As a request from the EU group a prestudy started in order to look at the possibility to support local process for complaint handling.
The objective is to create a common instrument which gives flexible solution to fit any market’s organization.
A connection to the sopic system is established so that customer date, salesman data and product data are updated automatically. Connection to iAvenue is also forseen and should be available in CoroPak 07.1 .
Present document is to show in advance what will be the content of the new system, and give an overview of it, together with an example of a complaint. More focus has been given to the new functionalities.
ABC will prepare an user guide so that it will be more easy to use the system. The guide will be available and distributed before the installation. It will include the necessary settings to allow the system work in the proper way.
The flexibility of the system is due to the possibility to set up different roles which correspond to the different “actors” that are involved in the complaint handling. Depending on the local organization, there could be many roles (warehouse, specialists, etc)
Roles are set by the local administrator.
Local administrator is the one which is allowed to set up the system according to the local needs (define the different roles on the subsidiary, the workflow and translation of user interface ).
Susanne Wretlind is allowed to put the name of the local administrator sent by subsidiaries in the system (see her mail dated 22 of August. Title = Suppport for the local complaint process).
Minum number of roles to be set is 2 :
· receiver
· local coordinator
Other local roles can be set up according to the needs of the subsidiary. Screens shown below are just an example, based on how Coromant Italy is working in the handling of complaints. Roles defined in the examples below are therefore suitable to Italian organization and they can be changed by the local administrator if/when necessary (changes in the organization and/or workflow).
Below screen shows how the opening page of the new system looks like:
by clicking the local administration, (left side of the screen) it will expand in three different sessions:
1. Departments
2. Workflow definition
3. Languages
By clicking the session “Departments” you will have the indication of the roles to be set up. Two are mandatories (receiver and local coordinator) and another one which is optional and normally set up according to the local needs ( named Local role).
Here you are an example of set up of receiver:
Below is an example of local coordinator:
and below you can find an example of set up of local roles:
Within each configuration, it is possible to see the setting of the department. In the case of the Role “Receiver”, for example, we have defined Warehouse as department. (see picture 2) By clicking “warehouse”, you can see the setting we have operated under this department. (see below picture):
The session “workflow definition” shows how the different departments previously set up are connected. The flow is described in this session. See below screen how we have set the flow for Italy:
The session “Languages” gives the possibility to set up the system in your own language, by translating the fields from english.
Below is an example of a complaint.
Customer AEREA claims about bad performance of 20 inserts type
VCGX 16 0404-AL H10 they have recently bought. They decide to return us the inserts as a complaint.
The complaint is raised by clicking the session “Products” as shown below :
By clicking “create complaint inserts”, the system turns on the screen where you have to fill in all general info. General info is the first step of a total of 6 shown on the top of the screen (the others are: Complaint info, Complaint reason, Cutting data, Local evaluation, Final reply and actions). Always remember to put the number of the market first. Fields are to be filled according to the information required . Fields marked with “*“ are mandatory.
In this screen there is a connection to Sopic in a way that, by clicking “Get customer data” button, the system identifies the customer by entering the name and/or the number. If more matches are found with the name entered, the system gives a warning, by showing the differen matches found and invites you to select the correct one (see example below, where two names matches with the info “AEREA” previously entered :
By clicking the correct customer (selection can be made by selecting the different alternatives given in the expanded window = = Select customer = = shown above, where both customer name and number are shown) and finally clicking the button “Get customer data”, the system will show the info of the selected customer. In the screen below, you can see what the system shows, once selected the customer. It automatically gives the customer address and responsible salesman .
At this stage (and after completing with your internal references the different fields not mandatory) it is possible to switch on the next session “complaint info”. In this panel you have to fill in the product code, together with some additional information.
Product code is a field which have a connection to sopic to fetch product group, account and TP value. This connection is activating by entering the product code and pressing the button “Get product info”. See below the result.
in the next step (complaint reason) it is possible to add some comments related to the complaint and also add some documentation (drawings, photos, etc.) which can be helpful to better explain the reason of the complaint.
The next step (cutting data) is used to fill in all technical data of the product for which the complaint is sent. If no cutting data is available, just click on the field “no cutting data available”.
Steps “Local evaluation” and “Final reply and actions” are normally used by other departments. Untill now we have seen how the first info of a complaint is done.
According to what we have set up in the “Workflow definition” , the complaint is now ready to be handled by the other department.
In fact, it is what we have set up in the “Workflow definition” which “decides” who is the next department to take care of the complaint. In our case, the department is the warehouse.
In fact, the warehouse is the dept. shown in the field “Send to” which appear in each of the steps we have seen untill now. Every time you fill in a complaint information and, according to the workflow you have set up, the pressing of the button indicated with the red arrow below changes the status of the complaint. Everyone can see at what stage the complaint is.
At this stage, the complaint is pending at warehouse. (viewable also in the view “status” which is one of the possible search/selections to see the complaints you can choose on the left side of the screen).
Once the material arrives at the warehouse, they have to fill in the information requested (in our case, they fill in the number of packing note of the customer and internal complaint number) and they send to the technical office (according to the workflow we have set up). It is also possible that, at each step, the department is automatically informed that they have received a complaint. An automatic mail is originated once the complaint is subject of a “sent to” .
According to the different set up that each market can give to the system, different “actors” are involved in the cycle of complaint handling, so the “path” where the document moves, can be more or less long. It is important to say that no matter how long is the routine set for each country, the system has all fields and info to satisfie both internal needs and info required by gatekeeper.
The final step of a complaint can be different.
- the material could be sent to the gatekeeper or the external supplier
- the complaint could be judged directly by the subsidiary as not accepted, so the material could be returned to the customer or be the subject of a “political” solution with the customer
- etc.
Also in this case, the workflow decided in Local Administration forsees different actions. In the example below, we decide the complaint to be sent to the gatekeeper.
Once sent to the gatekeeper, we have to wait for their final evaluation. The complaints change status, i.e. is now in the view called “GLOBAL” (see below);
According to the routine, we have to wait for the indication of the gatekeeper about where to send the material to. Once we get the information from the gatekeeper, we have to fill in the fields for transportation costs. After filling it these info, you have to save your changes. The complaint will remain in status “Global” untill the final answer from the supplier is created. See below the step of transportation costs (which is accessible once you get the mail from the gatekeeper with a link to the complaint).
At this stage, we have to wait untill the final decision is taken. Of course it is up to us what to do with the customer. (if we have to wait for the final decision or we can already take some actions towards the customer. This decision is up to the local organization. In Italy we always try to take actions with the customer –credit or replacing or even not accepting – before the answer from the supplier, thanks to the evaluation step made by our technical dept. ).
In the example above we have internally accepted the complaint, by crediting to the customer, and have sent the material to the gatekeeper for their evaluation (and, in case they accepted, their credit ). This fact can be noticed by looking at the “Local evaluation “ step of the complaint.
Once the complaint is also defined by the gatekeeper, an automatic mail will be sent to the local coordinator, which will recall the complaint no. The status of the complaint will finally change into “Global final reply sent”. See how it will appear in the view status below. Of course, at the arrival of the answer from the supplier an automatic mail is sent to the complaint coordinator with a link to the complaint for which the final answer has been sent.
And see also the final answer from the gatekeeper (by selecting the complaint and look at the “Final reply and Actions step”.
At this stage is up to the local coordinator to “close” the complaint .
He/she has to enter into the complaint, fill in last information (accepted, denied, if no action has been taken previously) and “send” the complaint to the status “local final reply/finish complaint”
The complaint will end in status “Finished” after that.