Honey Bee Research Questions and Report Content

  1. Which animal would you like to learn about?
  2. Why would you like to learn about this animal?
  3. List four things that you know about this animal.
  4. List 5 things that you would like to learn about your animal?

questions that we want to learn about our animal.

  1. What is a Honey Bee?
  2. What is the Honey Bee’s scientific name?
  3. What family does Honey Bee belong to?
  4. What does aHoney Bee look like?
  5. What is the Honey Bee's height/length, weight, wingspan (only if bird)?
  6. What does the Honey Bee eat?
  7. Is the Honey Bee a predator? If so, what does it hunt?
  8. Where does / where did Honey Bee live?
  9. How long does Honey Bee live (lifespan)?
  10. What does Honey Bee's home look like?
  11. Who are Honey Bee's enemies?
  12. How does Honey Bee move? (swim, run, fly, hop, etc)
  13. How fast can the Honey Bee move?
  14. How many babies can the Honey Bee have?
  15. How does the Honey Bee care for it's young?
  16. Is the Honey Bee extinct or endangered?
  17. How can the Honey Bee be saved?
  18. What is or what was cool and unique about the Honey Bee?
  19. What did I learn from doing this report? What could I have done better? Did I learn the 5 things I listed above?

Report Outline:

Honey Bees Biology: Classification and name

Honey Bees History and Origin

Honey Bee Anatomical Characteristics

Honey Bee Life Stages

Honey Bee Types: Queen Bees, Worker Bees and Drones

Honey Bee’s Metamorphosis

Honey Bee Stinging Apparatus and defense mechanism

Honey Bee Dance

Honey Bee Reproduction and Offspring

Honey Bee Pheromones

Honey Bee Diet

Honey Bee Home

Honey Bee’s and other Bees

Honey Bee Honey

Honey Bee Communication

Honey Bee Locomotion

Honey Bee Predators

Honey Bee Preys

Honey Bee’s Pollination

Honey Bee’s Beekeeping

Honey Bee Extinction

Honey Bee Preservation

Jasmin Patel
