if you are using an External Venue,

Coach Company, Hiring equipment or hiring a freelancer or instructor).

·  Food Hygiene Certificate (if you are bringing an external caterer for

the event or serving food of any kind)

·  PAT testing (if you are using any electrical equipment)

·  Liverpool Guild of Students Trip Form (if you are going on a coach trip

and need to sell tickets at reception

·  External Risk Assessment (if you are planning on engaging in an activity

organised by an external company and at an external venue such as

Paint Balling or Sports.

You must complete a risk assessment for your event. Below is a generic risk assessment for a Hall Social. Please add any other specific hazards that need to be considered for your event and add the person responsible for ensuring the controls for each hazard, these person/s must be in attendance at the event.

Risk Assessment

Event Details



Venue for activity:

Full description of activity:

Who was this risk assessment completed by?



Phone No:



Guild Staff Signature: Date:

Guild Staff Signature: Date:

Significant hazards / Those at risk / Existing controls
(if any) / Risk rating
(see guidance over page) / Further action
(if needed) and by when / Person / group responsible
1 to 6 / Likelihood
1 to 6 / Risk
out of 36
What could go wrong? / Who would be affected /injured if it went wrong? / What do you currently do to make sure that things don’t go wrong? / Refer to severity in matrix below / Refer to likelihood in matrix below / Times Severity & Likelihood together / What else do we need to do to make sure everyone is safe even if things go wrong? / Who will be there during the activity and responsible for these steps being followed?
Unable to find the group at the beginning of the trip / All Participants / ·  HSC members will give out one of their phone numbers at the beginning of the trip.
·  HSC members will make the meeting place and time clear to all attending over email. / 1 / 3 / 3
Injury on coach / All participants / ·  Coach company has valid risk assessment and public liability insurance. Seatbelts provided.
·  Make sure all participants remain seated and with seatbelts on whilst coach is moving.
·  Driver to be responsible for organising necessary breaks in travel.
·  HSC members will have a complete trip form, including mobile numbers and Next of Kin details in case of emergency.
·  / 6 / 1 / 6 / ·  HSC members to contact the duty RA on the day to report any incidents
·  Incidents should be reported to Caroline Arnold via email after the trip
Leaving people behind at the end of the trip / All participants / ·  Established meeting point to be made for end of the trip. Everyone will be reminded of leaving time before they leave the coach in Birmingham
·  HSC members will have a Liverpool Guild trip form with the list of attendees with names and emergency contact details.
·  HSC members will collect attendees phone numbers in at the beginning of the trip
·  Students should be advised that it is their responsibility to be at the coach in adequate time.
·  All students will be made fully aware that they will be responsible for seeking alternative travel arrangements home if they miss their organised coach
·  / 1 / 3 / 3 / ·  Can contact the duty RA for further assistance.
·  If necessary, the duty RA will make will make contact with the individuals next of kin and inform relevant University and Guild staff where appropriate
Slips, trips and falls / All participants / ·  HSC members will have a complete trip form, including Next of Kin details. / 4 / 1 / 4 / ·  In the event of serious injury, advised to call emergency services
·  HSC members to contact the duty RA to report any incidents
·  If incidents are serious in nature, the duty RA will make contact with the individuals next of kin and inform relevant University and Guild staff where appropriate
Road Traffic / All participants / ·  HSC members will advise attendees on dangers of crossing roads, staying on the pavement at all times, and a reminder to be given about the direction of oncoming traffic. / 4 / 1 / 4
Street Crime / Students being robbed for personal belongings and associated injuries / ·  Students are to be advised that criminals occasionally operate in the area, and that they should be vigilant.
·  Students are reminded that they have a personal responsibility for their own safety and should not put themselves in unnecessary danger
·  All students are to have an emergency contact number for the trip leaders
·  It’s each individuals responsibility to have appropriate personal insurance for their belongings / 3 / 2 / 6 / ·  In the event of serious incident, the trip leaders are advised to call emergency services
Attendee missing from the group / All Participants / ·  All participants are issued with an emergency contact number for HSC members
·  HSC members will a have full list of attendees and their mobile numbers
·  HSC members to consult attendance list if it is brought to their attention that someone is missing from the group and try to contact them via their mobiles
·  HSC members will have a contact number for the duty RA. HSC members to notify Duty RA as soon as they are made aware of someone missing from the group
·  HSC members will have a trip form with participants emergency contact details / 5 / 1 / 5
Participants not complying with [attraction] Health and Safety Regulations / All Participants / [Attraction] Public Liability Insurance will be obtained before the trip
Individuals are responsible for their own compliance with [attraction] Health and Safety regulations and required to adhere to all requests. / 4 / 2 / 8

RISK Matrix:

Risk =
Severity v Likelihood / SEVERITY (score 1 to 6)
Multiple Deaths / Single Death / Major Injury to Group / Major Injury to Individual / Minor Injury / Trivial Injury
(6) / (5) / (4) / (3) / (2) / (1)
(score 1 to 6) / Almost Certain / (6) / 36 / 30 / 24 / 18 / 12 / 6
Very Likely / (5) / 30 / 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5
Likely / (4) / 24 / 20 / 16 / 12 / 8 / 4
Possible / (3) / 18 / 15 / 12 / 9 / 6 / 3
Unlikely / (2) / 12 / 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2
Most Unlikely / (1) / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1

The matrix can be used to provide an initial breakdown of hazards into three categories as follows:

Risk score of 1-5 - Classified as LOW RISK: Fine tune control measures or keep under review

Risk score of 6-12 - Classified as MEDIUM RISK: Control measures to be implemented and improved

Risk score of 15-36 - Classified as HIGH RISK: Consider stopping activity until control measures are introduce

/ Liverpool Guild of Students Charity Number: 1137398
160 Mount Pleasant, L3 5TR Company Number: 07324992
+44 (0) 151 794 6868